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[Changyou Warframe Image Megathread]


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[conspiracy theoretician mode engaged]

Ya know, what I see? A giant pot of gold in the shape of Dark Primes. Let's build the lore about some Tenno or Orokin sect that made their own primes or modify existing, maybe using Chinese warrior culture as basis. And than DE can implement Dark Prime version of each warframe! Of course, to quench the obvious rants, Darks must have something different in abilities or stats, for example DP Excalibur can blind enemies by casting darkness or DP Mag will crush enemies by smashing the ground with them.

What do you think? ;)


Isnt a dark prime excalibur a stalker prime?? :P

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Ummm.. Why does everybody freak out about Excal and that scarf?


Excal looks as plain as it is now and has stupid antlers on his arms. And that scarf looks absolutely atrocious O_O

Because not everyone has the same opinion as you and might like the look of it. I don't see how that is a surprising fact.


On topic though when i heard there would be a Chinese warframe and that they'd have their own people working on more region friendly gear that we may not get I'd knew there would be backlash from the community i don't see how DE didn't see this coming. Or if they did they don't seem prepared for it.


If we get it cool, but then prime excal owners might complain about another prime excal coming back.


If we don't fine with me, nothing we can really do about it it's china's version of the game not our same game. But people will still start these threads and it will be another topic to bury in the forums.


And as for the stolen art china is just full of BS like this they don't care who made it, it's just greedy hypocritical companies doing whatever they can to get the most money and screwing over anyone they can to do so. It kinda makes warframe look like a cheaper game to me but that's just the way i see it.

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Can confirm stolen.

Copyright is not an issue in China because there is none.


Sorry man. I know how it feels. :(


I had a short story I wrote win a contest several years ago under someone else's name. I was more than a little pissed. But he stole it fair and square and despite me proving that he stole it, I got nada. One piece of good news: He was disqualified and lost his winnings, so I GUESS it was worth it. Still pissed.


No legal recourse with China. And then again, it is fan art. This is why all of my fanfictions here are originals and I CAN toss them if I need to. Because they are not mine anymore as soon as I post them here. They belong to DE. So if DE took a piece of fan work that was submitted to their forums that now belongs to them and handed it to the Chinese developers and... But if it was up on DeviantArt and then posted here then... GAH! Too early! My head hurts.


Nice work on the piece. We shall see what DE has to say. I HOPE they say SOMETHING.

Edited by Kalenath
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Would be fine if this Warframe and the Chinese Warframe become completely separate from now on, but if China starts getting the latest version of DE's Warframe at regular intervals without giving anything to us it would be like we will be always playing the base game only, while the Chinese will be playing the game plus all its DLCs and expansions.

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My question for DE.


Who exactly is creating content for Warframe-China?  Who created Dark Excalibur?  Who did the modeling?  Who did the textures?  Who created Nikana Prime?  


Is it Dark DE staff? :^)

According to what i can gather from the advertising and introduction on the chinese website, they are design by the same people who designed our version as well.

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Would be fine if this Warframe and the Chinese Warframe become completely separate from now on, but if China starts getting the latest version of DE's Warframe at regular intervals without giving anything to us it would be like we will be always playing the base game only, while the Chinese will be playing the game plus all its DLCs and expansions.


One thing the international version will always have over the Chinese versions is that we will get content much faster, even the console versions. Imagine the Chinese PC version needs a cert to update the game, now imagine that cert is three times worse than the international version consoles. Now imagine that cert plus the standard cert for the Chinese console version.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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One thing the international version will always have over the Chinese versions is that we will get content much faster, even the console versions. Imagine the Chinese PC version needs a cert to update the game, now imagine that cert is three times worse than the international version consoles. Now imagine that cert plus the standard cert for the Chinese console version.

DE's Warframe and it's console version is already developed, testing has been done and bugfixes are being made. The Chinese wont have to worry about that, they only develop their exclusives, I can't imagine updating taking too long. You could say something similar for the PC and console versions, but these are different platforms, everything needs to be ported over first.

Edited by Kethus
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Its funny seeing these pc players get mad/irritated by this "china founders pack" all the while ignoring the fact that us console players never got and never will get a chance at excalibur prime. Not even in console data from what i read. Yet chinas pack is unfair, the gall of some people,, lol.

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Someone help me out.............


So they can take the Excalibur Prime model (yes they access to it the model)

remix it

and re-sell it in another country? 


A country that breaks all copyright laws right?


So shouldn't that mean.......we can just take their entire Prime Access for free?  It's not like they can sue DE right............

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up to this point as a consol player i was happy that our PC forerunner compatriots had a exclusive Warframe, i had envy for them but i was ok with it. But now for any consol player it is perfectly understandable to expect our excalibur prime be it excalibur light, excaliburs revenge or excalibur the pink and fluffy for all i care, its just odd for us to remain in the dark when it comes to exclusive weaponry after this. Although with the Chinese publisher already clashing [i assume] with DE over plagiarism due to user created art being used to promote warframe in china, i believe they are a runaway train and i think DE shout make a statement to she'd light on the relationship that exists between the teams. 

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Hope and doom aside, I think we can definitely agree that Nikana Prime is something everyone wants. Because blingy Nikana.

The only question is bugging me: is it Primed Nikana, or Primed Dragon Nikana? If former, it will be just a Dragon Nikana alternative

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Lets see.


Existence of this originator pack means that devs worked on their founder pack instead of working on content for everyone worldwide. And i remember promises that selling out wont affect game.

Using current chinesse yuan price originator pack costs 112$ while ours costed 250$, even without their discount its 240$.

Edited by Davoodoo
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up to this point as a consol player i was happy that our PC forerunner compatriots had a exclusive Warframe, i had envy for them but i was ok with it. But now for any consol player it is perfectly understandable to expect our excalibur prime be it excalibur light, excaliburs revenge or excalibur the pink and fluffy for all i care, its just odd for us to remain in the dark when it comes to exclusive weaponry after this. Although with the Chinese publisher already clashing [i assume] with DE over plagiarism due to user created art being used to promote warframe in china, i believe they are a runaway train and i think DE shout make a statement to she'd light on the relationship that exists between the teams. 

Hey, console players will never get Founders Access, but PC players will never get Renown and Prestige packs. Also even though Founders Access offered separate items instead of reskins it was a one-time offer that's gone now and you still get multiple exclusive Renown (PS4) and Prestige (XB1) Packs.

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Even though it's kinda low to take Excalibur Prime, PBR him (he kinda looks PBR'd right? Much better textures than the original IMHO), add shiny bits and patterns, put some cloth to advertise the brand new cloth physics, slap a "Dark" on it to justify that he's not the same and sell it... He does look like more work has been done on him.

But they should have gone all out and redesign the guy from scratch instead. I'm sure they could have used legends from the incredibly rich Chineese history to give him his own name and badass identity! Would have been even better IMHO. And people here would be less "salty" (can we come up with something better than this lame @ss word plox...).

I don't feel betrayed personally. I am genuinely jealous, but I'm not angry at anyone, quite the opposite in fact. I just hope the "western" Excal gets a facelift too. Kudos to whoever designed him (apparently our dear art/design team from Canada was involved?^^), keep it up!

Edited by Marthrym
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Someone help me out.............


So they can take the Excalibur Prime model (yes they access to it the model)

remix it

and re-sell it in another country? 


A country that breaks all copyright laws right?


So shouldn't that mean.......we can just take their entire Prime Access for free?  It's not like they can sue DE right............

They're not really breaking any copyright laws by re-selling content in the game's data, they're allowed to modify and publish the game in China how they see fit; that's sort of the point of having a Chinese publisher. And if they did perform the modifications on the items on their end, there's no guarantee that we'll ever get them.


Whereas if DE made the content (which is what things are looking like at the moment), there's a good chance it's only time-locked (as Rebecca previously mentioned regarding Chinese exclusive weapons like the Nunchaku) and that we will see them in the future.


Also, DE screwing over the Chinese publisher in any way (i.e. stealing content) would probably be a very bad idea; it would probably void the contract and then Changyou would get 100% of the profits of Warframe in China, instead of just a % of the profits with the other % going to DE.

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Lets see.


Existence of this originator pack means that devs worked on their founder pack instead of working on content for everyone worldwide. And i remember promises that selling out wont affect game.

Using current chinesse yuan price originator pack costs 112$ while ours costed 250$, even without their discount its 240$.

Hmmm... Good point...

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Also, DE screwing over the Chinese publisher in any way (i.e. stealing content that they may make) would probably be a very bad idea; it would probably void the contract and then Changyou would get 100% of the profits of Warframe in China, versus a % of the profits with the other % going to DE.


But what if we find out later today that Warframe-China as a whole did not design Dankcalibur?  What if it was our very own Mynki (since his face is on the website and also interviews) that designed all of this?


Shouldn't we get this for free -founders-...down the line.........or am I just missing the point.   



Edit:  Sorry for double post

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