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Is There Any Good Warframe?/ Warframe Complaints.


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i would seriously take a reduction in damage output to make mesa ult work like excal's and be able to move and aim it manually (i also think this would fix the draco type issues in a minor way ,cause there will always be a loot cave in one way or another) 

I would love that, but




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So as someone who mains an Oberon, I can comment on this one a bit. The frame is actually rather solid all around, decent damge on his Reckoning with some useful CC, the heal/down timer extension is nice, and Hallowed Ground CAN be useful as a CC resist. The issues are as follows;


- For Hallowed Ground to be effective, you have to limit mobility by quite a bit. This cuts down it's actual practicality by quite a bit.


- Building him to tank damage isn't awful, but it's also not great. And eats up valuable mod slots he could use for ability improvements.


- Reckoning doesn't really "nuke" things later on. It kinda punches them a bit. Though the CC it provides can make up for that, a radiation proc doesn't necessarily equal a Chaos. Enemies can, and will, still hit your allies.


- Renewal is hard to build for, since it relies on duration so heavily, which is sort of contrary to building him to do actual damage. It's also quite expensive to maintain, though duration does help with that.


All in all, I do love my Oberon, but he isn't really as good at any of his jobs as anyone else. Jack of all trades and whatnot.

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So as someone who mains an Oberon, I can comment on this one a bit. The frame is actually rather solid all around, decent damge on his Reckoning with some useful CC, the heal/down timer extension is nice, and Hallowed Ground CAN be useful as a CC resist. The issues are as follows;


- For Hallowed Ground to be effective, you have to limit mobility by quite a bit. This cuts down it's actual practicality by quite a bit.


- Building him to tank damage isn't awful, but it's also not great. And eats up valuable mod slots he could use for ability improvements.


- Reckoning doesn't really "nuke" things later on. It kinda punches them a bit. Though the CC it provides can make up for that, a radiation proc doesn't necessarily equal a Chaos. Enemies can, and will, still hit your allies.


- Renewal is hard to build for, since it relies on duration so heavily, which is sort of contrary to building him to do actual damage. It's also quite expensive to maintain, though duration does help with that.


All in all, I do love my Oberon, but he isn't really as good at any of his jobs as anyone else. Jack of all trades and whatnot.

very true though what oberon excels at is pub games as you are joining 1-3 random people that you have no idea what frames they have you can almost always take oberon and be useful in some way even though you may not be as helpful as a specific frame maybe, unless your psychic you have no way of knowing what they need in advance 

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The "received wisdom" on frames in the forums is sometimes right, sometimes wrong - which means, it's unreliable.


When I started playing the game, I took many of these opinions seriously - after all, they're supposedly from experienced players, right?


But actually, the more of the frames I play, the more I realize that a lot of the "complaints" come from people who:-


1) haven't updated an earlier opinion (the frame has changed since the opinion was formed), or

2) aren't really that experienced, or

3) are looking at frames from the point of view of extreme high-end content, which has almost nothing to do with the day-to-day bread-and-butter gameplay most people enjoy in Warframe; or

4) are repeating things they don't understand because they think it makes them look cool.


Actually, I haven't found a "dud" frame yet.  They're all incredibly powerful and fun to play, sometimes in very different ways, for the vast majority of the game's content.


Warframe is an excellent game.

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i would seriously take a reduction in damage output to make mesa ult work like excal's and be able to move and aim it manually (i also think this would fix the draco type issues in a minor way ,cause there will always be a loot cave in one way or another) 


You're going to need this:



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i would seriously take a reduction in damage output to make mesa ult work like excal's and be able to move and aim it manually (i also think this would fix the draco type issues in a minor way ,cause there will always be a loot cave in one way or another)

I honestly could care less about the state of Mesa - I'm only just getting her to 30 for the first time so my experience is limited. It's the simple design choice and the specific time (Vivergate) that she was released - which boggles my mind. I can't begrudge people for using her as is - I just don't understand DE's decision process at all.

Won't lie tho - if I log into a DS defence and see Mesa - I leave - because I came to play - not watch someone else play for me. I get it if you're grinding out T-whatever Defences she's a boon - but her prevalence in PUGs and Recruiting is tedious, personally.

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I honestly could care less about the state of Mesa - I'm only just getting her to 30 for the first time so my experience is limited. It's the simple design choice and the specific time (Vivergate) that she was released - which boggles my mind. I can't begrudge people for using her as is - I just don't understand DE's decision process at all.

Won't lie tho - if I log into a DS defence and see Mesa - I leave - because I came to play - not watch someone else play for me. I get it if you're grinding out T-whatever Defences she's a boon - but her prevalence in PUGs and Recruiting is tedious, personally.

well you may see me in the pugs etc but for mesa i only pull out the regulators out when the situation is dire and then put them away as soon as it past not everyone plays mesa the same way 

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People also said the Soma was crap when it was released .. 

Took them a while to work out the crit build, and then suddenly it was the goto weapon.


Wf gives you choices and build options.

Not everyone is that good at interpreting them, so not everyone's PoV on good/bad frames is really valid.

Sure it's an opinion, but needs to be put into context.


Read what people say, but then try it yourself and make up your own mind.

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90% of those reasons listed are BS. 




Because 90% of those reasons are due to not knowing how to mod the frame. Who the crap says Mirage is weak, when she has 2 abilities to buff her personal damage?


Most frames are fine, and the problem usually lies within unskilled players.

This, but I would not say "unskilled" more uneducated players who have not realized how you can mod things aside from cooky cutter FOTM and "I copied it from a you tube guy" set up.

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all of the Warframes are useful at different things, and there's that many people here on the forums, you're bound to see complaints for something at some point.


Ash/Ash Prime: I enjoy this frame on occasion, even though I will confess I use Blade Storm (sue me). he's a good offensive frame, and his high health gives him survivability. unfortunately he lacks support, and I will agree that Blade Storm's animations aren't the best, especially when you've done them 1000 times.


Banshee: I usually bring Banshee with Resonance augment for levelling new weapons. yes, she is squishy, but she has her uses. I use Sound Quake to help revive allies as well.


Chroma: my most recent frame, I'm still learning how to use Chroma, but I enjoy using him because he can do offense, Defense using Effigy and support with Elemental Ward.


Ember/Ember Prime: only ever encountered Ember in Infested missions, where her CC proves useful enough.


can't comment on Equinox since I'm on console, though I look forward to trying him/her out.


Excalibur: the recent rework was the best thing to happen to this posterchild of the game. exalted Blade gives him the endgame potential he sorely lacked IMO.


Frost/Frost Prime: Frost is now my go to for Defense/Mobile Defense. the only complaint I have is that his rework isn't on consoles yet. I could use that 4 second Globe Invulnerability since my power strength is puppy urine weak.


Hydroid: Don't have this frame yet, but after playing with many tentacle monsters, I'd say a rework would be nice.


Limbo: with great power comes great responsibility, but some Limbos just wanna troll. when played correctly though, he's extremely helpful.


Loki/ Loki prime: I'm personally not that much of a fan of Loki, since I find his stealth only truly useful on spy missions. I'd say he could use a slight Health and Shield buff, or an armor buff. I'm not saying he should be a tank, but you shouldn't be forced to stay constantly invisible on high level content in order to stay alive.


Mag/Mag Prime: I think the Greedy Pull nerf was fairly well handled, though i would be lying if I said I didn't miss the old mag. still a good frame though with Bullet Attractor making boss fights easier.


Mesa: yes, it can be boring and frustrating, but I don't complain when Mesa is gunning things down on high level missions. I will agree that she is overkill on lower-tier stuff. I have a Mesa, I use Peacekeeper, but the main thing I like about Mesa is her style; might get her animations for al my other frames...


Mirage: on the verge of getting this one, and weak? WEAK? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I wouldn't call 5 multi-forma'd Amprexes/Ogris/Tonkors firing at once even remotely CLOSE to weak. you're having a laugh right?

Nekros: one of my favourite support frames. people won't say it, but Terrify is as useful as Desecrate. I call it the F-off button, because that's basically what it is. only thing I don't like is that he's a bit too squishy for my liking, but otherwise just plain awesome.


Oberon: if you didn't already disagree with me, you're about to. see the thing is, I actually love Oberon, and I think he's one of the best looking frames, but he needs a serious rework. he has the potential to be an amazing frame, but he is overshadowed because he is a jack of all trades but master of none. for me I only use Restoration and Reckoning, so for me he's a healer/CC frame first, everything else second.


Rhino/ Rhino Prime: Rhino P is my go-to for solo work, because he's easy to use and can survive just about anything below T4. I would love to see an Iron Skin Rework, but I doubt it'll happen.


Saryn: everyone says her ultimate is overkill. I agree to a point, but a rework needs to be carefully thought out, or people will just use other elemental frames.


Trinity: normally, I enjoy support, but lobster Tail's lack of offensive powers are a deal breaker for me. another frame I'd love to see reworked sooner rather than later.


Valkyr: my favourite for high-tier survivals. lacks in support outside of War Cry, but can usually be relied on to stay alive even in the worst scenarios. I've used both standard Hysteria builds and War Cry builds for support, and both are effective enough for me.


Vauban: for me, he's only useful on Dark Sectors, since his CC abilities only really affect infested and Melee enemies. Lancers, Crewmen and other gun-toters can just shoot through Bastille, and stay away from Vortex while firing from distance. if he was reworked so that his abilities were better against other enemy types, I think he'd get more use.


Zephyr: who? seriously, I hardly ever see Zephyr, not sure why.


Volt/ Volt Prime: I love using Volt for Interceptions, because all of his powers are useful there; Shock for clearing small groups, speed to get from point to point faster, Shield to defend a point, and overload for when things get hairy.


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TLDR of OP's post:

All Da Complaints:



    lots. Need I say more?



    Her greedy pull was nerfed, now everything. Just bad.


"a rollacoaster of nerfs and rebuffs then nerfs again." See: Trinity




Even though I see his potential for run and stun, abilities are weak.



    (personal comments here)

    Smoke bomb sucks, get Loki.

    Blade Storm gud!




    (insert philosophical debate here)



    People like this frame.

    final ability is borderline useless...

    Personal note: MFING DRAGON!



    Abilities weak.

    Fire useless.



        Gib er a chance!




    Theme is kill?



    Tentacles? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Salt over Pilfering nerf.



    Too many. Can't even.

    Lol Troll!



   Trolling people to death.



   Aimbot hax op pls ban.



    Git gud scrubs.



    much farm

    very squish



    Op pls nerf



    Pls buff.



    Not a paladin.



    We've all heard this.



    First abilities suck. Ult OP.

    OP wants her to fart in their mouth.





    a rollacoaster of nerfs and rebuffs then nerfs again.



    much tank

    very op

    ripline trolling.



    Uncle Booben (praise)

    Knows how to suck things.





Credit for images goes to Yuikami. Always give credit, OP.

Edited by DeadSirius
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The complaints are because of these things called "opinions". They come in all shapes and sizes, everybody hates them! Seriously though every frame is of use, somewhere but not every frame will fit your playstyle. My friend generally enjoys playing tankier frames such as Frost or Chroma. I'd rather run around with squishy Frames who can defend themselves using abilities by reducing damage taken or locking down the battlefield. Eg: Shield Polarize, Turbulence, Bastille ...

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Zephyr, I use frequently, she rocks on void missions between turbulence and her high health she has good survivability, as well as great mobility, only complaint it her 2 is extremely situational and either needs to be rolled into her 1 in some way or a major increase in radius and damage

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The issue isn't the Warframes, often.

Sometimes, yes, Warframes need some changes or buffs/nerfs to fit into the game better.

For the most part, it's because a certain Warframe doesn't fit the play style that a player wants to play them as.

For example, Banshee (who is perfect in all ways) doesn't have a lot of armor. A less experienced player, who has just come off of playing Excal and Rhino, may not know that she has to stay out of the line of fire. They will likely take a lot of damage in this case. Then, instead of changing their play style to match Banshee, they look towards changing Banshee to suit their playstyle.

That doesn't mean that some threads for changes aren't valid -- it's always good to have options. Warframe is a constantly evolving game, and so our characters constantly evolve as well.

Personally, I try to keep my change threads as close to (what I think was) the original intention [DE] had when designing the frame, while adding some of the effects that I see frequently in the forums -- and I'm sure there are other players who do the same with their posts.

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  • 1 month later...

Oberon heavily armored? With 150 base armor? are you kiddin me?

Rhino - 190 armor

Atlas - 450 armor

Valkyr - !!600!! armor


I think it's time for the so called "paladin frame" to get some real plate armor instead of just some leather and cloths -_-

Still waiting for a Oberon rework/change/buff/prime.

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What warframes haven't the community complained about yet?

This is a pretty general topic.. but just think about it.

Hold on, lemme list all of the ones I have heard so far....as if you guys are really waiting for me to write this :P


Also, I realize that critique and feedback are not complaints. I am talking about complaints I have heard and you can fond on these very forums.

On a side note, this could even help people decide about which warframe they would like to use or try.


Lets start with the starter frames and go from there.





His exalted blade ability has some of the the most complaint/rework threads on the forums. Need I say more?



Her greedy pull was nerfed to what some people call selfish pull for just her.and her abilities although great for a starter have seem to have gone on a rollacoaster of nerfs and rebuffs then nerfs again. I am not even gonna mention how people complained when her prime form got vaulted because they weren't on to get the parts or they didn't drop.




Even though I see his potential for run and stun, there are numerous accounts of people saying his abilities are too weak.



That is just....... ALL of the current starters so far. Lets keep going in alphabetical order this time.





He used to be my second favorite warframe (and probably still is) because... he is a ninja in a game of ninjas.

Anyways, people insist on saying that smoke bomb is not really good and if you want a ninja, get loki.


Personal note: BUNK DAT! like the fact ash's smoke bomb can stun and can be used when you have less energy. His abilities are also geared towards assassination. I personally don't like the cut-scene  for the final ability....

But back to the topic


On the other end of the spectrum, people say that blade storm is too powerful.




This one is a simple one. People say: "shes the squishiest" not sure if that is true but they also say "squishy frames are bad for end game".....this IS an end game about ninjas/assassins right? right?...... not tanks right....




Many people actually like this frame.

Personal note: I believe he is a WONDERFUL warframe.

However thereis a reason he is on the list. On the forums I have seen people right about how his abilities are not so good and how his final abilty is borderline useless...

Personal note: He breathers FIRE! or ANY element he needs to!




I hear this one quite a bit. Embers abilities are not good because they are weak crowd control that doesn't scale well. Normally I would call this feed back if it weren't for the fact people call her completely useless... a lot.



Personal note: A beautiful, misunderstood warframe design. (just wish the devs had of confirmed that the other form was a guy so I could play it without feeling like a cross dresser TT^TT)

Equinox is like chroma but even more so in adaptation and is essentially a warframe with 7 powers.

But people say she is no good because her powers are weak... shes still brand new so she has a bit of room to change but if you wondering whether shes useless or not, checkout what she helped us do in this thread:




Now before his buff, he seemed like a strong ice guardian. After his buff he still seems strong. Now, only on the forums have I seen this but people say he should have gotten an even better buff. Not sure if there is a general plan yet, as there are more threads on it that I care to look at.



Personal note: OK, I'll admit, I have my complaints about him as well, hes super cool and all....but tentacles? really? Even the devs said that warframe is a sub sub genre of japanese anime styles... so why tentacles?

People complain about this guyfor two main, recent reasons. His Pilfering augment for looting got changed and tentical swarm. Why? I sometimes shiver at the sight of it and don't want to go down that path till the ability stops.

Also, people who DO like that ability know that it is too spread out onto high walls and etc to be as useful as it could be. Not a complaint really, but still relevant.




I have had, seen and heard so many complaints about this guy its not even funny...and I main him as my favorite character... so I know. Its hard for me not to go caps right now.

The way his abilities disallow pickup of items because your in another dimension. They way they can be used on other players at the casters will. The way that he can run into the vid and leave a squad to its self, the way he can stop progress on a mission. The way he wears... a top hat. The way he helps unfavored warframes finals become more powerful (see mesa and excalibur) by banishing them for more energy and invulnerability. The tendency of its users to act like a troll instead the gentleman that he is and on and on.

Personal note: can't even write what I think or else it will get TOO personal.



Similar to limbo's case but the one common major complaint? Trolling people literally to death. As he can draw enemies to an area, hide form a fight or even in worst cases teleport his allies to very dangerous places.

Oh yeah, and despite being a stealth warframe he can taunt enemies by disarming them on high levels while he is invisible and allow them to attack allies.



That poor girl is the queen of rework demands and complaints. Statistically she is the fastest killer in warframe.

Also, for some people that means killing the fun too.

Personal note: I use limbo so not only do I make her better at it but at lower levels I can kill even faster from farther using cataclysm so no boardum for me.



Great concept, story and frame, but people have just plain said she is weak, I have no clue why.



If its not about his lower armor that makes him "squishy" or not knowing about how to use his fear ability. Its about people being upset that he is the main farming warframe.

Personal note: I find it funny that the perin sequence syndicate even seem to know this and have augments for him.




Novas abilities are explosive to say the least. The biggest complaint about her is that people see her as they do mesa. a crowd killer and nothing more. You will even hear people be upset on mission that they have nothing to do because of novas explosive prime ability I think its called.

Personal Note: This may be true for lower levels but as the levels progress and even nova gets taken down, you will be SO happy for that X4 damage boost!




People complain that her chaos is not strong enough (I think it got nerfed?) and that her mind controlled minions are, well... dumb. generally people will say its not as good as nekros' minions.




Even though he is a heavily armored good all around warframe people see that as a major weakness because he is not a dedicated healer, fighter, or supporter.



He has an odd set of complaints. First of all for any of you who have heard this one before. His jewel pads size seems to be an issue. Second, people say he is too slow in this game of ninjas. Third and most odd to me, people complain he is too strong so he is for noobs because he is only good for getting beat up but has not so good abilites...

Personal note: if hes that strong I don't see why pro players don't like to use him, with enough parkour skills and the right mods he can keep and AND have pretty good abilities. That said though, I don't use him either :P



People say that her first 3 abilities are useless and her final one is so over powered it makes things boring because its, once again, unbalanced. And if not modded for her final being strong people see her as weak. Also, some key words people use to make fun of saryn even especially in comics include fart, bad breath, and others

one of the comics I am talking about:





I know there was a compliant or a request for change somewhere, there was a design council post about fixing a issue with blessing...

aha. took me only 3 minute and I found this:


There are others as well for trinity that I have seen but this one is the first one I found again.



She has complaints about being very OP due to her high armor scaling, the fact one of her abilities has a temporary invincibility and rip line, because even though its only been used on me once, there have been people who have used that to troll others.



Uncle Vauban is great for for fighting infested and keeping them at bay but he is a HUGE troll. his second ability is the reason. toss it on a poor victim and watch them fly.

Personal note: I DO that, but ONLY on my friends that troll me first.



She is the only warframe that has no complaints that I have heard as far as powers...wait... except her final.

But the one I remember easily is people calling her a chicken.

Personal note: I think she looks good though.



So, what is your idea of a perfect warframe?

Do you have any major frame complaints?

Let me know if there are any I should add or correct.



]\'[okuto Bunshi


Peace Out.

That part about Rhino man!


SO TRUE! >;(

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