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Why Don't You Play Archwing?


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I've only been playing for the rewards that increase Mastery Rank (weapons, frames, sentinels, etc).

Since I already got every Archwing item maxed out, there is no reason for me to run it.


If we start getting weekly Archwing Tenno Reinforcement, I'll be playing it every week.

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I really like Archwing it just needs to be fleshed out more. For one we need a 3rd heavy weapon category for it, something like back/shoulder mounted rockets, cannons, lasers etc. It needs more interconnectivity with regular missions,

I wanna attack a corpus ship, bust out of its side, Archwing around it to its belly, bust my way inside again and blow up its generator, bust my way out and GET TO THE CHOPP.... Erm... *cough* Liset I mean Liset! That's how you do sabotage!!!

It needs more fleshed out environments, I wanna be able to fly around, in like a resource gathering mission, ala Monster Hunter for example, deploy my little resource gathering drone, explore, mine asteroids and junk like that.

Why are in the heck do we not have races?!?! All it needs is an overboost bar instead of stamina, and we could actually have legitimate Tenno races, that would be a dope side activity at relay stations.

And of corse more Archwings and weapons, it's super late muted at the moment basically. I really like the idea of it though :-)

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I gotta shake my head and laugh when I see a thread like this.


I love Archwing.


I have every Wing, Odonata, Odonata Prime, Elytron, and Itzal (my favourite).


I have every AW weapon, main and melee, that I know of. Not sure which melee is my favourite yet but the Fluctus is awesome, especially now that I have it all finished with forma, orikin tater, and 8 fully ranked mods.


I have every AW mod, even those event mods from before my time, they weren't exactly cheap but it was worth it to complete my AW collection.


I have dumped numerous credits, forma, orokin taters, and ranks into the mods, weapons, and wings ... and I will dump more into it.


You want to know why? I love my ninjas in SPAAAACE. And maybe its a bit that I only started playing the game this spring, so I am not held up on how the game used to be, this hasn't taken any time away from the game I love when I go take my Loki or Valkyr for a spin in everything else.


But I am not going to lie, it could be better...




So I made a suggestion, if you care to read it, here is the link to how I think Archwing could be so much more fun than it is already:



And in the mean time, I'll just settle for that if anyone needs help if AW is needed on a quest like Limbo or possibly an upcoming Trial/Raid, I'm your man with my fully loaded and ready to rock N roll Itzal, Fluctus, and Prisma ... where as the rest of you haters, I bet you're no where near that ready but you could be if you see the potential or at least the amazing artwork in the Archwing missions ;)

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I already got all archwing stuff... and the minimal variation of the mission make archwing too boring if i play it more often than now..



and the reward isnt too good.... resource isnt as much as normal mission, sometime the enemy doesnt move at 20k m below you... while the map limit is 14km below you

Edited by TheFalseEclipse
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I don't play archwing cause the flying sucks, there's no roll, you pull back far enough and all you get is the sensation your going "up". Space has no up/down, i should be able to roll, yaw and flip in all manner of directions and face any which way (but all the Tenno and enemies are oriented in the same direction and you can't do a proper immelmann). That and leveling was painfully slow, my odonata seems to stay at lvl 26 thru 3 interceptions. it's dumb.

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I'd like to see it lose the 2D flight model and get the proper 3D one a space sim should have.  When you are running around on a flat surface, then look up/down and rotate around the Z/vertical axis is fine, because you hardly ever look up or down, because you can't shoot through the floor, and enemies aren't walking on the ceiling.


However, when you are moving in a fully 3D environment, where targets can be in any direction, then that control system regularly ends up being !-backwards, because you end up switching between pitch/yaw - while your direction of view is close to the X/Y plane, and pitch/roll when you are looking up or down (with end stops on your pitch movement, when you are looking parallel to the Z axis).


The controls need to be consistent, not swap around depending on where you're looking, because right now aiming at a target above or below you is completely different from aiming at one in front of / behind you.


If this was proper 3D space combat there would be no up/down.






Warframe weapons are made from resources (that drop reliably from missions), using blueprints bought in the market.

Warframes are made from parts that are rewards for assassination missions (that can be completed quickly), using blueprints bought in the market.


Prime warframes and prime weapons are made from parts and blueprints that can be rewarded from void missions, but they can be traded if you're not getting the part you want from the longer missions.


Archwing weapons and the Elytron archwing are made from parts that can be rewarded from archwing missions, but if you are having bad luck getting the part you want, on the long mission types that are available with archwing, then you're SOL, because you can't get the parts except through more grinding.



Either let players trade archwing parts (in your god-aweful trade channel), or make Elytron the reward from the upcoming arcwing boss, and switch weapons to resources/market blueprint instead of parts/market blueprint.






Levelling anything takes ages, because you are not getting kills as frequently as in non-archwing missions, and you can't boost XP gain for a weapon by unequipping either your melee or ranged.

Edited by polarity
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Interesting to see all these complaints about missiles but not 1 complaint about Corpus Penta Rangers damage lol

it can 1- shot you, has no tell and cant be seen to shoot it down. (penta nades)

Yet Grineer Missiles are extremely bright, slow moving and very easy to counter.......

They also cant 1 shot you.

1. Penta ranger easily blocked with some abilites

2. Try at uranus interception wave 8

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I like Archwing, there just isn't enough content currently and it gets boring pretty fast doing the few available missions.

I'd like to see something like Endless Defense mission (my favorite game mode).


Leveling up Archwing gear is very very slow, takes 4 rounds of uranus interception to get 3-4 ranks and meanwhile.. and after you are done it has already passed at least 30 minutes.


Archwing right now is a separate game mode, uses separate mods, separate gear and separate exp.


If the game mode would be merged into some of the "foot" missions then it would become in most of player's interest to have properly modded and leveled archwing equipped. But right now it is not the case, since Archwing won't affect other missions outside those specific archwing mission modes.


What i meant with the above, as example start a mission with the archwing, then get to the infiltration point of an enemy ship, once you get in it wil turn into an usual "foot" mission where you have to complete your objective, then when you are done you'll get to the extraction point and use your archwing (pretty similar to what happen in the quest mission where you build your first odonata) to get to a safe zone.

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I love the Archwing mode, I got every Archwing, Arch-gun and Arch-melee, and all the mods maxed. I don't play it anymore, though, because right now, there is absolutely no reward in it for me. 


At least Caelus, Uranus should give a decent chance on a 5x R5 core pack, comparing its difficulty and time it takes to normal high level survival missions, it's much more challenging, but far less rewarding, since you only get those mods in rotation A and B and once you have them, it's practically useless. 


It would be better if only earth would give the mods so you can go there when you just began archwing gameplay to get your stuff, but for those all the way in, give them with Caelus an opportunity to be rewarded for the challenging play. 


I really love archwing gameplay but with 0 reward, I can't get myself to keep playing it when I still need to farm so much fusion energy for those legendary mods from Baro.


EDIT: Picking up on the difficulty aspect, I'm confident to say that it's the most challenging mission in the entire game right now, excluding the raid/nightmare raid. That's awesome, but it would be more awesome if it was long-term rewarding as well.

Edited by MarioVX
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I play it fairly frequently. Busy with Real Life stuff so Warframe as a whole took a back seat.


I still enjoy flying through space shooting things with a massive gun and slicing things with a sword longer than my character.

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Reasons I don't like Archwing:


1. Boring movement system. No interactivity like in normal game, instead you move the fastest by pressing sprint and forward buttons.

2. Boring melee system. Not enough interactivity needed when you automatically get sucked onto enemies, removing any skill and fun from melee.

3. Too few mission types. AW exterminate is the most boring mission in the game, especially if it's in the asteroid tileset.

4. Too few tilesets. It's like when I started in U7 and only corpus ship and grineer asteroid tilesets existed in the regular game, except with even less tiles per tileset.

5. Modding is too straight-forward. There are no proper build choices because of so few mods. Modding weapons is way too easy because you can choose one element to beat all enemies in one mission.

Edited by Naftal
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After having levelled most of the archwing stuff as well as putting several forma on some items I find Archwing to be excrutiatingly boring.


The low affinity gain together with the lack of mission types killed it for me.



What I think is wrong with Archwing? Simply put, DE released a demo of it, locked items behind the worst rng in the game and then abandoned it for a year.

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When I heard about Archwing, what I had in mind was huge ships, explosions, epic battles, cool and somewhat co-op'able flying Gundam mode. I thought to myself: wow! I won't stop playing this mode!

What I got on the other hand:

- crampy spaces inside repetitive tiles on a space flying mode. I hate this part so much. You basically are playing normal mode again but with a flying thingy on your back! You are entering rooms and doors 60% of the time.

- bland space, not much eye candy to go while you hold sprint and forward for decades

- near nothingness; emptiness

- enemies are magnified versions of the normal mode enemies. Great job DE!

- not much interaction. You basically fly around and enemies float, barely moving in their own space and they shoot when they detect you. You go to a room, shoot the enemies there, and gi to the next room, rinse and repeat. Makes me sleepy IMO.

- same mission modes as normal mode

I mean, where are the thousands of bullets flying in all directions? Where are the ships that are guarded by elites and need to be destroyed? Where are the missle evading high adrenaline parts? Where are the epic space battles? I see nothing of those in this mode and this makes me hate it.

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Lack of content and the radar isn't 3d like it is in most space based games, 


They still never gave us the hybrid missions they have been promising (beyond the initial quest mission)


Finding and Looting stuff is still a chore


Leveling them is extremely slow


feels like a lot more grind in my grind that takes longer to grind and has less reward. :o


It was over-hyped, for something so incredibly mediocre.


Leveling sucks so very much.


There's no intermediate level endless mission to help with leveling.


The radar is just insufficient for a space game, it does not do enough to track enemies in 3D. 


Archwing is still a concept, but the execution failed to live up to Warframe's gameplay quality. 


- crampy spaces inside repetitive tiles on a space flying mode. 

- not much interaction. You basically fly around and enemies float, barely moving in their own space and they shoot when they detect you. 



Pretty much all of this. 


There is no reason whatsoever to explore these levels. There's nothing. No crates, no secrets, no special powerups.. nothing. 

I would have loved it to really explore those levels, because what is there looks interesting, but it isn't. It's as empty as the space surrounding it is. 

I was hoping to feel Mobile Suit Gundam. I was hoping for a scope like Battlestar Galactica. I was even expecting some mining. What we got was an empty grind-garden. Actually going shopping, you know, in a store, is more exciting then this...

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Two reasons for me no one else seems bothered by:

1.) Warframes have no abilities in space. They strap on a jet pack and suddenly forget every power they posses. I get that it's for balance, but every frame should at least have a passive ability to make it unique. Can be things like better armor, increased speed, better stamina, faster melee attack, etc. Right now, it doesn't matter and that bothers me. Of course the pilot matters.

2. They removed ability to trade archwing item blueprints. We used to be able to trade for archwing weapon components. Now I dread when a new archwing weapon comes out because the items are treated identical to primes but untradable. Either remove components in blue prints (barrel, blade, handle, etc.) and make them cost resources only, or add back in the ability to trade. RNG can be cruel to some people and playing same mission repeatedly is super boring. This is the main reason I despise archwing. Ability to buy parts from other players would go a long way and would help those players that love archwing (now have an income source).

I'd also like to see a better UI and of course fly freely without a ceiling. Haven't found anything in this thread I disagree with.

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