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Bring Back G-Mag And Or Buff Mag


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Okay, so let me clarify you...



There are a lot of skills that scale endlessly.


Name them, please. Aside from Shield Polarize of Mag, Energy Vampire of Trinity (Which can't be really used to deal serious damage to not-level100-eximi enemies) and possibly cold- or eventually electric- built Chroma (but that doesen't really deliver any sensible damage), I know of none. Or at least I can't remember now.



It's really not. It's fairly low tier. I would say the two most balanced frames at the moment are Trinity and Loki. Mesa needs nerfed/reworked, and most everyone else needs buffed.


I can agree on Loki, he depends on his powers much to survive. He can be the hardest or the easiest warframe to play, depending on the build. As of Trinity, she's just versatile. As of Mesa, it IS a versatile frame as well, the self-shield can make her almost invulnerable to enemy fire, but most players treat it as a stationary turret. Draining energy based on shots fired instead of duration would help imo, but that's another story. But everyone else needing a buff? Damage is not everything, you know. Some frames serve a different purpose and have different synergies with various weapons or other warframes. Selfish press-four-to-win is not the only way to play this game.


You talk up mag as a one-button-wonder, then bash Saryn for it in the same post, really? Saryn's skill may not scale as far, but at least it isn't useless whenever there are no shields around.  Her Molt skill is also more useful than Mag's other 3 skills.


First of all, I just told that Mag is NOT a one-trick-pony, when you suddenly start with these. This made me wonder if you even read what I wrote, or you just want to bash mag and praise Saryn. Saryn's skills don't scale at all with enemy levels and she becomes pretty useless in the long "endless" missions runs. Saying that mag is useless when there's no shielded enemies around is as saying that Trinity is useless when the team doesen't get hurt to health. And Molt... please. How much it can stand? It's shorter than even Loki's decoy, and can be place only when Saryn is - you can't bait the enemies as well as Loki with Decoy, and with Saryn's poor mobility - you need to have time, occasion and a way to get to the right spot. I saw many Saryns dying because of trying to get to the right position for Molt. Even if it's stronger than Loki's decoy, with its total of 900 combined base HP and Shields it won't stand a second against the serious enemies. The only valuable use of it later in the game is to regain your health, if you have the augument for it. Saryn can do almost no hard CCs, she relies on the vulnerable Molt and Miasma's brief moment of stun. She is, damage-wise, more powerful early game, yes. But she's close to useless when the game gets real.



But hey, after all it's not a Saryn vs Mag thread. If you won't understand what I wrote here now, then I think we should go our separate ways before the flame war starts. You hate mag, you want pure damage, it's your style, fine. I just want to remind you and all of us that this is a thread about Mag/GMag buff/rework.

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OName them, please. Aside from Shield Polarize of Mag, Energy Vampire of Trinity (Which can't be really used to deal serious damage to not-level100-eximi enemies) and possibly cold- or eventually electric- built Chroma (but that doesen't really deliver any sensible damage), I know of none. Or at least I can't remember now.

Nyx's Chaos (and in theory, Mind Control), Nova's MP, and Loki's... anything. Banshee's new augment allows her to strip 100% of enemy armor, Sonar is still one of the largest scaling damage boosts in the game, and Soundquake's CC aspect never falls off. Limbo's ability to make people selectively invulnerable or completely incapable of doing damage with 3/4 of his skills, along with Vauban's ever scaling CC abilities.

You are thinking about scalability from a DPS perspective, which is inherently flawed because nothing actually has infinite damage. CC is the ultimate way to scale with enemies, because eventually your damage will either fall off, or will not be enough to prevent somebody in your squad from getting one-shot.

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Against Corpus and in the Void, Mag is the single most devastating frame in game. The only buff she needs is to Bullet Attractor to make it more appealing to use. Other than that, she's fine the way she is now.

Edited by Ceryk
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Nyx's Chaos (and in theory, Mind Control), Nova's MP, and Loki's... anything. Banshee's new augment allows her to strip 100% of enemy armor, Sonar is still one of the largest scaling damage boosts in the game, and Soundquake's CC aspect never falls off. Limbo's ability to make people selectively invulnerable or completely incapable of doing damage with 3/4 of his skills, along with Vauban's ever scaling CC abilities.

You are thinking about scalability from a DPS perspective, which is inherently flawed because nothing actually has infinite damage. CC is the ultimate way to scale with enemies, because eventually your damage will either fall off, or will not be enough to prevent somebody in your squad from getting one-shot.


I agree with you completly, but we were talking about damage scaling. CC is another way. Later in the game CC/Armor Stripping is mandatory. And also, in theory, and only in theory, Shield Polarize can have infinite damage, as it depends on enemy's shield, which grows with level as well. Of course, at some point the armor will absorb it all, but should you strip the entire armor...

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"Name them"

Chaos, Link, Mind Control, Blessing, Absorb, etc.


But she is a one trick pony. 


"Saying that mag is useless when there's no shielded enemies around is as saying that Trinity is useless when the team doesen't get hurt to health."


This analogy fails. There can be enemies without shields. If enemies aren't aren't around to hurt you, Trinity can still heal you.  If you haven't taken damage then she can save the heal for when you do need it.


Molt can heal Sayrn, get enemies to stop targeting her long enough for her to get out of a bad situation, and remove staus ailments from her, as I recall.  And yes, she is most powerful under 40 minutes or waves, which is where most people are extracting anyway.

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Sure she is...


Mag has been extremely useful since way before G-mag (which was cancer but opinions on that aside).

GP was and still is, probably one of the most redundant and boring augments DE has released yet and it sure as hek didn't make mag any more useful the she already is.


Granted I'm not sayting she doesn't need some tweaking and a look over, but "useless" is so very, very far from what she is.

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Nyx's Chaos (and in theory, Mind Control), Nova's MP, and Loki's... anything. Banshee's new augment allows her to strip 100% of enemy armor, Sonar is still one of the largest scaling damage boosts in the game, and Soundquake's CC aspect never falls off. Limbo's ability to make people selectively invulnerable or completely incapable of doing damage with 3/4 of his skills, along with Vauban's ever scaling CC abilities.

You are thinking about scalability from a DPS perspective, which is inherently flawed because nothing actually has infinite damage. CC is the ultimate way to scale with enemies, because eventually your damage will either fall off, or will not be enough to prevent somebody in your squad from getting one-shot.

That's not what scaling is. Mag's damage is based on a percentage which will increase as enemies shields increase and never run out as long as shields scale with level. Nova's M-Prime is always 50% increase of damage, but the damage being increased is a static number that never changes. It will always increase 50% and therefore does not scale with anything because the damage affecting it does not scale (except shield polarize of course). Same thing with banshee. It's sonar may increase damage by a large percentage, but that does not mean it scales. For instance, your weapon does 500 damage, increased by 50% will be 750 total always and doesn't increase as the game progresses.

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Greedy change was good, one group of macro boys down.


Mag, along with other older frames (Ash and Saryn for example) does need a rework, just like how Excal got his (not like Frost's). I wouldn't mind giving away bullet attractor to get something else instead that helped her get some synergy (which she has very little of), and maybe even get rid of Crush or completely rework it so it's not a static attack that you use because no shielded units are around (and still uses a damage type that is only good against shielded units) or to hold enemies for a couple of seconds (as good as it can sound, it's poor CC with poor Damage capabilities) and make it either focus in actually dealing damage (minor CC as it is would still be fine if the damage was there) or give it an actually good CC with just minor damage.


Mag also being focused on shields can give it a rather meh feeling, because shields have no damage reduction unlike HP, so at higher levels even when you have a high shield capacity, it still vanishes in a blink of an eye. It's more of a flaw that comes from balancing, it balances shields at lower~mid levels, but cripples them later, thankfully, Mag can restore her shields with her 2nd skill which is nice.



I wouldn't mind if DE delayed U17 a little bit, if it meant to make a big effort to (this is, get many people working on it to make it fast) rework older frames (at the very least, Mag, Saryn and Ash [not that Saryn and Ash are bad, they have great skills, but they just don't work together, but rather against each others]) so that at least the ones that suffer of a lack of synergy can get into U17 and be ready for what's to come.

On a side note, I do use Mag once in a while and actually like her more than I use her, but it's because while damage from shield polarize is great, it starts getting boring when the lack of synergy kicks in. (I also never used Greedy pull ever since it was introduced, but do still use and used since release her shield transference mod, it's still useful, but not broken as before.)

Edited by Sorrow0110
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It's useless for people that don't know how to mod properly.

Mag can take lots of enemies down on the void, and pretty much all the corpus with her second ability, which also regenerates teammates and defense-stations shields, and if you use shield transference (an augment mod) it will also give you overshields, making her a shield-tank that can actually survive on Tier 4 missions. Also, Pull alone is a great stun-defense ability, for those units on the void that won't die after using her second ability.

Her third ability is one of the most useful against bosses (except the ones you must hit in a specific part) and can be used against heavy units as well, even in low duration of 2 seconds.

Anyway, her fourth ability should be revisited, the only real use in end-game is to give your teammates time to revive a fallen tenno.

Let's face it, as much as greedy pull was a nice augment, it made most of the playerbase biased about the poor Mag, "GMag" should just DIE, at least that I support. However, I agree that the nerf could have been better, in terms of she not pulling energy orbs, but all of the other stuffs to all the team.

Nah, he's actually right.

Pull is a decent CC but effectively useless compared to other abilitys that offer the same without messing up evryones targets and actually allow you to attack.

Shield pola is strong. Scaling and strong but more or less a 1time use ability. And it was still nerved some time ago.

Bullet attractor is also strong but bound to one target that is sure to die in a matter of seconds. Its just not worth the cast most of the time. Not to mention building for it.

And the ultimate simply sucks and leaves you defenseless.

The support role was the only thing that actually justified her existance and its not like the nerf changed anything on the actuall game concept, what was the problem for many people in the first place. It just got blamed down on the one frame that actually made use of it. Mag needs and deserves a buff or her support role back.

How about a bullet attractor that doesn't kill the target but rotates the caught bullets around it? Harming all enemys inside. Castable on more then one enemy. A additional stock Disarm-chance for pull? A push-ultimate as contrary to pull that smacks shot bullets and first row enemys towards the crowd? (Would also work well with a changed bullet attractor and with a high quantity of infected enemys)

Mag is a magnetism themed frame that is able to interact with bullets. She should make way more use of this fact.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Only buff I'd like for Mag is that Bullet Attractor switched on the nearest target if the current target dies while it has duration left. This combined with being able to recast it before the duration is over would make it a very good aoe ranged denial tool.


This would also buff Fracturing Crush by giving it some synergy. It only roots enemies in place without stunning them, so you could easily BA a whole group of rooted enemies and deny their ranged weapons.

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Too many nubs calling mag useless. If you can find a use for her without greedy, you aren't meant to play because you haven't learned to mod properly. Move along, these aren't the frames you looking for.

For reasons. And calling people with a actuall argumentation noobs is just fuc*** up mate. You can make evry frame work out with maxed mods. Working out is just not enough tho with a fuc*ing maxed build.

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For reasons. And calling people with a actuall argumentation noobs is just fuc*** up mate. You can make evry frame work out with maxed mods. Working out is just not enough tho with a fuc*ing maxed build.

argumentation is not a word, mate. Second, max build has nothing to do with the topic. Mag is not obsolete because of a mod nerf. There's awesome Mag players who've never even equipped it because they understand the way she's meant to be played. Others who cry about the laziest move in the game paired with peacemaker are only setting themselves up to be sad when these inevitable fixes come. Don't get so butthurt bro. Learn to play her having fun ACTUALLY MOVING and you'll forget the mod even exists.
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argumentation is not a word, mate. Second, max build has nothing to do with the topic. Mag is not obsolete because of a mod nerf. There's awesome Mag players who've never even equipped it because they understand the way she's meant to be played. Others who cry about the laziest move in the game paired with peacemaker are only setting themselves up to be sad when these inevitable fixes come. Don't get so butthurt bro. Learn to play her having fun ACTUALLY MOVING and you'll forget the mod even exists.

Moving for what? I explained allready whats her problem. Her strongest ability is a nerved singlecast, pull does nothing for you, the ultimate is useless, bullet attractor is useless and not worth building for.

How is this anywhere near a ideal?

Point is you NEED a finished setup to get ANYTHING outa her.

(And it is in the german language. Was pretty sure that it roots in eng o.O)

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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That's not what scaling is. Mag's damage is based on a percentage which will increase as enemies shields increase and never run out as long as shields scale with level. Nova's M-Prime is always 50% increase of damage, but the damage being increased is a static number that never changes. It will always increase 50% and therefore does not scale with anything because the damage affecting it does not scale (except shield polarize of course). Same thing with banshee. It's sonar may increase damage by a large percentage, but that does not mean it scales. For instance, your weapon does 500 damage, increased by 50% will be 750 total always and doesn't increase as the game progresses.

Nova's MP is more useful at later levels because of its CC, which does not stop scaling as it's always, as you said, a flat % reduction in action speed.

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I never used GMag, didn't pick the right syndicates and I didn't really feel like putting up the plat for the mod. With that in mind, I have only ever thought to myself "you know, I'll bring my mag... yea thats the best frame for this" once, and that was for the Tethra's Doom event.


She is in dire need of a rework, her abilities are either outclassed by other frames abilities or are too situational. Hopefully, with all those other frames getting tweaks, hers will be relatively soon.

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