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Why Noobz Don't Think?


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I was doing Neurode survival alert on Mercury, and for fun I went 'public'. I was paired with three noobz, two MR2 one MR3 (I'm MR19). We started, and like usual went to the first pod. We killed some mobs on the way, so we still had 98% life support. And then that MR3 guy went and activated pod. I told him to wait till it drops till around 60%, and what did he does when another one showed up? Activated it, this time on 96%.

I could chalk him up as a exception, not the rule, but this wasn't the first time. I had at least 10 such events in past few months. So, why don't they think?

I don't care for me or other high rank players, because we don't see them at end game missions, but I'm concerned for other low level players. They could either have messed up experience, and might think that survival is badly designed because there isn't enough pods to last longer runs, or they end up with bad habits.

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Maybe they don't speak english, maybe they are new at gaming in general, maybe they are mentally ill, maybe they are handicapped, maybe they are drunk/high, maybe they are tired, maybe they misunderstood the mission, etc etc etc

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Just use booty pilfering Hydroid. You get more Neurodes and Life Support Pods become meaningless.


Erm and sorry to say but if you are MR 19 and not doing this and relying on pods then you shouldn't be throwing the word "Noob" at others so carelessly. 

Edited by Wolfdoggie
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Maybe they are trolling. A lot of times you explain something to a player and depending on your tone, and/or how they perceived your tone, the other player could take offense to it and then purposely proceed to do what you have asked them not to do (even if you were very reasonable in your request).

As we do not actually interact with the other player it's all a matter of perception. If the other guy or girl thinks you are communicating in a fashion that they find offensive for whatever reason they might take exception to that and proceed to troll you.

It happens.

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Eh, we could all say we were like them at our start. I for one always activated life support if it was below 90%, but they'll learn over time.


And if you're in a mission where it's possible that a MR2 can do it themselves, why not just solo it so you won't have to be bothered by them? 


You could also just grab some friends/clan mates to do it with them as well. 

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I had this today as well. MR3 activates life support at 98%. I say don't do it till below at least 70%. We went through 4 or 5 life supports in 5 minutes. Needless to say we had to extract. Maybe the Lotus should say something during the mission? Like how much a life support restores? It wouldn't stop the trolls, but it might help with people not knowing/ not listening.

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Wait master rank means somethings?

nah i kid we already know it means nothing

is simple they might have chat off,they might not know how it works,they might not speaks English,While it is concerning for other people who run this missions,but think of it this way this people will find their way to draco(or another power leveling place) power level themselves in the sense of the word and then rejoin the community without learning anything then you will see them in your missions.

So i would suggest that you leave the squad when you realize this things it will allow them to see that their something wrong or that you don't agree with what they just did.and be left to fend for themselves

Edited by Leavith
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They most likely didn't notice your message. I have came across many newer players who don't notice chat while they are playing a mission. It happens. You were like them once too. So they made a mistake. It doesn't mean that you have to go whining to the forums about it. 

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I was doing Neurode survival alert on Mercury, and for fun I went 'public'. I was paired with three noobz, two MR2 one MR3 (I'm MR19). We started, and like usual went to the first pod. We killed some mobs on the way, so we still had 98% life support. And then that MR3 guy went and activated pod. I told him to wait till it drops till around 60%, and what did he does when another one showed up? Activated it, this time on 96%.

I could chalk him up as a exception, not the rule, but this wasn't the first time. I had at least 10 such events in past few months. So, why don't they think?

I don't care for me or other high rank players, because we don't see them at end game missions, but I'm concerned for other low level players. They could either have messed up experience, and might think that survival is badly designed because there isn't enough pods to last longer runs, or they end up with bad habits.

Chat doesn't (at least for me) automatically pop up in mission. You have to open it, then it'll show on your screen even after you close it again.

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Deyz noobz bro. Noobz gotta do noob stuff.


If you wanna have these guys to respect the gametype, maybe treat them with respect by calling them new players or low MR players, or even newbies, but not noobs. A noob would be if someone like you at MR 19 went and did what they were doing. If you somehow didn't realize what you're doing is dumb, you're a noob. If you did, you're a troll.

Edited by Kestral9999
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MR means something when a guy is MR0 or 1 versus a MR19. You can more safely assume the MR0, or 1 or maybe even 2 doesn't quite know what's going on then the MR19. Only when you get a little bit higher does MR ranking start to get ambiguous.

As OP stated he was MR 19 and playing with an MR2 (or at least one of them was MR2). Chances are the MR2 suggests that player may not know what to do compared to a guy who is MR19.

And I don't care if you Draco farmed to MR19. If you are MR19 and don't know how to work a survival mission then I don't know what to say.

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I can understand that newer players are confused by survival, it makes no sense unless you know what to do. The game marks the lifesupport while the Lotus says, 'here it is!'. Anybody would think they have to activate them. There should be an introduction outside the codex (there might be one inside, but what percentage will actually read it?). What really pisses me off is when people run away from the defense target to get kills. Even people with MR 19 do this. Scattering loot all over and negating the xp sharing is just plain stupid. Again, if it were new players who didn't know better it'd be a different issue. 

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@ Kestral9999 and EetNotErn - I understand your point fully, but just as a point of observation, the OP never said he called the anything disrespectful or 'noobs' in-game. He is calling them that here on the forum, but for all we know he could have shown them fair respect when the game was going on.

Calling them noobs here, while maybe off-putting, doesn't suggest what happened in the game.

No where did I read he called them noobs in-game.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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@ Kestral9999 and EetNotErn - I understand your point fully, but just as a point of observation, the OP never said he called the anything disrespectful or 'noobs' in-game. He is calling them that here on the forum, but for all we know he could have shown them fair respect when the game was going on.

Calling them noobs here, while maybe off-putting, doesn't suggest what happened in the game.

No where did I read he called them noobs in-game.


I got you, I was mostly joking really. 

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Just use booty pilfering Hydroid. You get more Neurodes and Life Support Pods become meaningless.


Erm and sorry to say but if you are MR 19 and not doing this and relying on pods then you shouldn't be throwing the word "Noob" at others so carelessly. 

he isn't relying on them, he warned others not to use them, as having a full LS will waste the actual pickups

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I was doing Neurode survival alert on Mercury, and for fun I went 'public'. I was paired with three noobz, two MR2 one MR3 (I'm MR19). We started, and like usual went to the first pod. We killed some mobs on the way, so we still had 98% life support. And then that MR3 guy went and activated pod. I told him to wait till it drops till around 60%, and what did he does when another one showed up? Activated it, this time on 96%.

I could chalk him up as a exception, not the rule, but this wasn't the first time. I had at least 10 such events in past few months. So, why don't they think?

I don't care for me or other high rank players, because we don't see them at end game missions, but I'm concerned for other low level players. They could either have messed up experience, and might think that survival is badly designed because there isn't enough pods to last longer runs, or they end up with bad habits.

The Main Question is:

"Is all of this so severe?"

(...So that you have to get frustrated and come here on forums looking for sympathy?)

Is really necessary to discriminate 2-3 people because of their skill level in a game?

I'd have to ask another question: why most people under a certain age come on forums making every time the same old questions?

Nothing personal, just be constructive and try giving an answer for every question.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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If it was an alert then you only have to stay for 10 minutes.




This !


I've found myself on a 10 min Survival Alert.


The guys just woun't leave !!! I kept telling them "let's go, we won't get anything anymore!", but I could not trigger the timer to end the mission alone.... 20 mins trying to explain the Alert thing to them, to no avail. Had to abandon the mission .... 


Not to mention Excavations with 5 Excavators in place .... sad ...


I know new gamers are new gamers, I was one and will always be should a new game arrives (doh), but I always listen to what others have to say.


So, new comers, I'm not saying you guys should do what older gamers tell you to do, like an order, but please, please, just listen to what we say and give a little consideration.

Edited by .Zefir
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Just use booty pilfering Hydroid. You get more Neurodes and Life Support Pods become meaningless.


Erm and sorry to say but if you are MR 19 and not doing this and relying on pods then you shouldn't be throwing the word "Noob" at others so carelessly. 

I was maxing out Odonata Prime together with Grattler for few past hours, so I wanted something chill. I have 200 Neurodes.


Eh, we could all say we were like them at our start. I for one always activated life support if it was below 90%, but they'll learn over time.


And if you're in a mission where it's possible that a MR2 can do it themselves, why not just solo it so you won't have to be bothered by them? 


You could also just grab some friends/clan mates to do it with them as well. 

It was just chillout run.


man it was mercury what do you expect? 



Deyz noobz bro. Noobz gotta do noob stuff.


If you wanna have these guys to respect the gametype, maybe treat them with respect by calling them new players or low MR players, or even newbies, but not noobs. A noob would be if someone like you at MR 19 went and did what they were doing. If you somehow didn't realize what you're doing is dumb, you're a noob. If you did, you're a troll.

Newbie is a new player that want's to learn to play and enjoy the game, Noob is a new player that thinks he 'owns this sh!t' and does as he/she likes.


MR means something when a guy is MR0 or 1 versus a MR19. You can more safely assume the MR0, or 1 or maybe even 2 doesn't quite know what's going on then the MR19. Only when you get a little bit higher does MR ranking start to get ambiguous.

As OP stated he was MR 19 and playing with an MR2 (or at least one of them was MR2). Chances are the MR2 suggests that player may not know what to do compared to a guy who is MR19.

And I don't care if you Draco farmed to MR19. If you are MR19 and don't know how to work a survival mission then I don't know what to say.

Not knowing what to do, and not willing to learn are two different thing. I just started to play Skyforge. I ask around and learn constantly from everyone that's willing to share their knowledge.


I can understand that newer players are confused by survival, it makes no sense unless you know what to do. The game marks the lifesupport while the Lotus says, 'here it is!'. Anybody would think they have to activate them. There should be an introduction outside the codex (there might be one inside, but what percentage will actually read it?). What really pisses me off is when people run away from the defense target to get kills. Even people with MR 19 do this. Scattering loot all over and negating the xp sharing is just plain stupid. Again, if it were new players who didn't know better it'd be a different issue. 

At MR3 you'd think that he had at lest few survivals behind him, and if he still didn't got it, than he don't think, as I stated in the title.


Maybe they did it to spite you for calling them noobz. 

I'm respectful in chat. That is until someone pisses me off, and still didn't called him noob.


@ Kestral9999 and EetNotErn - I understand your point fully, but just as a point of observation, the OP never said he called the anything disrespectful or 'noobs' in-game. He is calling them that here on the forum, but for all we know he could have shown them fair respect when the game was going on.

Calling them noobs here, while maybe off-putting, doesn't suggest what happened in the game.

No where did I read he called them noobs in-game.

I didn't. I try to be as helpful to other players as I can, so I don't call them names in game. Here, I'm venting.


If it was an alert then you only have to stay for 10 minutes.


It's easy to get to the 10 minute mark without using a single LS pod, and there are no additional rewards after the 10 minute mark.


No disrespect, but it sounds like you're the jerk in this scenario, OP.

I always try to play as efficiently as possible, and even if not, going through two LS pods in first minute of survival is beyond ridiculous, even on alert.

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The Main Question is:

"Is all of this so severe?"

...So that you have to get frustrated and come here on forums looking for sympathy?

Is really necessary to discriminate 2-3 people because of their skill level in a game?

I'd have to ask another question: why most people under a certain age come on forums making every time the same old questions?

Nothing personal, just try giving an answer for every question.

I'm just venting, and I'm concerned for the future of players not willing to learn the rules governing the game.


This !


I've found myself on a 10 min Survival Alert.


The guys just woun't leave !!! I kept telling them "let's go, we won't get anything anymore!", but I could not trigger the timer to end the mission alone.... 20 mins trying to explain the Alert thing to them, to no avail. Had to abandon the mission .... 


Not to mention Excavations with 5 Excavators in place .... sad ...


I know new gamers are new gamers, I was one and will always be should a new game arrives (doh), but I always listen to what others have to say.


So, new comers, I'm not saying you guys should do what older gamers tell you to do, like an order, but please, please, just listen to what we say and give a little consideration.


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I can understand that newer players are confused by survival, it makes no sense unless you know what to do. The game marks the lifesupport while the Lotus says, 'here it is!'. Anybody would think they have to activate them.


When I first  started that was the first thing I did LOL!!!!  Lotus makes it sound like you're gonna DIE.  So I would run full speed to the pod and hit it, then run toward the next one and hit it.....  8-|


Took me a little bit to work it out, but then I don't play public, happy just playing solo and with my friends for now.  Been around the internet a LLOONNGG time and I don't feel like dealing with the occasional smart mouth who wants to tell me how they want me to play the game.  I get doing things optimally, but I like playing a game, not just flying through a level one shotting the boss then exiting and rinse and repeat.  If you send me some platinum I'll play however you want, but until then....... ;)


I agree, it's likely the new players didn't see chat, or weren't paying attention.  Trouble is, when you go full public and just play with randoms....you get a random result and you have to expect that.

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