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Coptering Vs Parkour 2.0 - How Much Speed Did We Really Lose?


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Yeah, you reject any kind of coexistence because it was "never intended to be in the game", totally legit. It was born by accident, DE was lazy to instantly nuke it, people came to love it. It was a cruel thing to strip it away from those people. It wouldn't hurt you in any damn way if it was brought back since you'd still have this new system you totally like anyway and could just ignore coptering altogether............. But F*** choices right? Other people must love it because I do too! Let's force everyone to use it!!! You are all whiteknights, it's disgusting.


I don't reject any coexistence because "it was never intended to be in the game". I reject coexistence because I hate it and wanted it to be removed almost two years ago. There is literally no reason why it should have remained in the game as long as it has other than people *@##$ed at DE when they first tried to change it. So you have those people to thank for DE keeping it around as long as they did.


Try looking at it without bias in your heart. It sucks that something people enjoyed is gone but the truth of the matter is that the game is better off without it and I'm not sorry to see it go.


My first reply was because the person asked why we can't have both.


And saying it wouldn't hurt me in any way if it was put back in the game is wrong in so many different ways it doesn't even warrant further response.


But I will say that you just need to be patient. It's new. It's going to receive adjustments and refinement. Maybe in a week or a month or two months you will grow to like and forget that coptering was ever a thing.


Edit: And me a white knight? Please. Go look through my post history. I don't put up with DE's S#&$ and I'm more than willing to give them negative criticism where it's due like with the exilus stuff, how incredibly buggy the sharkwing stuff is, and how tediously grindy it is to get the new warframe. A small hint; in the "how do you rate u17" thread my initial rating of u17 was 4/10.


If anything I'm the exact opposite of a white knight. Nice try though.

Edited by f3llyn
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Your parkour 2.0 skills are lacking. I can clear missions faster than the coptering in your video.


The trick is to use: Crouch + jump exclusively + really well timed crouch + spacebar in mid air to get another speed boost. Never do Bulletjump + Spacebar as it slows down. Always do another Crouch before you push jump!


Also: Never GLIDE!

Edited by Mazen2013
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^this just proves that parkour 2.0 is crap

No it doesn't. It proves that coptering was too easy to abuse and negated so much.

It's pros far outweighed it's cons. With the only con being that sometimes you went somewhere you didn't really intend to go. Oh, and you had to use a limited selection of melee weapons.

What it proves is that people who like coptering are all butthurt cry babies who wish to have a glitchy unintended mechanic left in the game than have the game grow and evolve.

Coptering = hinders game play and game growth

Parkour 2.0 = encourages game play and game growth

Try not to be biased, look at things objectively.

Edited by f3llyn
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It saddens me that some people are only concerned with how fast they can complete a level and skip content. Some people will take the video to make the case that coptering was superior, when it only performed well under certain weapons and conditions. I'm sure a lot of the people that hate parkour 2.0 were the Vanguard Rhino's that speed ran everything and for some reason want to play the game without actually playing the game. The new system isn't Berserker Zoren fast but it gives great vertical agility that coptering didn't have and added survivability. I feel bad for people that only want to go fast.

I definitely agree with you in a sense that certain warframe missions are meant to be fun and I think that Parkour 2.0 is an amazingly responsive movement system. Definitely an improvement from the old movement system. However, the nature of warframe is farming. Even though you can play it casually and enjoy yourself in survival missions, a lot of farming involves getting through missions as fast as possible. I hope that we will be able to find a way to traverse quickly with this new parkour system, so we can prove that something so responsive can also be very efficient as well.


Personally, I bullet jump at around a 30-40 degree angle, quickly air slide then double jump and aim glide. I find you glide faster this way with more momentum. Even though DE claimed that a lot of movement is achieved through gaining momentum off of enemies and small surfaces, I often find myself without platforms to jump off of. But good job DE :D I have no major complaints.

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What? What else would you call the people who say the new movement system is trash (when it's only been out barely 4 days now) and that coptering was the be-all-end-all of movement in warframe and want it put back in the game at the detriment of everything else?


They can call me a white knight when it's patently false to do so but I can't call them out for what they are?


I can do that and still look at things without bias. Like, for example, I know that the new movement system isn't perfect, I'm not saying it is. It has a pretty steep learning curve and having to unlearn all the bad habits we've gained over the last 2 years (coptering lol) of playing is a little tough. Yeah it appears it might be slower now, but like I said, it's only been out 4 days. Who knows how it's going to be in another month?


It's waaaaay to early to say parkour 2.0 is trash but it's not too early to say I'm not sorry to see coptering go.

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I don't reject any coexistence because "it was never intended to be in the game". I reject coexistence because I hate it and wanted it to be removed almost two years ago. There is literally no reason why it should have remained in the game as long as it has other than people *@##$ed at DE when they first tried to change it. So you have those people to thank for DE keeping it around as long as they did.


Try looking at it without bias in your heart. It sucks that something people enjoyed is gone but the truth of the matter is that the game is better off without it and I'm not sorry to see it go.


My first reply was because the person asked why we can't have both.


And saying it wouldn't hurt me in any way if it was put back in the game is wrong in so many different ways it doesn't even warrant further response.


But I will say that you just need to be patient. It's new. It's going to receive adjustments and refinement. Maybe in a week or a month or two months you will grow to like and forget that coptering was ever a thing.


Edit: And me a white knight? Please. Go look through my post history. I don't put up with DE's S#&$ and I'm more than willing to give them negative criticism where it's due like with the exilus stuff, how incredibly buggy the sharkwing stuff is, and how tediously grindy it is to get the new warframe. A small hint; in the "how do you rate u17" thread my initial rating of u17 was 4/10.


If anything I'm the exact opposite of a white knight. Nice try though.


And that's where we are different. I don't want Parkour 2.0 to be removed just coptering added back so everyone can be happy. You are simply selfish a**hole.

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And that's where we are different. I don't want Parkour 2.0 to be removed just coptering added back so everyone can be happy. You are simply selfish a**hole.


It's not the only place where we differ and if that's what you want take away from everything I said then I can't change that.


But I do honestly hope you will go back and read my post(s) again. If not then I'll just stress again that you really need to look objectively or without bias at why they removed coptering. It'll give you a hint, it wasn't to wreck your fun.


Also, I'm okay with being called selfish. After all I'm playing games for my own enjoyment. Not yours. I assume you're the same way.

Edited by f3llyn
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You´re so wrong. They can now go head on head with experienced players.


Try harder to create some more drama.

Do you seriously think players who couldn't press a simple combo to copter (or even easier air melee) would be able to go fast within the new system that requires much more actions constantly? The disparity between 'casuals' and 'hardcore' would be even more now.

Rushers will keep on rushing, slowpokes will be left behind. Like it's always been in Warframe, parkour2.0 changed nothing in that regard.

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I don't care. Parkour 2.0 is bloody great. Now we are flexible in how we move, instead of trying to race through things as fast as possible, trying to keep up with the rest.


Define what you mean by flexible cause in P1 you had 3 options of movement and now we have one.


Bullet jump + double jump + dodge roll


That's my new "coptering" and it's fast as hell.


So we went from 3 buttons that people couldn't figure out to 6?

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That's not a very good comparison, considering the generation of capture missions.

Amazing that some people think a glitchy lightspeed spin attack is superior to a complete and free-flowing system.

. Shhh, u will hurt their feelings.
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Define what you mean by flexible cause in P1 you had 3 options of movement and now we have one.



So we went from 3 buttons that people couldn't figure out to 6?

The new system is easier to pull off. People just need to give it a chance and give it time. I still haven't mastered it completely, but I've practiced a lot, and gone a long way.


Coptering looked f*cking dumb and made absolutely no sense. The new parkour system gives us more freedom, granted we can actually use it properly, but that just requires practice. We no longer need certain melee weapons to travel about.


I honestly can't see the big issue here. The new system is simple, it's fast and it's smooth. If you REALLY want to go very very very fast, there are frames build for just that. Take a volt or a zephyr and go crazy.

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The new system is easier to pull off. People just need to give it a chance and give it time. I still haven't mastered it completely, but I've practiced a lot, and gone a long way.


Coptering looked f*cking dumb and made absolutely no sense. The new parkour system gives us more freedom, granted we can actually use it properly, but that just requires practice. We no longer need certain melee weapons to travel about.


I honestly can't see the big issue here. The new system is simple, it's fast and it's smooth. If you REALLY want to go very very very fast, there are frames build for just that. Take a volt or a zephyr and go crazy.

The bullet jump and gliding look f*cking dumb and make absolutely no sense, it's not simple, and it's only smooth because it's slow.


I'd take being limited to fast weapons for mobility over being slow and fat like a beginner mag on every frame any day.

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Great you're enjoying it. Well you're still grinding the same missions, so you'll still try to race through things as fast possible, only that "as fast as possible" is now significantly slower. As the time required to grind the same missions has increased, so has the grind.


Ohhh noooo, my missions now take, like, 30 seconds to a minute longer, but look a lot better, aren't extremely janky(yay redundancy), and don't require me to use a minority of weapons in the game.


Also, I just want to note, it's easy to use percentages to inflate your numbers when the numbers themselves aren't that big.  I could say "For me, Parkour 2.0 is twice as fast!" but it seems a whole lot less impressive when it's actually "I finished this room in one second as opposed to two seconds."

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The bullet jump and gliding look f*cking dumb and make absolutely no sense, it's not simple, and it's only smooth because it's slow.


I'd take being limited to fast weapons for mobility over being slow and fat like a beginner mag on every frame any day.

Then don't do bullet jump + gliding. I don't, and I do just fine. It's not a requirement

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Great you're enjoying it. Well you're still grinding the same missions, so you'll still try to race through things as fast possible, only that "as fast as possible" is now significantly slower. As the time required to grind the same missions has increased, so has the grind.


I'm completing missions faster because bulletjumping gives me a much wider range of motion than coptering while being nearly as fast. That lets me handle terrain better, thus letting me complete missions faster without bouncing into walls or getting caught on terrain pieces.

I can also complete void parkour rooms far more quickly than I could with coptering.

I think the most important thing you fail to mention though is that bulletjump is good with any frame and only gets better with the mods, while coptering was only really good with a handful of weapons and basically needs fury and benefits heavily from berserker. Losing a tiny bit of speed (and it is tiny if you actually bother to equip a parkour 2.0 mod instead of whining about how players shouldn't have to do that when DE even gave a whole new slot for such things) but being able to bring literally any weapon and frame combination is worth it, compared to being locked into tipedo/bo/orthos prime.

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