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I Feel Like These Forums Are Mostly A Waste Of Time Since We Are Almost Never Heard.


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This is not a 'troll' or 'rage' post. This is a serious post and I'm speaking of the issue of how the overwhelming majority of the feedback provided here goes unheard, thus it is pretty much a waste of time for those that bother to write constructive feedback.


Although there are many bad suggestions here, these forums are also filled with very precise and accurate descriptions of issues that the game currently has and how they could be improved. I feel that one example that is specially problematic is where it comes to the feeback to balance issues because it is pretty much a common agreement in these forums that there are a lot of weapons such as ignis and hind that are extremely underpowered and are in need of buffs, but it has been two years since those weapons were released and they did not got touched by the dev team and their issues were not even acknowledged.


For a more recent example from the feedback of the forums being ignored you can see the post where DERebecca told us that pilfering swarm was going to receive a nerf:




Immediately after the post by Rebecca, pages full of replies stating that that change was a bad idea issued in a matter of hours and DE went on with the change and did not even provide feedback on any of the complaints. As a matter of fact that very same post was made because the OP was asking for a buff to hydroid and he had good suggestions on how to go about with it, yet none of those suggestions were implemented or even replied to.


The only section of this forum where we are actually listened to is on the bug reports and the PvP feedback areas, in fact I did like to congratulate the people who are on charge of those two areas because they are doing a very good job.


But everywhere else we are mostly ignored, I'm hard-pressed to find any significant suggestion from these forums that got implemented. The only two things I can think of are that post about removing coptering and expanding parkour (which became parkour 2.0) and the whole 'vivergate' fiasco, but then again those two where ultra exceptional circunstances: The first one was because that post was necroed for months and received over 2000 upvotes and the second one was massive 'uproar' coupled with ragequit en masse.


Even the community hot topics where the community can vote and we can see statistically which side the forum is leaning towards has many and many suggestions that did not got implemented.


The only place where fan ideas get turned into actual stuff to be implemented into the game is on the design council, but that is just throwing a bone to the people who people gave a chunk of the startup capital for this game. Now go contrast the design council with the 'fan concepts' area of these forums, I doubt anyone can find a single concept in there that actually made it into the game.


And it's not frustrating just because our ideas and suggestions don't get implemented into the game, we hardly get any replies and feedback from the dev team. When we get replies it's almost aways just Rebecca and Drew and the rest of the PR and Q&A staff and they are aways just informing us of what is going to on on the studios instead of giving us actual feedback.


From experience I believe that a troll posting S#&$ on the twitter of someone on the dev team or a viral video of some youtuber that hardly even played the game is far more likely to receive input from the devs than a constructive and well written post from a passionate player on these forums, this situation is downright depressing.

Edited by lvl999ArchNecromancerIRL
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What are you expecting DE? DE to reply to every feedback of a frame? Every rework suggestions? Have you seen the sheer amount of feedback that's given daily?


DE seems every feedback but it's thier choice to reply, Scott already said fro frost rework he goes to forums, Excalibur's ultimate was something someone suggested to him, infact Excalibur took priority over from because of forum outcry.


You're being unrealistic if you expect DE to reply to every topic. They at best, lurk the forums.

Edited by Buzkyl
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As it has been mentioned in the past by DERebecca, the developers do in fact frequent the forums and review feedback given by players, however they do not always have the time to reply to every piece of feedback that goes up.

We are heard but if its negative or criticism we are silenced

Incorrect. As long as the criticism adheres to the rules (mature, respectful and objective) then there's no risk of it being removed.

If it spews vitriol, profanity, insults and rage, then yes, it will be removed.

The best feedback is negative feedback made with level headed, objective arguments and proposes alternatives with the intent of improving the game.

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We are heard but if its negative or criticism we are silenced


There is a difference between constructive criticism and insulting negativity.  One gets locked, the other gets promoted for a healthy discussion to take place and be noticed.

Edited by Gelkor
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Care to show me a forum where the majority of players' ideas have a significant impact on the game in comparison to Warframe's?

no such thread exists, de likes to feel special and original so they tend to avoid using anything that is popular opinion so they don't have to revoke their make believe special snowflake status. besides if they went listening to our good ideas it'd suggest we were some sort of equals or nearly such, le gasp.

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Care to show me a forum where the majority of players' ideas have a significant impact on the game in comparison to Warframe's?


I don't play many online games (which is where participating on the forums is actually a thing), but with Hawken listening to player feedback and making changes from there was actually a thing back when the devs where actively working on the game.



What are you expecting DE? DE to reply to every feedback of a frame? Every rework suggestions? Have you seen the sheer amount of feedback that's given daily?


DE seems every feedback but it's thier choice to reply, Scott already said fro frost rework he goes to forums, Excalibur's ultimate was something someone suggested to him, infact Excalibur took priority over from because of forum outcry.


You're being unrealistic if you expect DE to reply to every topic. They at best, lurk the forums.


Strawman fallacy. Nowhere did i demand that they reply to every single topic, the issue is that they practically never reply to any topic nor do they implement any of the changes suggested here. Even when it is something that is massively agreed upon on here.


I even cited an example of listening to player feeback done decently: Bug reports and pvp feedback sections. Do you think the people there are lurking the forums all the day just to know what players want?

Edited by lvl999ArchNecromancerIRL
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As it has been mentioned in the past by DERebecca, the developers do in fact frequent the forums and review feedback given by players, however they do not always have the time to reply to every piece of feedback that goes up.

They do have enough time to troll Pc players in chat though and pretend that players can give feedback on items requested for the trader then deliver what no one asked for

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They do have enough time to troll Pc players in chat though and pretend that players can give feedback on items requested for the trader then deliver what no one asked for

Depends on the developer. They also might be in the chart on their own free time, or they might be on chat because they're testing something in the public build and have some time to kill.

Mainly, not every developer is involved with every single facet of the game. A developer you see in chat might be part of QA, or they might be part of the art team responsible for item X, Y or Z, and there may not be active feedback for the past of the game their responsible for.

If you're miffed about void trader, I don't think egging on the developer responsible for the network and backbone components of the game is going to help you at all. Just saying.

Also, regarding void trader, see:

There was a rant thread about how bad the trader's items were... they changed them immediately.

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Ask me how many times I've been responded to out of my 20,000+ posts.


Hint: 3 times


DE as a company reads muuuch more than they write. With that said, I still feel like it would be beneficial to mark threads with a little Lotus symbol if a member of DE's staff has visited a thread.


Although, that may lead to "I know you saw my thread DE, you better respond" comments...

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Ask me how many times I've been responded to out of my 20,000+ posts.


Hint: 3 times


DE as a company reads muuuch more than they write. With that said, I still feel like it would be beneficial to mark threads with a little Lotus symbol if a member of DE's staff has visited a thread.


Although, that may lead to "I know you saw my thread DE, you better respond" comments...


I wonder if that's why they got rid of the ability to see who was reading what.  Used to be able to see who was actively viewing your thread.

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DE said themselves that they want to do a lot of things, they have a lot of idea's, they just lack the time.

Just because the idea got 500 likes, doesn't mean it's worth the effort. I mean, implementing a 500 likes idea for an audience of several millions?


As for bug fixes, there is a long bugfix lists every hotfix. Off course they want to fix all the bugs, but they have to focus on bugs that affect the most people first.


I'm not sure why you're saying DE doesn't listen when they clearly showed us several times that they do.

Personally, I don't know any company that listens to their community this much.

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why you say WE are never heard this is more about YOU thinking they should implement the changes YOU want is good that DE doesn't listen to all the feedback cause if they did the game will be ruined by now 

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