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My Son Thinks That The Tenno Are Bad Guys....


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The Tenno work to "Preserve The Balance".


Why would we do something like killing thousands of people just because someone (The Lotus) tells us to? There are even huge gaps in the lore and pretty much no explanation to how and why me put an end to the Orokin Empire.


I would create a new faction guided by the Stalker. The main focus of this faction would be to disturb or slow down Tenno operations.

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Nah, the crewman runs because he was afraid about getting slaughtered. But remember he shot first.

Tenno are not saints, nor "good" but we are not targeting "homes" we are after warships, and corpus trade ships, which are all full of military units. We kill no civilians, at all.
This is war, war has no good and bad, just different perspectives, but in this case we do care for the people and for the humans, at least me, I try not to fight vs corpus due to this, the other factions are not really human so it really does not count. Common clones have a short lifespan and are programmed to be like dogs, not human enough. (steel meridian still has to be clarified)

There are "good" and "bad" Tenno, indeed, but if you read all of the non released grineer lore, etc, and now the simaris entries, you should be able to explain, that if we do not kill all of these soldiers, they will exterminate innocent people's homes (their homes actually), not everyone can be saved...

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Give the Tenno the opportunity to hit the Grineer or Corpus in their civillian areas and offer valuable trinkets and goodies = we will make the Grineer, Corpus, and Infested look like saints. DE can try and say that Lotus and Tenno are "good guys" but that is just one point of view.


Also the Relay event doesn't mean that Grineer were in the wrong. What would you do if the enemy not only slaughtered your faction so many times and then built bases outside your planets within sight as if saying "Come at me, bro!"? If the relays were hidden better (and had actual defenses), they would still be standing.


As for your son pointing it out, he is a bright lad and it is good to hear an outsider perspective on Warframe. I am now inclined to wonder what he would think of the syndicates and of Lotus?

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Give the Tenno the opportunity to hit the Grineer or Corpus in their civillian areas and offer valuable trinkets and goodies = we will make the Grineer, Corpus, and Infested look like saints. DE can try and say that Lotus and Tenno are "good guys" but that is just one point of view.

Speak for yourself. Also you are going out of lore, because by your logic it would mean Tenno are robots, which they are not, they can choose, read lore on rebellious tenno. On the other hand if you were given the choice maybe a lot of Tenno would acompany you to do it, but neither the devs nor the lotus will ever allow this because their vision of the tenno are exaclty like antihero armies

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We are good guys.  Absolutely.  We just happen to be really good at killing.  So we are good guy killers.  Oh and we like to kill people to get money and treasure so we can get better stuff to make us better killers.  We are good.  Sure we are.

Edited by (PS4)lupowolfen
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Speak for yourself. Also you are going out of lore, because by your logic it would mean Tenno are robots, which they are not, they can choose, read lore on rebellious tenno. On the other hand if you were given the choice maybe a lot of Tenno would acompany you to do it, but neither the devs nor the lotus will ever allow this because their vision of the tenno are exaclty like antihero armies

Lore? We have lore in this game that doesn't change? But seriously, of course the devs wouldn't allow it because then it would make their statement about us being the good guys moot.


Take the relays as an example, even if DE would have cut the grind down enough so we could save all the relays, we would have probably let at least two blow up to see if Hek had more to say. We found out he did and so most of us who got the full marks just let them explode and laughed because DE made the blunder of having the villian be more interesting than the "heroes".


As for the tenno being robots, they are in a sense because WE control them. They could make lore that the Tenno are noble valiant warriors and I can bet you that there are PLENTY of players who would put that notion to shame for the fun of it.


In the end, this is just a game and plenty of players keep that in the back of their minds. With that in mind (like I said before) if you offer the players a big enough payout, a good chunk of them would sell Lotus out just for that sweet sweet loot. DE knows this and they know not to put that option anywhere within range of us. It is the shiny red button that makes folks just want to push it till the spring underneath breaks.

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tenno are not the bad guys, neither the good guys, they are just the lesser of evils that wander the solar system, as in this universe, there's just greys of personal interests

Edited by Toppien
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The Corpus are super greedy merchants profiting off war.


The Grineer are self-appointed facist guardians that rule those living within their domain with an iron fist, and either eliminate or enslave those that live outside of that rule.


The Tenno are mercenaries that supposedly fight against these two sides to maintain balance in the solar system, such that no one part becomes too powerful, but ultimately their "balance" is decided by who is offering the bigger pay check.  


The infested are just d***s.  'Nuff said.


No one's a good guy, and when the Sentient's return/awaken (or the infested come knocking,) the colonies are going to want Tenno, Grineer, and Corpus saving their sorry asses.  

Edited by Littleman88
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Aside from the numerous examples examples of the Grineer and Corpus be class-A jerks to the whole solar system-a protagonist need not be a good person-of course.

Take Kratos for example. Hero, I think, is a Greek term, and has more to do with being special and pivotal, than being good. That can generations later after people spun there own moralizing into the word. Kratos, kills innocents along with the guilty in almost every game. Unarmed civilians, you name it. If I remember right, he even slaughtered his own family. Yet he is an excellent protagonist, and the ultimate antihero (to use heroes modern definition).

Morales and ethics are fine and all, but it can be refreshing to have a story that isn't didactic. In WF, the limited options make the characters seem amoral, but this could be said for most games. Without context it can be hard to find a moral ground for the games narrative. This is made more complicated by the fact that theses factors are usually secondary to the necessity of mechanically building the game first.

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We are Technological Superior Elite Warriors that butcher whole Legions alone.

We keep the Solar system in a permanent War by preventing that any of the Sides establish Order and bring peace to the system.

Our only motivation to do so is for pillaging and looting military bases.


We are the baddest Bad Guys ever and we even have epic Propaganda to make the others seem worse:

Grineer: They are violent and aggressive monsters and must be prevented from curing their Genetic Diseases which cause their behaviour and just stem from tampering to turn them into war machines in the first place and they listen to the Twin Queens (Hey they are actually like the Tenno)


Corpus: They are greedy and corrupt merchants (which is bad in which way? So maybe taxes get raised if they take control but it wont be constant war)


Infested: They just are the infested which other reasons do they need.

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The kid's got some good senses. He'll have to eventually learn about backstory in narratives to get a sense of the context DE wants us to play the game in.


While it's true that on a cursory glance that the Tenno are the aggressor force, common sense dictates we need to get more understanding on the situation, or we make snap judgments, whether we're 5 or 50.


The guys on the offensive aren't "evil" any more than the guys on the defensive are "good" for defending themselves.


How about this: think about Survival, even the name of the mission: You're technically the one of the defensive this time, even if you're inside someone else's "home", because you're the one asked to defend yourself against a larger force of stronger enemies so that your friend can find supplies for your side. And, uh, feed orphans and widows.

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We are Technological Superior Elite Warriors that butcher whole Legions alone.

We keep the Solar system in a permanent War by preventing that any of the Sides establish Order and bring peace to the system.

Our only motivation to do so is for pillaging and looting military bases.

We are the baddest Bad Guys ever and we even have epic Propaganda to make the others seem worse:

Grineer: They are violent and aggressive monsters and must be prevented from curing their Genetic Diseases which cause their behaviour and just stem from tampering to turn them into war machines in the first place and they listen to the Twin Queens (Hey they are actually like the Tenno)

Corpus: They are greedy and corrupt merchants (which is bad in which way? So maybe taxes get raised if they take control but it wont be constant war)

Infested: They just are the infested which other reasons do they need.

With this kind of logic, the Grineer would choose who gets to live in this utopia. Seeing as they prefer only Grineer, you are endorsing genocide.

The Tenno, are not strong enough to decisively end the war. Just enough to keep anyone side from completely conquering the solar system and enacting program like, the holocuast.

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