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U17 Hype Threadnaught [Queue The Mariachi Band Edition]


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My guess it will come out on Friday since tomorrow is Warframe Prime Time.  Imagine the patch borks everything and during prime time they have nothing to do but pillow fighting.  Then again I'm down for that, bring out the patch tomorrow.

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My guess it will come out on Friday since tomorrow is Warframe Prime Time.  Imagine the patch borks everything and during prime time they have nothing to do but pillow fighting.  Then again I'm down for that, bring out the patch tomorrow.

They usual cancel prime time cause of updates.

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I think it's amazing that they are this candid about their plans for the launch date. It also says something about the community. In some games certain elements in the playerbase eventually troll the developers into becoming very secretive about their ETAs.

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soooo... You think it'll be worth going back to wf after u17? 

i'ts big, but ain't solving any of major issues with game. Like, you know, lack of any reasonable qestline or actual progression in game?

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Changed title to confirm "Not Today", where Today = Wednesday, July 29th. Sorry folks!

It can't be....no.





Sorry folks!

I-It just can't be...it's still happening today...r-right....right?





 Not Today

I-It's n-not like I wanted to p-play today or anything....baka






I-I need some fresh air....




L-Look....[DE]Rebecca. Good ol' buddy ol' pal. Friend. Compadre. Samba de amigo. If you change it back to Wednesday, I promise to never leave a Defense mission right at the last moment, and leave my fellow Tenno behind again. I'll make sure I buy all the potato's I need instead of waiting, and I'll purchase every Prime Access from now on...just please bring it back to Wednesday...






Changed. Sorry folks!

I-I don't think I'll be able to make it....I might be depressed forever. This is too much to handle....





*reads again*

Changed title to confirm "Not Today", where Today = Wednesday, July 29th. Sorry folks!

*sniffles* you know....maybe it wont be so bad....I mean it's only one day. I think I'll be able to accept that and manage~











Well then, I guess it's time for me to transcend again.
















Five stages of grief if I was being to subtle about it.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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