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Valkry Brings Nothing To A Team


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Ok ripline ill look past most first abilities are personal anyway


warcry is an expensive way to obtain a melee speed boost shouldnt it do something that doesnt get players other than

valkry killed? when was the last time you saw mag pull out a skana?


paralysis .... ok this hardly helps valk just kinda the oh S#&$ buttton isnt it?


hysteria whoooo rez stick... wait im on a good team that knows what they are doing and thus arent going down pugs in a raid. why would i need a rez stick?


Valk doesnt excel at game modes designed for solo like spy or rescue her kit is focused around infinite wave style missions while not being of significant assistance to the allies that one would typically bring to that game mode. Having her on the team is like asking your child to help you build a deck and he takes one of your hammers to go smash ants to "keep them away from daddy". sure kiddo your helpful alright now hand me that wrench... kiddo? ah F*** how is he even down?

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Ok ripline ill look past most first abilities are personal anyway


warcry is an expensive way to obtain a melee speed boost shouldnt it do something that doesnt get players other than

valkry killed? when was the last time you saw mag pull out a skana?


paralysis .... ok this hardly helps valk just kinda the oh S#&$ buttton isnt it?


hysteria whoooo rez stick... wait im on a good team that knows what they are doing and thus arent going down pugs in a raid. why would i need a rez stick?


Valk doesnt excel at game modes designed for solo like spy or rescue her kit is focused around infinite wave style missions while not being of significant assistance to the allies that one would typically bring to that game mode. Having her on the team is like asking your child to help you build a deck and he takes one of your hammers to go smash ants to "keep them away from daddy". sure kiddo your helpful alright now hand me that wrench... kiddo? ah F*** how is he even down?


have you even try bring eternal war valkyr with melee team?

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Warcry helps valkyr and some high armored frames, also melee speed boost helps melee oriented players, slow is also useful for some tougher mobs/bosses


Paralysis is a "breath of fresh air" type of skill, pair it with hysteria and spam paralysis if want. Also the augment is p okay. And channel melee + finisher = full health


Hysteria for the other panic button, since even the best teams can make mistakes




Yeah lets rework Excalibur too since he brings nothing to a team.


Edited by p3z1
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Okay i see your point of that she isn't that good with some missions but to be fair i use valk to go on spy missions with my Kubrow and she does pretty damn well, one ripline works well with some of the distance parts in them, she doesn't get disturbed by the lasers if you team mess up or dying while hacking on a budget. She does it well but isn't liked for that she has no farming abilities which is what people want frames to be right now :/ this is what i think not a fact

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Correct me if I'm wrong but Warcry brings a pretty sizable armor boost to the team and great attack speed increase for anything melee. While it is not a great thing for t4 infinite content precisely it does help out a ton in every other slice of content barring Archwing(obviously) and Raids. To top it off she has an AOE stun that does not use her energy pool(as an oh crap button I think this is good enough already at times) add to that her stun opens enemies for finishers(Heavy killer) and you can already see her great ability to aid the team. Now above and beyond all that, when crap hits the fan and people are dying or downed with little hope to recoup your losses, Valk can beeline for the exit and make sure everyone gets what they are owed for the mission. 


In conclusion pretty much one bad a$$ Merc you should be happy to have on the team and in my view the consummate Tenno as she guarantees the job gets done and she gets out. Pay attention to what she can do and recognize those strengths.

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I wonder what one could do with a combination of Prolonged Paralysis and Eternal War..

Well, whatever the case, definitely Valkyr does bring things to the squad. I don't think every Frame has to have great utility abilities for the squad, though it would be nice if more Frames were more viable for longer.

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Wow you hate her that much?


So much that you never bothered getting to know her more.


I remembered playing with Excals in a T4 survival using an EternalWar duration build.


They bloody loved the frikkin hek out of it.


30 secs of pure fun and crazy melee speed. Which I kept up for a solid 30 mins.


When things got a little out of control, by that i mean they started dropping like flies as soon as they got back up.


I picked them up one by one and we headed to extraction as a team. 


Even Prolonged Paralysis helps as a CC, I mean 15 seconds of stun and spammable? yes please! 


Basically Valkyr is an Insurance policy in any long survivals or Nightmare modes. If Valkyr is on your team then you know that at least 1 member will reach extraction even when everything is one shoting you.

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Wait wait wait, Warcray is a damn good ability! I mean it's more useful on her than her teammates, but still...


Also, not every frame HAS to be the total teamplayer with 3 abilities that affect all allies. There are other ways to bring synergy to a team that JUST a team oriented kit. Just saying.


Valkyr provides some measure of insurance against a broken enemy scaling. If that isn't at least a good thing for the team, I don't know what is.

Edited by Marthrym
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Valk doesnt excel at game modes designed for solo like spy or rescue her kit is focused around infinite wave style missions while not being of significant assistance to the allies that one would typically bring to that game mode. 

 Valkyr is a SOLO frame. Nothing can put her down so no one needs to revive her buttt from the floor because she aint going down anyway.

Her entire kit is centered around her so that she  is the last frame standing.


This really tells me you need to pay more attention to her.


How is she not fit for spy? or rescue? you do know that you just need to turn off the alarm before entering the "business" part of the mission and nobody will even notice that you were there.


You're losing your credibility fast here OP.


"Having her on the team is like asking your child to help you build a deck and he takes one of your hammers to go smash ants to "keep them away from daddy". sure kiddo your helpful alright now hand me that wrench... kiddo? ah F*** how is he even down?'


A Pro Valkyr player never goes down. Even if it will cost him/her all of the restores in the universe.


And she'll build that deck better than you ever can.

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One of the biggest problems is that many frames/players don't bother with melee, and the armor boost is only useful for a few frames.  If it gave 200 flat base armor instead of a percentage increase it might be useful.


Valkyr is supposed to be an offensive killer frame.  But since AoE frames exist and her DPS is short-range and practically single target, that role is utterly moot.


If there were more enemies that required close-range combat to kill and were a significant threat (ala nullifiers, ancient healers) she might be more valuable.  But there aren't.  And nullifiers cancel her ult anyways.



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Put range, strenght and a low duration and watch the enemies on slow motion, but you will never find this Valkyr build on pugs, all you find is full duration and they will never cast it next to team mates...

I get this kind yesterday on a survival, he should aim to Ancients since god mod let her walk trough mobs but it was just killing trash mobs, and I ended killing more with Fragor and Grinlok...

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Someone hasn't tried Eternal War.


Instant blender, just add Valkyr. Have you ever seen a Jat Kittag or a Scindo Prime/Galatine move at the speed of full-Berserker Tipedo? No?


Some bits of her kit may need a second pass, but her role in a team is hardly "nothing".

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Someone hasn't tried Eternal War.


Instant blender, just add Valkyr. Have you ever seen a Jat Kittag or a Scindo Prime/Galatine move at the speed of full-Berserker Tipedo? No?


Some bits of her kit may need a second pass, but her role in a team is hardly "nothing".


Agreed love playing valkyr, only thing I can complain about is ripline feeling a little lack luster, and prolonged paralysis is an awesome augment!

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I just eternal warcry it, i often in raids do 40% of the damage or more


as for warcry itself, may not be super helpful to units that cannot take advantage of the buff as much. But i can say, with eternal me and a chroma went to Lv160+                               no loki, nove, trin or nyx needed                              








yes they where infested 

Edited by (PS4)avatar-heart
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Prolonged Paralysis can be a decent Team-CC ability

Max Power Strength stunning enemies for around 22-secs, just a shame DE changed it to Ground Finishers.....would have been great to keep enemies Finisher ready for 22secs, for 8 ish power cost.

WarCry with a Prism-Blind is a superb melee combo. Large Melee attack speed boost plus 400% melee damage Multiplier.... The enemy slow is just icing on the cake.

Paralysis and Blind grant 400% melee attack boost which is larger than the flat 200% damage Multiplier from M-Prime.....just melee limited and need proper positioning to avoid single target finishers.

(Hopefully Finishers will become an optional melee attack*)

If there ever was a Warframe that you wanted to go inside a Nullifier/Artic stacked bubble (Two Nullifier with two or more Artic Eximus)...

Valkyr fits the bill.....when no abilities are active...she can take the most Punishment.

She is not the most useful with Guns-only, but that is fine.....Melee theoretically scales farther than Guns

-Finishers do not get weaker over time, just may not 1shot at extreme enemy health levels.

-Unrealistically, the combo Multiplier can scale melee combo damage, but you'd most likely die before it reaching anything above a 5x Multiplier. Compared to Guns which just get less effective the longer they are used against scaling enemies.

Not a fan of Hysteria, but it has some usefulness.

If Prolonged Paralysis was changed to allow 400% Stealth/Unalerted melee modifier (still retain Ground Finishers, or changed back to normal finishers - if finishers become optional) it would bring a huge boost to her melee viablity. Especially with large reach melee weapons (once the fix the bugged melee hotboxes).

-This would allow her to greatly boost team melee damage as Eternal War+ Prolonged Paralysis would be a 400% melee damage boost + an almost permanent melee attack speed boost.

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Agreed love playing valkyr, only thing I can complain about is ripline feeling a little lack luster, and prolonged paralysis is an awesome augment!

I wish there was an augment for ripline that would launch 4/5 into a crowd of enemies. Of course lower the damage with them, like each does 1/4 or 1/5 of a normal damage, but that gives it a little leeway. Because with the casting time hitting a moving target is damn near impossible anyways.

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Pre-nerf Excal and neo-Excal are both useful though. Valkyr just isn't.

I think this is a good definition of "personal opinion."



Ok ripline ill look past most first abilities are personal anyway


warcry is an expensive way to obtain a melee speed boost shouldnt it do something that doesnt get players other than

valkry killed? when was the last time you saw mag pull out a skana?


paralysis .... ok this hardly helps valk just kinda the oh S#&$ buttton isnt it?


hysteria whoooo rez stick... wait im on a good team that knows what they are doing and thus arent going down pugs in a raid. why would i need a rez stick?


Valk doesnt excel at game modes designed for solo like spy or rescue her kit is focused around infinite wave style missions while not being of significant assistance to the allies that one would typically bring to that game mode. Having her on the team is like asking your child to help you build a deck and he takes one of your hammers to go smash ants to "keep them away from daddy". sure kiddo your helpful alright now hand me that wrench... kiddo? ah F*** how is he even down?


True, Valkyr isn't the best at all mission types.  Mag isn't the best against Grineer, Excal isn't the best against Corpus, Volt isn't the best against Infested - see where I'm going with this?

Edited by Noamuth
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