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My Two Cents On The Whole Fiasco With Umbra Excal. (Not Complaining)


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Or we could leave him as he is.

Founders have their Exc P, you can do whatever you want with your Exc P, since you paid for it, but given that Umbra Exc came after Exc P, I think that people who couldn't get Exc P, will have the chance to use a new kind of Exc.

To OP: Just leave Umbra Exc alone, you paid for your Exc P, DE haven't released any of your exclusive stuff.

At this point, it looks like you're salty about this Exc.

Don't wanted to sound mean by the way.

Well you sounded mean and now my feelings are hurt.


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Face it I am not nitpicking it looks Prime and everything with gold trim and the color scheme, it is essentially a Non-exclusive Excalibur Prime and I don't feel that it's right

You are nitpicking. The umbra Excalibur we saw was umbra Excalibur prime which is why he's gold. We are getting umbra Excalibur who is not gold. We don't know what umbra Excalibur looks like.
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Non-founder here, take my opinion as you will.

Excalibur prime will always be the awe side of the coin. I can rock my proto terminator excal look all i want, or even switch it up with the excal umbra when it comes out. But nothing, NOTHING, will ever compare to seeing the shiny excal prime. Excal prime isnt just a prime, its THE prime. Its why even now people want it, even moreso than this pseudo excal.

Also, At this current stage there isnt much u can do, since Excalbra is already plastered over the front page of china wf, and they cant really change how it look or they will face false advertising. And with quite a few people already aware of the looks of it, global build also has to do look the same as well or sea of flames will ignite forums.

Edited by 321agemo
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We need a new Excalibur variant. Because now he's the only one who practically has got none. Excalibur Prime is just like a myth, he's not even catalogued in the codex (together with lato & skana prime for non-founders), you can find him only looking into some founder's profile.


So we NON-founders WANT a new variant. I am very pleased that DE has finally made a new excalibro.

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We need a new Excalibur variant. Because now he's the only one who practically has got none.

Excal has the most skins of any frame. Proto, Prisma, Immortal, Prime, and now Umbra. Thats 5 skins excluding the default.


Meanwhile every other frame besides Nyx has either their immortal skin or not even that. So please dont make baseless claims

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Eh, I understand the whole PBR thing. Lol, but the main issue with the whole pitchfork and torch hunt is cause of the gold trim. That is literally the only reason why the founders are dumping their salt stashes all over the floor. Everyone else who doesn't have excal prime has been asking for a different excal that equals in power so they can have the mastery and power. I am all for that. Cool. Give them that.


some people have a "better" warframe then others ?


then its time to leave, im a nonfounder as well as primepack- and plat-buyer since more then a year and i like to do that, first for myself and second to give smth for the development of warframe


if i would have too much "political things" like "better then the others" here i see my money wasted and i would go without a noise


now after all this time i have the chance for the excalibur prime i wanted and thats great


even if i would be a "founder" i would be pleased that everybody can have a excal prime which wanna have it since the beginning


should i explain why ? does anybody of the salty founders need a explanation ? ,-) im always glad if i can help to open a door ...

Edited by Khampa
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Ok so I don't care if warframe China gets their own excal p. They're just now getting the game period so I'm cool with that. I'm cool with umbra excal coming out be it skin or variant.

I'm hoping global umbra isn't released with gold by default but I'm cool with it having tintable metal. Either way it probably won't have excal ps buff to base stats and still isn't excal p and won't say excal p in profile or when they mouse over you in squad. I love priming non prime items so I'm like whatever let em bling a bit I mean we have been swanging our swag in their faces since at the very least Nov 2013 right. And most players with excal p are rocking skins and alt helmets anyway.

Heheh y'all trippin

Edited by PookieNumnums
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Please, please, please, keep in mind that DE has no power on the releases done on Warframe China : it's like a new game, with a brand new team. You can't do anything about it, DE can't do anything about it, nobody can't do anything about it. Furthermore, it's a China specific release, and only belongs on Sumpo's version of the game.


Locking before the dramas comes on, but I may be very late.


EDIT : I've just read the FAQ done by Rebecca : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/493357-changyou-warframe-images-faq/


Looks like WF China and our WF will more or less share their releases, so DE has more or less a word to share with Sumpo. However, this is not Excalibur Prime, and it's clearly said that EU players will be able to get it soon. So there's no reason to be upset about it.


The thread will stay locked however in order to prevent more derails. Unless another mod decides otherwise.

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