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@inuyasha279 That's exactly what Letter13 said. o:


@Rigo_RHX I don't know... but it's sad to see that 1,5% of the players own Excalibur Prime.. I think it's time to release him to everyone. But ofc I would recommend an exclusive founder skin for him, to keep the exclusiveness of founders. o:

Edited by StratosOmega
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Release our founders Excalibur prime there as a pa and release theirs here as a pa. Both companies keep their word about their respective founders gear being a timed exclusive available to their game. All fans get an Excalibur prime. Most are happy and it stops most of the complaints.


"Will not be released again" though, if DE put him in a PA , they literally broke that "promise"...

Which then make us founder a bit less "special", who throw their own money to support the game, and get some exclusive stuff as a token... 

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The same reason companies don't recall collectors edition figurines to remodel them. When it comes to collector stuff like this, the first iteration of the thing you get stays that way.


Also, if they actually give excal prime a new model it will just create another sht storm where non-founders will eagerly jump at the opportunity to cry rivers of tears how it's not fair that somebody else get their exclusive content updated and they can't get a chance to get it.


Founder's package is just a digital version of "collectors edition" that includes virtual goodies that you can no longer get, same like you can no longer get excalibur figurines officially.

'cept it's not a physical figurine you can't alter again. You can't really compare the two I'm afraid. Excalibur Prime's out of date.


Honestly, I say tough and let people complain all they like. They've already created a storm with this Chinese incident. Might as well go all out.

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Release our founders Excalibur prime there as a pa and release theirs here as a pa. Both companies keep their word about their respective founders gear being a timed exclusive available to their gsme. All fans get an Excalibur prime. Most are happy and it stops most of the complaints.


I'm afraid that is not true.


Then they'll just cry about how DE broke its promise and Excal Prime is not absolutely exclusive.

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"Will not be released again" though, if DE put him in a PA , they literally broke that "promise"...

Which then make us founder a bit less "special", who throw their own money to support the game, and get some exclusive stuff as a token...

DE would not release Excalibur prime. They would be releasing a new frame made by our Chinese friends. All they need to do is slap a lore reason as to why it exists. Plus if they have different stats founders can still feel special.

I'm afraid that is not true.

Then they'll just cry about how DE broke its promise and Excal Prime is not absolutely exclusive.

There will always be complaints. I'm just suggesting taking a route with less complaints and less likely to be able to file a law-suit against. Edited by (PS4)inuyasha279
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In all this time you discuss here and don't get anywhere i already leveled all my archwing stuff... MR 20 i'm coming! well once we get enough exp ;)


Even better I took a few hours off to spend time with my girlfriend, while some people here are still crying and raging... or at least appearing to be.

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DE would not release Excalibur prime. They would be releasing a new frame made by our Chinese friends. All they need to do is slap a lore reason as to why it exists. Plus if they have different stats founders can still feel special.

or you guys stop whining over a prime frame that is not "all that glorious" as you think it is. it's just one prime frame. get over it ffs.

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I'll tell you what they're mad at in so many words: China is getting something we can't get, and this makes us very mad.

It's also because apparently they'll continue to get access to a considerable amount of content we get, whilst we seemingly will get nothing from their end. It's like a one way deal.

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Yeah, wrote it in the moment and posted it without rechecking. For most f2p you could hardly call playing for free a "privilege". What I tried to say was something like "Oh wow, that guy... he has... hes a founder, I am basically standing on his soil, look at him shine!" You know, since they helped to fund and pay for art, coding, servers etc. ah well I can't really express it how I would like. 


EDIT: not to confuse again - You know, since they helped to fund and pay for art, coding, servers etc. back in closed beta and helped to kickstart the game and let it reach the point were all of us were trusting DE enough to spend money on plat.

fixed that for you. I keep telling you the same, back when wf was in closed beta (which by coincidence it happens that i also was around there) it only had 1 map tileset and not too much choices. Many of the things you have and can do right now in wf is not thanks to founders but thanks to everyone who invested money and time in this game. That simple. 

BTW you dont pay servers once and thats all, you pay for em monthly.

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It's also because apparently they'll continue to get access to a considerable amount of content we get, whilst we seemingly will get nothing from their end. It's like a one way deal.

This. Nobody really cares about the fact that it's exca or etc. What we truly care about is the fact, that WE have to give them EVERYTHING, while they get us NOTHING.

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It's also because apparently they'll continue to get access to a considerable amount of content we get, whilst we seemingly will get nothing from their end. It's like a one way deal.


Let me clue you in on something very important.


In order for DE to produce higher quality content for you, it is important for them to break into the mega markets like China, India, Vietnam, Iran, Thailand, Indonesia. Population 60 million +, culturally homogenous, growing education, middle income and internet access.


You think you can pay one time and play this game into perpetuity? That is Call of Duty with a lifespan of 1.5 years max.


You think this game can continue to grow, just because you paid for it one time, and occasionally put in some cash? That is Borderlands, Mass Effect, Titanfall and all those other games charging you for "season passes" for the same product with maybe 3 years life span.


If giving out exclusives get DE into the mega markets to increase the PLAYER BASE and get a STEADY STREAM OF REVENUE, this is a small sacrifice to pay for a game that has the potential to rival DoTA when enough work has been put into it.


All of this "me me me" crying will relegate the fanbase into irrelevance and vindicate the methods of companies like Electronic Arts. Developers cannot do better because they are held back by their own fan base. Or at least the idjits trying to set the agenda premised on nonsense.

Edited by Coryphaus
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I've always been a little amazed at how some people can come on to a game site, and because they play the game and or pay any amount of money to the company that they somehow think that entitles them to assume an attitude of ownership over the game, the company, or the employees. 

People are demanding things as if somehow DE owes them anything, explanation or otherwise, concerning DE's in house business. 

"We don't like" "we demand" "we have the right"- Every time you start a statement with those words, you invalidate your entire premise. 

Fact: you don't have the right to demand anything regardless of your feelings on the matter.


I hope that 'star armor' grows massively and fast. I hope they develop independent content for chinese players to enjoy. I hope that DE the parent Developers will look at those styles and incorporate them into the game I play. I hope that the Developers at DE will make A LOT of money from china, go on vacation enmasse to hong kong and post us pictures of their trip while they're away. 

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Release our founders Excalibur prime there as a pa and release theirs here as a pa. Both companies keep their word about their respective founders gear being a timed exclusive available to their game. All fans get an Excalibur prime. Most are happy and it stops most of the complaints.


So....what about founders here that bought the package because it was a founder only exclusive frame that was never going to be released again ? Sounds like you think it's perfectly fine to have excalibur prime v2 in the same game as the original. If this actually happens then founders are entitled to a full refund because "excalibur+prime" is not exclusive to founders only package as it was advertised in the first place.

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