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Opticor Review



Hello everybody , recently i have noticed in the game not manydo use Opticor and they find it boring and not powerful weapon which pushed me to test it and make a video about it , i find it rather very effective if you played with it as a sniper its damage without any damage mods can be up to 1000 per 1 fully charge watch the below to find more about the weapon it may interest you and if it did not always pass it to who it may interest  :) 



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I've never heard anyone say that the opticor is not powerful enough O.o


Yeah, I'm confused. Plenty of people have said that Opticor is slow and clumsy due to its charge time and small magazine, but its damage is extremely high.  More "awesome but impractical" than "underpowered".

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The Opticor is definitely powerful, the issue is that it's a precision weapon in a game where precision is rarely necessary/rewarded due to most enemies having low TTK but attacking in mobs. That and there are better precision weapons out there (namely bows) that can do it's job much better.


On the other hand the Opticor looks and feels badass, so I'd personally take it over a bow any day. ;)

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Honestly, really seems like the popularity of weapons comes and goes. Rarely see anyone using the Amprex either anymore.


As far as I can see, Amprex is probably the third most overused primary in the game right now, behind only Quanta Vandal and Boltor Prime.


The Opticor is definitely powerful, the issue is that it's a precision weapon in a game where precision is rarely necessary/rewarded due to most enemies having low TTK but attacking in mobs. That and there are better precision weapons out there (namely bows) that can do it's job much better.


On the other hand the Opticor looks and feels badass, so I'd personally take it over a bow any day. ;)


The issue is that, in a world where eveybody and their dogs carry Roflcoptor weapons like Quanta Vandal, Boltor Prime, and Amprex, by the time your Opticor gets off a shot all that's left for you to hit is empty air. You have to be in very specific situations for it to be good.

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The issue is that, in a world where eveybody and their dogs carry Roflcoptor weapons like Quanta Vandal, Boltor Prime, and Amprex, by the time your Opticor gets off a shot all that's left for you to hit is empty air. You have to be in very specific situations for it to be good.


I don't use Quanta Vandal (looks terrible) or Amprex (auto-aiming turbo cheese), and Boltor Prime only occasionally.  So.


Never really have issues doing good work with opticor as long as nobody on the team is P4TW'ing.  Put Vile Acceleration and Shred on there and get in the habit of using quick half-charged shots until enemies are high enough level to need more. Don't bother shooting the small fry near other players, look for the long range shots on heavies and eximus.

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For me, the Opticor is not a popular weapon because of how the game is played. This is a fast paced enemy mass murdering game where you can kill 20 enemies on 3 or less seconds. I'm looking at the Soma, boltor, saryn, and mesa. Yeah the Opticor is fun but, I see no REAL use of it other than having fun. Because if I can kill one million enemies in a single Soma magazine, I would rather take that into a serious high level game rather than an Opticor.

Other than that, the Opticor looks absolutely bada** and I love using it if my intention is to have fun, not play seriously.

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