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Hotfix 8.0.4: Hit Me With Your Best Hot(Fix).


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RekoHunter, on 27 May 2013 - 1:06 PM, said:

It was brought up in the council chat. DE_Steve made mention that they focused on an verge of the members in clans. The mega clans skewed the numbers pretty bad thus the prices we see now.

Being told that is infuriating. In fact, it is a perfect example of why they should not have said anything. Edited by Kyrkitao
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To DE Staff: I hereby request that you consider the following issues for the next hotfix update:

- Rare Material Drop Rates. Rare materials from each region (such as Neurodes from Earth, Control Modules from Neptune, etc.) have a very low chance of dropping currently. Please either combine this drop with that of the Research Materials that drop, or increase the drop chances. The rates currently are infinitesimal.

- Void Key Drop Rates. Same issue as for the Rare Materials, only more so. Instead of simply leaving this as a possible mission completion award, please make this a rare normal drop from enemies.

- Forma drop rates. Similar issue - due to the overwhelming Forma costs of the Dojo as well as the many things one can use Forma on, please make this a rare normal drop from enemies in the Void.

- UI Updates. diji's mockup for a possible UI upgrade as well as this other good one have both received quite a bit of attention, because their approaches would resolve many present minor UI issues with Warframe's interface. Please consider the ideas in the OP of those threads for possible updates to Warframe's UI.

You have my humble thanks for your consideration.

Edited by rhoenix
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It was brought up in the council chat. DE_Steve made mention that they focused on an verge of the members in clans. The mega clans skewed the numbers pretty bad thus the prices we see now.


I'm in a clan of 10 people, although only 3-4 of us play a lot.  Even then, the materials don't seem too ridiculous to me.  The only material that bothers me is the forma.  In a large clan, it would be not too difficult to have enough forma, but in ours, even if we spent a significant amount of cash each, we'd have barely the bare minimum of dojo rooms.

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I'm in a clan of 10 people, although only 3-4 of us play a lot.  Even then, the materials don't seem too ridiculous to me.  The only material that bothers me is the forma.  In a large clan, it would be not too difficult to have enough forma, but in ours, even if we spent a significant amount of cash each, we'd have barely the bare minimum of dojo rooms.

And that's the issue at the moment, basically what they've done is say "larger clan better".

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they were pretty straight forward about it when they said that they wanted people to be in large clans

Not going to happen. Large clans are not required. There is no game play reason to have a large clan. The dojo is currently the only reason to only because they made it that way. Until they add a NEED for more than four players to play the game no one NEEDS to join a big clan. The dojo and it's new weapons are the only thing requiring more people right now, to me that's not the way it should be. The dojo should be something fun for you and your clan to work for. Not something that mega clans can churn and burn and the little guys get stuck with.

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Not going to happen. Large clans are not required. There is no game play reason to have a large clan. The dojo is currently the only reason to only because they made it that way. Until they add a NEED for more than four players to play the game no one NEEDS to join a big clan. The dojo and it's new weapons are the only thing requiring more people right now, to me that's not the way it should be. The dojo should be something fun for you and your clan to work for. Not something that mega clans can churn and burn and the little guys get stuck with.

not sure what you mean but "Not going to happen" but what they said was not suggested game play for the players, it was an ideal that they had for their game. Their intentions are to create content for large clans. You may or may not think they succeeded. Either way, that was their goal. Like the dojo that's why "they made it that way". No one "NEEDS" to do anything. I never made such a claim.


Anyone can be bitter about having to work harder in a small clan. But keep one fact in mind: It is your own choice. If you decide to remain in a small clan, then just know that you have made a conscious choice to carry a lot more farming on your own shoulders. If you not happy with the choice you made, then make a different one.

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not sure what you mean but "Not going to happen" but what they said was not suggested game play for the players, it was an ideal that they had for their game. Their intentions are to create content for large clans. You may or may not think they succeeded. Either way, that was their goal. Like the dojo that's why "they made it that way". No one "NEEDS" to do anything. I never made such a claim.


Anyone can be bitter about having to work harder in a small clan. But keep one fact in mind: It is your own choice. If you decide to remain in a small clan, then just know that you have made a conscious choice to carry a lot more farming on your own shoulders. If you not happy with the choice you made, then make a different one.

The game does not require me to make a different choice to progress with the game. Me and my 5-10 friends can make our way through the gameplay just fine. What the dojo says is that I need to be in a big clan for a primarily social aspect of the game. I'm all for rewarding big clans. They have an awesome thing going for them. Cheers to them! But that's not how me and my buddies want to play the game.

Is it a matter of choice? Yes. Is it a crap feeling to be told my choice is the wrong choice? Yes. That however is irrelevant. One of the dev's themselves mentioned that they got the numbers wrong based on the average being skewed by the disparity introduced by the mega clans. So based on that dev statement I choose to hold them to that and expcet the numbers to go down.

Another thing is the big clans cheated and exploited the optional reset system. None of the clan based content in this update has gone smoothly or fairly. I also would like to think many master rank founders are affected by this. I for one became a master to sit on the design council for my small clan. I put my money where my mouth is and I would at least like a fair shake.

Rather than just be "you mad bro", cause yeah "I'm mad bro" let prapose something that would be a fair and balanced solution. One that rewards the mega clans, cause holly bawls 1000+ members GREAT JOB, and helps out the little guys equally.


There was enough exploiting to justify this. So send everyone back their mats and ban the exploiters.


Hear me out on this! Keep reading till the end. It will make sense then. The mega clans were still able to blow through the mats required so amp the cost up.

Step 3: reward the first X number of clans to finish

Give the first however many clans that finish the research stations a reward. Maybe special prime blue prints for being first.

Step 4: lower cost as more people unlock the research

After your "firsts" get their cool stuff you gradually start lowering the costs based on the number of clans building the research. I like this for a fee reasons. It gives mega clans a challenge and reward for being first and it stops small casual clans from being totally road blocked from the content. They just have to wait. Not grind for 4 hours a day and rely on random alerts.

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i hear small clans can scout new members and expand

but pshhh...that is a secret for all small clans in the universe

so make sure small clans will stick with 10 players and clans like asurO will scout for 100 new members everyday and get all the cool stuff

order of the universe must be maintained

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The game does not require me to make a different choice to progress with the game. Me and my 5-10 friends can make our way through the gameplay just fine. What the dojo says is that I need to be in a big clan for a primarily social aspect of the game. I'm all for rewarding big clans. They have an awesome thing going for them. Cheers to them! But that's not how me and my buddies want to play the game.

Is it a matter of choice? Yes. Is it a crap feeling to be told my choice is the wrong choice? Yes. That however is irrelevant. One of the dev's themselves mentioned that they got the numbers wrong based on the average being skewed by the disparity introduced by the mega clans. So based on that dev statement I choose to hold them to that and expcet the numbers to go down.

Another thing is the big clans cheated and exploited the optional reset system. None of the clan based content in this update has gone smoothly or fairly. I also would like to think many master rank founders are affected by this. I for one became a master to sit on the design council for my small clan. I put my money where my mouth is and I would at least like a fair shake.

Rather than just be "you mad bro", cause yeah "I'm mad bro" let prapose something that would be a fair and balanced solution. One that rewards the mega clans, cause holly bawls 1000+ members GREAT JOB, and helps out the little guys equally.

Your wrong. Equality doesn't meant that everyone will get the same results. Equality means that the playing field is the same for everyone. You play the same game that I play and yet you act like your being treated unfairly.


Any perceived limitations that you believe you have are a direct result of your own choices. I wanna run around with a sword only. This game will let me do that. I just have to understand that some boss fights may be more challenging for me and easier for someone who uses a rifle/pistol. If I choose to use melee only on The Jackal, I can't then turn around and say that I am being treated unfairly because he constantly stomps.


You keep trying to make some point that the system isn't fair. Your wrong. The system is fair, you just not using the system correctly. It has nothing to do with your feelings. DE is not trying to make you feel bad. No one is tell you that having a small clan is wrong or bad. Its just not the optimum way to play warframe. 


As for your troll accusation. I'm not trolling or mocking you. I'm just trying to help you understand that your not a victim. You have the same opportunities as anyone else in this game. If you don't want to take advantage of them that is not the developer's or any else's fault.

Edited by bptamblyn
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Your wrong. Equality doesn't meant that everyone will get the same results. Equality means that the playing field is the same for everyone. You play the same game that I play and yet you act like your being treated unfairly.


Any perceived limitations that you believe you have are a direct result of your own choices. I wanna run around with a sword only. This game will let me do that. I just have to understand that some boss fights may be more challenging for me and easier for someone who uses a rifle/pistol. If I choose to use melee only on The Jackal, I can't then turn around and say that I am being treated unfairly because he constantly stomps.


You keep trying to make some point that the system isn't fair. Your wrong. The system is fair, you just not using the system correctly. It has nothing to do with your feelings. DE is not trying to make you feel bad. No one is tell you that having a small clan is wrong or bad. Its just not the optimum way to play warframe. 


As for your troll accusation. I'm not trolling or mocking you. I'm just trying to help you understand that your not a victim. You have the same opportunities as anyone else in this game. If you don't want to take advantage of them that is not the developer's or any else's fault.


You seem to misunderstand a few things. I'm not calling you a troll and I'm not talking about game play. If you think I'm calling you a troll your way overly sensitive. You also seem to be hell bent on defending something with an argument that is completely irrelevant.  You do not seem to get that I'm referring to the game play and the social aspect aren't matching up. No matter how I spell it out to you and keep going on about my "social" choices being wrong. So yes... You are trolling and YOU are the one who is wrong.


Your argument is invalid and full of holes as it is referring strictly to game play. You can "play", go on missions and play it however you want that is fun to you. You see what I'm getting at that Dojos aren't game play. They are not game play at all. They are a social thing for you and your clan to engage in in order to pvp with one another and research new weapons. The game play is separate from the dojos. Said game play requires 4 people to play.


The point I'm making, and you are ignoring, is that to play the game you only need 4 people. This sets up an amazing game play experience for a small group of friends to get together and play.  Form your own Clan and have some fun together. Dojo construction however has such high requirements it actively penalizes that niche that the game so well fits. Casual players that form clans of friends are being punished for doing so. Forget fairness it's poor market strategy. If the Dev's want big clans make a game that requires big clans to play. Warframe is not a game that requires that.


The main point I'm trying to make is there is no game play benefit to a large clan. The dojo is the only benefit to a large clan, but with a large clan you lose the close-nit friends feeling that this game lends it's self to so well.  To play the game effectively it takes only 4 people. Only 4. To build a dojo effectively it takes a lot more than that.


So yes... I am a victim and yes it is the developers fault. They made an amazing game for a small number of people to play together and then decided that they wanted it to be some big hit game with huge mega clans. The large clans should be a happy coincidence not the norm. The game isn't built for 1000. It is built for 4. So yes. It is the developers fault. They built a game for one thing and want the social aspects to be disproportionate.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by [DE]Rebecca, May 29, 2013 - Seems baity
Hidden by [DE]Rebecca, May 29, 2013 - Seems baity

lol we can be here all day. You made a choice and now your complaining about the outcome of that choice. Its not unfair, its a decision you made.

Edited by bptamblyn
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Hm, just to barge in here...once again....drop rates been fixed yet? REALLY don't feel like more reaper handles, they're starting to get to a critical mass where they're capable of evolving sentience and over-throwing me as their master.

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Wow, didn't know that.

Could you tell me the names\descriptions?

I think they come with the cube itself. That seems to be how I got mine. They're called Vaporize and Swift Death. Swift Death just makes the cube attack things with his gun, while I haven't seen Vaporizer do anything at all.


It's supposed to do high damage to a single target, though.

Edited by Zeddypanda
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ok, heres what should happen.


Forma needs to be made available for 50k


potatoes should be like 100k


Void Keys should have their drop rate upped slightly.

So, in other words you'd like everything to be easily available?

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ok, heres what should happen.


Forma needs to be made available for 50k


potatoes should be like 100k


Void Keys should have their drop rate upped slightly.


I can't say I agree about the Potato deal, But I think there should be some sort of easier way to attain forma. It is an integral part of making Clan Rooms, and with void keys only giving you a chance to get 1 of 5-15, It should be at least attained in some other way aside from the market. Definately not 50k though. That's WAY too cheap.

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