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Here Is What Will Happen Once Coptering Is Removed:


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I don't know how hopping can every be faster than flying/sailing in a straight line the laws of relativity says NO!

Oh, I don't know. Hopping from enemy to enemy works for Batman.


Well, except in Arkham Knight but that isn't BATMAN's fault.


And frankly? How much of Warframe actually pays ANY attention to the laws of physics?

Edited by Kalenath
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It's like this war is two sides. Rushers vs land clubbers who are content to run in straight likes on flat surfaces.

What about those of us who like to be creative with Parkour and see coptering and directional air melee as tools for badassery and not just to be the first to extraction.

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Another example of why keeping coptering in the game was one of the stupidest things DE have ever done (and I actually don't think they've done many stupid things, they're mostly brilliant).  Everyone's so used to it, there are going to be tears before bedtime when it's removed.


They should have nixed it as soon as it was discovered.

Edited by Omnimorph
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11. None of these things will happen because we'll be getting superior mobility tools to replace coptering


12. PvP will actually become reasonably competitive because not everyone is constantly flying around at a million miles an hour and reaching your spawnpoint in literally 3 seconds


13. Coptering will stop de-valuing mobility skills like Tail Wind


All I see is reflexive rage. You think "ERMAGERD NO COPTURING ENYMURR" and reflexively post a rage topic, without considering all the beneficial changes and superior mobility tools that Parkour 2.0 will bring to replace coptering. Please try to think before you post. It's a novel concept, I know.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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11. None of these things will happen because we'll be getting superior mobility tools to replace coptering

12. PvP will actually become reasonably competitive because not everyone is constantly flying around at a million miles an hour and reaching your spawnpoint in literally 3 seconds

All I see is reflexive rage. You think "ERMAGERD NO COPTURING ENYMURR" and reflexively post a rage topic, without considering all the beneficial changes and superior mobility tools that Parkour 2.0 will bring to replace coptering. Please try to think before you post. It's a novel concept, I know.

Sorry but removing what other players are capable of doing Isnt going to make you better

It's going to dull the gameplay

Which might make life in wf less interesting

Maybe not for a majority of the player base who seemingly lack the skill or creative desire to master Parkour as it is or use it beyond rushing

But for the few who can and do it's a buzz killer

Edited by PookieNumnums
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You know I'd really think about stop playing this game if the removal of coptering arguably completely ruins it for you because it takes x more time to move through certain rooms. Granted it comes down to personal preferences but people nowadays act like the game is completely unplayable without them being able to fling through a room in like 2 seconds. Now onto the individual points:


1. The star chart won't become even more empty because it gets a complete overhaul, don't you remember?


2. This would actually encourage players to stick together for once...


3. I don't see the issue with big maps, sure it would be nice if DE would go ahead and increase sprint speed but let's actually wait for the update first before making assumptions on how slow movement is going to be.


4. It's not like we'd have to use the current Parkour 1.0 to traverse the maps, the wall scaling makes getting from A to B far less painful compared to now. Sure, flinging from one end of a map to the other won't be possible but where's the fun in that? People dislike the current Parkour because the animations are slow, that's why coptering is so popular. Speeding up the old system and making it more fluid will make traversal much more pleasant.


5. "Ultra fast running speed"? We've got guns and abilities to one shot them...


6. This doesn't make any sense.


7. They're introducing air dodges, also wall clinging is a thing which opens up whole new ways to attack said targets from different angles. I really don't see how this could even remotely be considered worse with the new system.


8. We've got double jumps. 


9. "Less bearable" - sure Frost is slow and I hope they increase overall sprint speed but if you already dislike playing with Frost you should consider switching Frames.


10. Agreed, currently melee weapons are wildly underpowered compared to firearms and guns, that's a problem DE should look at IMO although I don't see why you would prefer swinging your oversized paddle to fly through the air opposed to scaling them by yourself. 


I don't want to sound harsh or anything but I just can't wrap my head around the fact that people just seem to complain instead of providing actual feedback to maybe improve the new system even more.

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I don't want to sound harsh or anything but I just can't wrap my head around the fact that people just seem to complain instead of providing actual feedback to maybe improve the new system even more.


Because it is easier? Ranting is far easier than waiting to see if there is something to rant ABOUT after all...


Since so many people KNOW the future in absolutely perfect clarity, could I get some winning lottery numbers?

Edited by Kalenath
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It's like this war is two sides. Rushers vs land clubbers who are content to run in straight likes on flat surfaces.

What about those of us who like to be creative with Parkour and see coptering and directional air melee as tools for badassery and not just to be the first to extraction.

There's a very annoying false dichotomy that people that use coptering do not like to explore the maps, and only rush like maniacs and hate the game.


I have over 2k hours on warframe. I wouldn't have played that much if I hated the game, I'm not sadistic.


The thing here is that there is no reason to explore the maps 95% of the time. And even when there is, coptering doesn't detract from that ability at all.


One example of a 'mission type'(not sure it that term applies) where exploration is rewarded is syndicate missions, with the medallions. Even with a loot radar you have to pay attention to the map to find all 8 medallions in one mission. Do I rush past these missions with coptering and not 'enjoy' anything? No. I explore everything, but I do it using coptering, because it's fun to go fast and the regular speed of frames is just too low.


On most maps all you're going to find through cautious exploration is bundles of 50 credits, shotgun ammo(when you're using a rifle) and some nav coordinates. Exploration is not rewarded, and even if it was, exploring the map faster through coptering does not detract from the experience at all.


I was excited for parkour 2.0 because I imagined that improved wall maneuvers would allow for coptering to become more fluid, jumping from wall to wall while coptering to go blazing fast between one point of interest to the other. I don't understand why coptering and parkour are mutually exclusive, people have been using parkour 1.0 and coptering since the beginning of the game.


It miffs me a bit that people are taking the removal of coptering as a personal victory somehow. The game already has measures to prevent one person from rushing ahead in non-endless missions, friendship doors. On endless missions you can stay far away from the group with or without coptering, all you need is to be a bit of a rear end and forget about your team. Hell, considering how these endless missions go, eventually the lone wolf will bite the dust, and then you can have the last laugh, if you want it.


I hope people understand that the thing to blame for your personal annoyance towards rushers going ahead and killing everything is not coptering, but the player itself. Removing one tool that allows them to do that isn't going to solve anything, if people intend to do that, they'll figure some other way. But the difference is that coptering has become a very fun and useful tool to move around the map for many people, and having it removed for no real reason is really sad, for me and for many others.

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This thread is a better source of salt than the Atlantic.

Okay, on one side, we haven't tested it ourselves yet, so we can only guess what is to come. People are butthurt now about other people using coptering, others that they will no longer be able to use it.

On the other hand, they showed us their plans for it, and it is quite slow. If we can't form our own opinions on something after seeing it, why bother teasing it? They previewed it, this is negative feedback. No need to attack others for it. If it lessens mobility too much, it is a legitimate issue and the OP adequately points out the consequences.

Can we stop being so harsh maybe?

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Self fulfilling prophecies...

None of those issues were prevalent before coptering became so popular.


But I can see them happening to people who refuse to amend their playstyles.


So long as whatever they replace coptering with affords me decent movement speeds and exploration ability on the frames I use (typically the heavy and slow frames) I am fine with it.


Part of me hopes some form of directional melee persists... But that's because I like it as opposed to need it.

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Self fulfilling prophecies...

None of those issues were prevalent before coptering became so popular.


But I can see them happening to people who refuse to amend their playstyles.


So long as whatever they replace coptering with affords me decent movement speeds and exploration ability on the frames I use (typically the heavy and slow frames) I am fine with it.


Part of me hopes some form of directional melee persists... But that's because I like it as opposed to need it.

I don't think anyone would have a problem with parkour 2.0 and the removal of coptering if parkour 2.0 allowed for similar speeds. But it doesn't, from what we've seen and what we've been told.

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I just played with one of these anti everything player on pluto survival on his terms. his anti press 4, his anti coptering, his anti decently powered weapon... just the way he claimed the game or DE wants players to play  and he's mr 19 so he should know how to play right...


 he made himself looked like the jackass of the year. scrub couldn't last 10 mins. me I was loki popping invis and trailing him to make sure he wasn't using any spin melee moves nor pressing 4 to save his dumb a**. level 33-38  corpus  sure made  a strainer of him I don't think he'll want to play warframe after that embarrassment.


 and guess what frame he was using>> mag p the corpus killer. I never had such a good laugh since the passing of Bernie Mac. dumbfck

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Coptering is fun and useful.



Remove it from the game would be a great mystake.



If you don't want to use it, then don't use it damn it.



But FFS, let the other players enjoy the game like they want.



DE, once again, do not remove coptering from the game.

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Part of me hopes some form of directional melee persists... But that's because I like it as opposed to need it.

Directional melee, as I understand, is fully intended to go hand-in-hand with Parkour 2.0. And, from what we've seen of parkour 2.0, it'll compliment it well(better than coptering, imo).

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