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Trading Chat? More Like Spam Chat


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What happened to D3 ? I never played Diablo, sorry...

The reason it will fail is the range of tradeable stuff. In mmo's there are a ton of stuff to sell and it sells for GOLD not "credit" (plat here) what can be farmed and not bought online for real money. And back to items .. there you can sell eaven your granny.. here you can sell a few new mods and parts at good price. So in short: Rare stuffs price gonna skyrocket while common stuff gonna drop to nothing. 

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There is no economy as long as no one knows WTF anything is worth.  One person is offering Ember Prime BP for 80p.  Another for 30p.  Neither of these parties is likely to notice the other's price tag because of the worthless volume of spam.


No, an auction house won't kill the economy.  It would only stabilize what economy there is.


Diablo 3's auction house failed in that it partly destroyed the very essence of the game - finding loot from slaughtering legions of monsters.  People had issues with that aspect, sure, but that isn't to say the auction house failed in D3, it just kind of went against the spirit of the game. What really killed it's auction house though were constant gold duping bugs to the point where even more common items were worth millions of gold.  At that point, it's economy had inflated so horrifically the only fix was to take an axe to it.  It's like everyone in Warframe having hundreds of thousands of platinum (and DE's bank account doesn't reflect it.)


Warframe isn't quite Diablo.  Loot is rewarded at random for spending XYZ time in an endless mode.  Mods do drop from enemies, but unlike Diablo 3, once you have Split Chamber, you have split chamber.  There is no Triple Chamber with a top out of 150% chance for extra bullets that drops from Drekar Ballista, and a diamond chamber later with a 220% chance.  There is no constant desire to replace that which you already have with something better within 15 minutes of getting it, and no, I'm not talking about going from the Braton to a Latron, I mean like mod to mod.  The game DE is designing lives on constantly pushing out new content, not a procedural item generator that keeps putting together stronger and stronger items and spitting them out at the player.  Imagine if the game put together Serration and Vitality mods that could range up into the thousands of percent by rank 80?


At worst, an auction house would hasten the rate at which people acquire prime items.  At best, it stabilizes the market, as it will then be a perfect information economy.  And no, don't expect prices to keep plummeting on items.  Someone, somewhere, will play the "buy low, sell high" trick and normalize the prices around a general point the community will pay for.  Someone's always got spare platinum, and wants more of it.  If an item actually does bottom out, no one wants it anyway.


And then there's the constant need to farm ducats for the next void trader visit.  That alone will keep items in demand until DE releases too many consecutive unpopular deals.  And really that's the trick: making sure there's an outflow of currency and trade goods somewhere to prevent inflation and to keep things in demand.  Everyone can have a braton prime, but they'll still want to sell the parts for ducats when Baro Ki Teer visits (expect price hikes on goods around that time.)


The people saying an AH would kill the economy are either the price scalpers that know the current system is working in their favor, or don't understand a thing on economics.  Inb4 every single one of them conveniently has a degree in the subject.

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Guest (PS4)Baby0Shaq34


Look at Fifa ultimate teams auction house.

You can auction your items and you can buy and sell items straight away.

You can search for what you need without looking through a chat and you can still trade items for items.

What's wrong with that? Nothing!

Edited by (PS4)Baby0Shaq34
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The biggest problem are the ppl who write a novel about useless stuff they want to sell.

Do you know what's going to happen?


WTS Item X for 50p

WTS Item X for 49p

WTS Item X for 48p

And so on until we reach the lowest price.


this happens now plus people do the same when MULTIPLE people give an offer. whats your point?


also idk why people keep bringing in D3 like it invented AHs. have most just never played MMOs? AH works in pretty much everywhere. also diablo 3 AH failed because you could buy thing with REAL MONEY and get REAL MONEY in return, THAT is why D3 AH bombed.

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Auction-house like system would benefit Warframe so much, because the trade chat is just attrocious; and so what prices would drop. The Warframe community is going up and down all the time already... even in most MMOs the prices go down, and then they eventually go back up. Its part of what an economy does...

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Kingtaro, your system of making people pay plat to sell stuff for plat is like saying Oh I went a nd farmed for this super rare mod but I can't sell it became I have no plat. It would be a different story if you only had to pay if your item actually sold. That way, trading would not be limited to the players who spend their money on a game causing some players who probably have some super rare stuff and want to trade it for plat would be unable to. The auction house is also not a bad idea. Although they would have to tweak how it works, I would favor a market where there are stalls. And yes, it would probably kill my fps, but who cares. It's for the ITEMS. The ITEMS. >.>

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A proper, I repeat proper auction house solves all the problems.


Limited amount of items per char that can be auctioned, like 4 (6,?) simultaneously.


Auction tax, like trade tax,


Auction time locked, preventing people from excessive undercutting. Once you set an item for auction it will run a minimum of 24 h for example 


Diablo 3 was a disaster since afaik you could auction items directly for cash or for some tokens you could then  turn back into real life cash. This would be impossible in WF since you can not convert plat back into real life $.


Most proper mmo titles out there have an auction house, the reason why many WF players are against it is scamming, an auction house would make it impossible to scam the new players out of hundreds of plat for garbage trinkets. What people completely disregard is that with an auction house you can still manipulate prices by playing market games, buying off certain parts or mods and create a shortage and then sell high. So outside from blatant easy scamming there is literally nothing speaking vs an auction house IF you set in place some rules as mentioned above and do not do something horribly stupid as in D 3.


D 3 is also the ONLY example (that I know of) of an auction house screwing everything over and the reason for that was direct cash conversion.

Edited by Hatzeputt
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Still waiting on the Auction house...


And no, it will not kill warframe Diablo 3 did the mistake of having be a real money auction house, and be not an auction at all



For those saying "It'll drive prices down" That's why you make it an AUCTION. You set a time limit for it to sell, a base price to sell at, and a buyout price for the lazy and impatient.


People will then bid on the item, driving the price up over the duration of the time you had the item up, and the laziness can just buy your item straight out for a ridiculous sum of cash


It will SOLVE our issues, not screw them over...


Only the easily acquired items will go down in cash, the rares will go way up


When people need a rare and don't have the money, they go find ot, there by actually playing the game( a thing very few of you do anymore I'm sure)

And while farming they'll get different items and part which they could then sell!


It's an economy that sustains itself;f

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A proper, I repeat proper auction house solves all the problems.


Limited amount of items per char that can be auctioned, like 4 (6,?) simultaneously.


Auction tax, like trade tax,


Auction time locked, preventing people from excessive undercutting. Once you set an item for auction it will run a minimum of 24 h for example 


Diablo 3 was a disaster since afaik you could auction items directly for cash or for some tokens you could then  turn back into real life cash. This would be impossible in WF since you can not convert plat back into real life $.


Most proper mmo titles out there have an auction house, the reason why many WF players are against it is scamming, an auction house would make it impossible to scam the new players out of hundreds of plat for garbage trinkets. What people completely disregard is that with an auction house you can still manipulate prices by playing market games, buying off certain parts or mods and create a shortage and then sell high. So outside from blatant easy scamming there is literally nothing speaking vs an auction house IF you set in place some rules as mentioned above and do not do something horribly stupid as in D 3.


D 3 is also the ONLY example (that I know of) of an auction house screwing everything over and the reason for that was direct cash conversion.


Exactly. People keep bringing up Diablo 3 and ignoring all of the successful MMOs that have auction houses (most of which follow the rules you mentioned). 


It really cracks me up how people are so against something that would make everyone's life easier. I mean, I get why the devs might not like the idea -- they are not usually in the business of making life easier for us -- but you'd think the playerbase could agree on it. 

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Exactly. People keep bringing up Diablo 3 and ignoring all of the successful MMOs that have auction houses (most of which follow the rules you mentioned).

It really cracks me up how people are so against something that would make everyone's life easier. I mean, I get why the devs might not like the idea -- they are not usually in the business of making life easier for us -- but you'd think the playerbase could agree on it.

Uhh... Because WF has a ridiculously high item drop rate compared to those MMOs, and with zero item consumption to boot.

Face it, for an AH to succeed, a thorough overhaul of the drop system will have to be implemented. Anyone care for 0.1% drop rates and/or item breakage on death?

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auction house just can destroy wf econmy... i give u example i play one mmo where i reach point to swim in stuff....i put in auction hous x item who cost noramlly 500k i put 100 items of that type  for 300k that items....and u kill trade  for other players.......!!! warframe need some kind of trade changes but no auction house....

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We've all looked at the trading chat, and to be honest, it isn't a pretty sight. It's just full of endless lines of spam with people desperate to sell all their things, and when you want to sell only a few things, it gets shoved off by a person who's spammed the visible interface. It's extremely annoying as you then have to wait another two minutes to type a thing in that nobody even saw, it's even annoying when trying to buy things too. I'm sure you've all experienced it. Something needs to be done.


Edit: It would be good if there were designated chats for buying and selling certain items


well its actually the same thing as reality, when you go to the market, full of desperate people who are trying to sell everything, each seller are trying to shoved off another seller by spamming, i mean shouting or dancing or screaming the hell out of his products... and its really annoying, yep i have experienced it everyday when we go to the market every morning... 

Edited by vashyoung
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Auction house, all we need, I don't know how it would kill the game.

Taxes can kill the game, but that's saying if the taxes are applied to platinums.


Especially when the taxes are just there as means to just....... tax..... and have no real meaning behind taxes, which applies to many online game that have taxes in auction houses.


In short, if taxes exist in auction house, the taxes should be stored or held by lotus and use taxes to reward the player base with events etc.


Just an idea.....

Edited by saltygr33n
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Taxes can kill the game, but that's saying if the taxes are applied to platinums.


Especially when the taxes are just there as means to just....... tax..... and have no real meaning behind taxes, which applies to many online game that have taxes in auction houses.


In short, if taxes exist in auction house, the taxes should be stored or held by lotus and use taxes to reward the player base with events etc.


Just an idea.....

Maybe... Or just tax with credits ! :D

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