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Plat Usage Dilemma


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No, consoles can't get % offs because of issues with Sony and Microsoft. Are you sure you weren't having a dream?

I'm sure. 


It was for a little bit over 1200p, which was spent on pimping out my Rhino Prime with alternate helmets and the Daedlus armor set, my Liset Kuza skin, the Eximus color palette, getting my friend a few Prime parts then the rest went into renovating our dojo.

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I'm sure. 


It was for a little bit over 1200p, which was spent on pimping out my Rhino Prime with alternate helmets and the Daedlus armor set, my Liset Kuza skin, the Eximus color palette, getting my friend a few Prime parts then the rest went into renovating our dojo.

Not sure what you're talking about then. It is impossible for either console to get % off codes, only PC players can get them as login rewards.

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I have the same issue, I just hoard plat every time I get more and more of it, and can't go below the increasing quota. IMO its a silly issue, but its something we should try to avoid feeling, why be upset that you wasted plat on slots and such when you should try to be happy

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i can relate. My threshold is 2k plat though. Anything over 2k I allow myself to spend on anything. I only spend under 2k if it's something I really want or need. Truth is, I doubt I ever make good use of it. I'll probably hoard it until the end.

DE needs to release more "must haves" cosmetics, and not noggles. I'd definitely dip into my 2k plat for some good liset decor.

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<---- never gets 75% off


Same, as such i get plat thru trading and after buying all the things i wanted i'm sitting at like 673 now+^_^+


Now even if i do get a 75% i might not need it and instead save that money for Valkyr Prime access+^_^+

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I just keep waiting for something ... SOMETHING that needs me. Like, just before Ash Prime pack, I stockpiled what little I had. And then *BOOM* Ash Prime pack ... and nothing else that got my attention. So I wait. Now, I'm itching for Void Trader on Friday to see what he has. I just want something great so I can blow all my plat on it.  But, what? I don't know. And how do I know its going to be worth it? I really don't know. But, be certain, when whatever it is comes along I'm ready to spend.  Maybe. I doubt it. Cause what if something ELSE comes along after?



Edited by mellojoe
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I just keep waiting for something ... SOMETHING that needs me. Like, just before Ash Prime pack, I stockpiled what little I had. And then *BOOM* Ash Prime pack ... and nothing else that got my attention. So I wait. Now, I'm itching for Void Trader on Friday to see what he has. I just want something great so I can blow all my plat on it.  But, what? I don't know. And how do I know its going to be worth it? I really don't know. But, be certain, when whatever it is comes along I'm ready to spend.  Maybe. I doubt it. Cause what if something ELSE comes along after?



Well, one thing for sure: Pre-Corpus Valkyr skin, that one I know I wont hesitate to buy at least.

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I was hoarding my plat for a while too, most of it bought but my thought was that if I buy everything I want I won't have anything to do in the game anymore so I would only buy what I could trade for and save the plat for slots and potatoes.


Now I am getting pretty burnt out grinding void, running out of T3 and T4 keys, etc... so I figure if I am going to stop playing warframe I had better start spending my plat.  I think when I quit GW2 I had like 300 or 400 gold.  I don't want the same thing to happen on WF so I bought a Loki Systems and the last part of the Soma Prime I couldn't get to drop.  Might go get carrier prime next.  We'll see.

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Haha this thread is awesome :D

The "market" is really interesting actually. How prices change, watching how the market  "grows" and predicting what the future will bring.

I remember when trading was introduced and Loki Prime a bit later, a full set cost about 100P which was truly insane! Every player bargained for each platinum. Now new sets can cost up to 1000P :)

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In any game (or real life for that matter) I'm really frugal. So after I got a 50% coupon, I used $25 to order to get the required slots and also bought a couple of prime parts and couple of mods. This left we with around 500 plat and I figured this would be my stockpile in case I had need of anything else.

However, since I'm not much for buying anything unless it is something that I know I will use very much or I want it extremely bad, once I got through my crafting phase, my platinum stores started to grow. This allows me to never have to worry about slots of if I need a potato (which I usually don't), and simply get anything that will make me happy.

I'm now sitting at 6.5k plat and it seems it will only increase since the rate of income is much greater than what I spend. It might seem like hoarding but it's really not. I have no problem with dropping 4k plat if there was ever an item that would justify the purchase. For example if we ever got wings, I know would own pair even if they were 10k plat.

This same thing thing happens in all my games. In in spiral knights, I used half of my fortune I had amassed to also get wings for my little guy.

EDIT: wings for my nova, of course. No other frames would wear them.

Edited by alfaomega04
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After seeing some answers, I decided to buy the Prisma Skin and lo and behold what just happened when I reloged today:


RNG knows I wont use that, so he is must be making fun of me!

Edited by Kao-Snake
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