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Ash Prime Textures, Mesh & Animation Bugs Collection Thread


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How can we call DE's attention to this ??? Seem's to there's no ADMIN on Art and Animation feedback this looks like a void '-' . We need this pinned on this forum section.


Thanks for the support! Currently I'm talking to a Moderator who is trying to help me get this thread to the attention of some other forum mods.

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Im not sure how long any of you have been here, but back when the Ash immortal skin first came out, it had huge uncolourable grey/whtie bits aswell. It took me months of complaining here and on stream to finally get someone from DE to notice, but they fixed it finally, hopefully they fix this one sooner... :(

Edited by Sorez
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Back when the Ash immortal skin first came out, it had huge uncolourable grey/whtie bits aswell. It took me months of complaining here and on stream to finally get someone from DE to notice, but they fixed it finally, hopefully they fix this one sooner... :(

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Hoping they fix those uncolourable bits on him soon, his immortal skin had the same issue when it came out, took me months of complaining for it to get noticed by DE, finally got fixed and was colourable. Now this has the exact same issue, hope it dosnt take 4 months like the immortal skin :(

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Im not sure how long any of you have been here, but back when the Ash immortal skin first came out, it had huge uncolourable grey/whtie bits aswell. It took me months of complaining here and on stream to finally get someone from DE to notice, but they fixed it finally, hopefully they fix this one sooner... :(

Agreed, it's absurd we have to push SO hard for them to fix things or work on things that needed to be done a week after it's release, or...like a normal game, BEFORE via some sort of TESTING to SEE if these things are HAPPENING. Ugh.

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Hoping they fix those uncolourable bits on him soon, his immortal skin had the same issue when it came out, took me months of complaining for it to get noticed by DE, finally got fixed and was colourable. Now this has the exact same issue, hope it dosnt take 4 months like the immortal skin :(


Yeah I hope so too man. That's some real dedication you got there though, thanks for helping the community like that!

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I am really disappointed with this clipping issues. I mean seriously Ash Prime is filled with glitches. Ash was my first frame after excalibur. Ever since then I have been waiting for his prime variant. When DE finally released Ash Prime, I was so happy. But after building him I was so sad to see that he was filled with weird glitches, bugs, clipping & texture issues. I know this is a F2P game & I understand that there will always be bugs & glitches but please before releasing something that people are so anticipated to see & use, atleast polish it. At the moment Ash Prime is sitting in my inventory doing nothing. Hopefully the devs will notice this thread. Sorry if this sounds like rant. I am just frustrated.

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I noticed that there is an inconsistency in Ash Prime between his wristblade in the codex vs in actual gameplay.


In the Codex the wristblade is under the wrist, AC style:




While in-game it's above the wrist, like regular ash:






when i saw the codex i really liked the wristblade under the wrist, and it looks really bad above the wrist on Ash.P, hoping its a bug and it can be changed.


Also,unrelated to the wristblade, can you fix the side bangs on the helmet so they not go into his body?




Thank you very much. have a good day.

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I played with him like 3-4 games to rnk up to 30 and in half of those games Ash P was bugged, once something happened that he cant use melee after bladstorm for like 5 minutes neither regular attacks worked nor fast melee, also often after bladestorm he can run around but can't perform any other actions and only after 5-6 seconds he return to normal state.  And what about texture issues blurriness and artifacts? Man LooK at the Liset's Roof on the screens from OP - They all covered in blurry textures with compression artifacts)


Ah and another one issue with Ash P i watched for other players who played as him and saw that often Ash P model occasionaly switches to regular Ash's model mostly during or after Bladestorm.

Edited by Grom-84
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Really confused about this too, the prime access picture and in game show the wrist blades are on top. But the codex shows it under. Seeing how his hands are bent out in the codex though makes me think the blades are meant to be under his wrist for the prime. On a side note I as hoping the blades would have get new design, seeing how other Primes get a special visual effect on one of their abilities. The little swirls from teleport and smokescreen seem too underwhelming when compared to Volt prime's lightning bolt or Rhino prime's gold iron skin

Edited by Dragazer
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Not to mention the HUGE (Not minor like most frames with this problem) chunks of darkish grey that CAN NOT be colored by any means, at all. Like prime colors before they allowed them to be changed. DE, come on. Wtf

Hoping they fix those uncolourable bits on him soon, his immortal skin had the same issue when it came out, took me months of complaining for it to get noticed by DE, finally got fixed and was colourable. Now this has the exact same issue, hope it dosnt take 4 months like the immortal skin :(

Me too.

DE is fantastic at listening to fans and dealing with issues quickly and competently. /sarcasm.

Edited by (PS4)TrueAlastar
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