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Sorry But Mr Actualy Matters


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I went into a raid once,The only guy who didn't know what to do was Mr18.

Mostly this doesn't mean a high rank is bad cause he did bad at a raid.


Im mastery rank 16 with a lot time wasted in game and still i haven't done a raid


REASONS why some of us high rank don't do raids:


1-No time to do raid

2-We think its a waste of time

3-When the raid was released mostly all went with friends, or people that had MIC(voice chat) making aside those players that didn't had this.

4.Shy people 



Now then .. high mastery ranks on normal missions, void thats another story, if you see them failing at this well thats your rank farmer

Edited by xDesconocidox
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Mostly this doesnt mean a high rank is bad cause he did bad at a raid.

Im mastery rank 16 with a lot time wasted ingame and still i havent done a raid

REASONS why some of us high rank dont do raids:

1-No time to do raid

2-We think its a waste of time

3-When the raid was released mostly all went with friends, or people that had mic making aside those players that didnt had this.

4.Shy people

Now then .. high mastery ranks on norma missions, void thats another story

you also forgot most high tiered players see raid as a new mission because it's not really endgame
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So, if I were to do that right now, will my skill level be any different? No, I would still play like an MR 12. THAT'S why it means nothing. It says nothing about your skill level. It just shows how much crap you've run through.

Are you blind or are you ignorant? Did i ever said anything about skill?

I was talking about MR and then you talked about something else entirely...MR =/= SKILL...

In here we're discussing that what MR truly means, skill is dependent on the players, not MR, and if you are as skillful as you said and still insist that MR is nothing, then STAY ON MR 0 !! But im sure you wouldn't. Why? Because you wouldn't fully experience the game without MR, im talking bout equipments, trading, quests, and features which otherwise you cant access without appropriate MR....

Edited by (PS4)ATreidezz
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Are you blind or are you ignorant? Did i ever said anything about skill?

I was talking about MR and then you talked about something else entirely...MR =/= SKILL...

In here we're discussing that what MR truly means, skill is dependent on the players, not MR, and if you are as skillful as you said and still insist that MR is nothing, then STAY ON MR 0 !! But im sure you wouldn't. Why? Because you wouldn't fully experience the game without MR, im talking bout equipments, trading, quests, and features which otherwise you cant access without appropriate MR....

Yes and past MR8, what does it offer? Nothing. The OP was talking about how he failed the mission because of low MR players (read:lack of skill)

MR truly means that you owned a certain amount of weapons and/or Warframes. Nothing else. 8 days of Draco farming could get me to MR8. It's an arbitrary number. It could just as easily be 5, 1,12 or 100. It measures nothing of significance.

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Are you blind or are you ignorant? Did i ever said anything about skill?

I was talking about MR and then you talked about something else entirely...MR =/= SKILL...

In here we're discussing that what MR truly means, skill is dependent on the players, not MR, and if you are as skillful as you said and still insist that MR is nothing, then STAY ON MR 0 !! But im sure you wouldn't. Why? Because you wouldn't fully experience the game without MR, im talking bout equipments, trading, quests, and features which otherwise you cant access without appropriate MR....


MR only unlocks some stuff - thats all


above MR8 the only reasonable thing you get from MR are more loadouts slots and possibility of fielding more extractors (I heard its capped at some point though)


and that is for a whoel other debate because all of people here saying that MR does not matter are saying this IN CONTEXT of SKILL MEASURING that some elitist does.


oh and in case of OP's issue - I'm MR12 and I have no issue with T4 endless modes - so your statement is invalid - you were just unlucky


[and fun thing I've farmed for my shade at captures sabotages on one low tiered survi and had it on the first day of void trader :P]

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i hate to be ''that guy'' but MR really doesnt matter

just cause the player is MR15+ doesnt mean he will be good.......it just means he has mastered A LOT of weapons and warframes.

and there is a saying......if you are good at everything...you are not perfect at anything  - (basically you are not a beast at 1 specific thing)



(also ....im not saying that high mastery players are bad)

Edited by S0ulre4per
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Yes and past MR8, what does it offer? Nothing. The OP was talking about how he failed the mission because of low MR players (read:lack of skill)

MR truly means that you owned a certain amount of weapons and/or Warframes. Nothing else. 8 days of Draco farming could get me to MR8. It's an arbitrary number. It could just as easily be 5, 1,12 or 100. It measures nothing of significance.

You have contradicted your own statement, youre saying that owning certain weapons,warframes and other content in the game doesn't measure something of significance?

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MR only unlocks some stuff - thats all


above MR8 the only reasonable thing you get from MR are more loadouts slots and possibility of fielding more extractors (I heard its capped at some point though)


and that is for a whoel other debate because all of people here saying that MR does not matter are saying this IN CONTEXT of SKILL MEASURING that some elitist does.


oh and in case of OP's issue - I'm MR12 and I have no issue with T4 endless modes - so your statement is invalid - you were just unlucky


[and fun thing I've farmed for my shade at captures sabotages on one low tiered survi and had it on the first day of void trader :P]

Thing is, sometimes people misunderstand the difference between "SKILL" and "PLAY STYLE",

an mr8 can solo t4 with max power mesa and tons of pads, would you still call that "SKILL"?

But of course that wouldn't matter if OP's squad can walts their way smoothly above wave 20 on t4...right?

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ive met people like you who said MY FRAME IS FINE and i trust them and we go ahead and 45 mins come and BAM ran out of revives so excuse me for thinking if your full of bravado. by the way im only do late games and i tell people ahead of time what i wanna go an hour plus. but at the end of the day its just an opinion.

I've met people like you who think a magic collection of stars beside their gun's name makes them Better, so excuse me for thinking you're full of bad excuses for elitism. /s


(Although to be honest, when I see posts that start with "People like YOU", I pretty much know they're full of it, so have fun with your arbitrary magic star requirement while I continue to forma exactly what I bloody well please and do perfectly well in the missions I actually care about running - which don't involve boring myself to death watching how long the squad can drag out a T4 for loot I already have.)

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I would say look at a combination of MR rank and time played.

Long time played and low mastery rank usually means these are players who prefer ONE playstyle, and spent many many hours perfecting it. This was me when I first started. I was MR6 with my Loki and 300 hours played. Let's just say I get stuff done as Loki.

Long time played and high mastery rank usually means people who have a large arsinel of items at their disposal, making them more flexible for party rearrangements. But they also probably spent time mastering a few weapons and frames. Meaning that they CAN play as other frames and builds, but they might not necessarily be GOOD at it

Then you have players who've mastered pretty much every weapon and frame. Far and few but they are out there

Then you have MR16+ players who have 500k exp on all items in the game w/ 0 kills on them and 100-200 hours played.

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You have contradicted your own statement, youre saying that owning certain weapons,warframes and other content in the game doesn't measure something of significance?

In short - no it doesn't.

I owned the Hind. I got like 3 kills with it, then passively leveled it and threw it away. I owned the Latron. I loved it, used it for about 2 months then made the Tiberon with it. You know what that shows up as? 300 mastery points. Each. All it does is show that you HAD the weapon. Made kills with it? Forma'd, potatoed? Headshot count, accuracy, skill, assists? None of that matters. 300 mastery xp simply shows that you owned it, and it got to 30. That bears absolutely no significance in any aspect of the game. That makes it an arbitrary gating mechanism.

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What did u take Rhino for? Just asking.

I was running with a friend who knew this player and vouched for 'em, we needed more people.


The jackass who nearly ruined that raid was a rank 13 Mesa, for the record. It was the attempt immediately after the fail Trinity who just really loved rubbing their face all over the core while the other Trin was trying to keep it in one spot.

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I am a founder, and have over 20 days of playtime last time I looked. Roughly 30% of that is on excal (Prime). My only requirement for T4 endless runs is corrosive projection. No one wants to play frost? Then I will. Frost DC's at wave 6? I'll carry regardless of he frame, and we will make it to the c rotation.

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I'm almost MR16 and really feel like it doesn't mean that much. I've only played for about 4 months bit enjoyed a few double xp weekends and have had a booster going from the last PA for about 45 days now. I also like to try out a lot of different stuff, including weapons and mission types, so I've been able to rank up MR pretty quickly. I especially love Spy missions so that right there will rank weapons fast.

In the end, though, I've still only been playing for a few months. My MR rank takes a backseat to people who may have a lower rank but have been playing for longer. I still appreciate advice from anyone and feel despite my rank, I'm about a mid tier player.

I do, however, have a number of weapons and frames forma'd and feel the experience of using so many things has given me valuable experience to see different playstyle and weapons, first hand. This gives me the insight to know my role and know what my squad mates are doing.

I dunno, Mr rank can mean something...but it's def not a cut and dry number to determine how good someone is.

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Then you have MR16+ players who have 500k exp on all items in the game w/ 0 kills on them and 100-200 hours played.

The problem I have with this is that it's completely irrelevant if someone hast ranked up all his weapons without using them. You can be a competent player regardless of that.

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Anddd now you see the one glaring issue with both forma and MR~



Obviously they not making it work if they are failing. Either way no to everything, I meant simply copying something you see.

well with forma people usually wont bother with them unless they need space and people will actually give it some thought when placing them since they will only do it to make room. so no its a little different that's why i said forma.

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lol so short sighted, we're debating if MR matters, I'll upload a video of me a measly mr13 soloing t4d. I understand the game has stupid people, albeit it has nothing to do with your MR rank.

Don't forget, the topic at hand is that low mr are a burden during higher tier missions.

Also Trin can summon frost while soloing using a Frost spectre.

Edited by Fighting_Street
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I'll be honest, I stopped reading after page 5 since most of the answers are very similar and opinions are generally split on the issue of MR. Soooooo, for my own $ .02:


MR - completely irrelevant. There are too many variations between good low MR players and not so good high MR players, that to use MR as any kind of useful gauging tool for missions is useless. 


Hours played - again, irrelevant. Any person who has unlimited amount of time to game can rack up a lot of game hours and honestly, the Draco xp farming people have mentioned take time and add to your hours. So (and not picking on younger kids, but they do typically have more time LOL) a younger kid with all day in the summer to play can tally an impressive number of hours in a relatively short amount of actual days played. Does this make them more skilled? No, it just means they have a lot of time to put into the game. While someone with a job, relationship, hard course classes, other life interests may be a great player with significantly less hours played. 


Forma - just not a good measure. There are players that can game with one or even no forma on a frame and there are those that couldn't play an Earth exterminate with a fully forma'd frame. Forma are an enhancement, not a measure of skill. Again, Draco xp farming makes it kind of easy to slap forma on by the pounds. Couple that with the excessive forma bp drop we have seen lately and you can easily forma up in a relatively short time.


So? What to do, what to do? The easiest answer: COMMUNICATE. Those looking for certain aspects for team play, need to spell it out rather then looking for the markers listed above. It may take finding your ideal team a little longer, but in the long run, it could be the difference between a successful mission or several failed attempts. The extra few minutes you spend spelling out your ideal team, the better chance you have of actually getting that team on the field. Someone else said here that their pet peeve was people not checking the squad chat for hints, help, or other important communications. That starts in recruiting and should carry through the mission. 


Now, the other side of the coin. To those players that have gotten where you are by only xp farming, relying on taxis, or the generosity of more experienced players: LEARN HOW TO PLAY OTHER MISSIONS AND YOUR ROLE IN A TEAM WITH YOUR CHOSEN FRAME. If it's a defense and you see the rest of the team hunkering down around the pod, don't run across the map to the far side and kill everything before it gets to them. You are causing unnecessary headaches for the rest of the team. Yes, you may be doing all of the work, but now they have to leave the pod unprotected to go get the loot they are there to get. If you are the key carrier, make sure you communicate which terminal you are going to first so the team knows where to go. If it's a survival, don't set off a life support pod at freaking 86%, you need to let it go lower if enemies aren't coming to provide life support drops and then move on to the next one.


LISTEN to the more experienced players. If everyone is telling you something in squad chat, it's for a reason. They are trying to help you help the team and do what's best for everyone, not just picking on you. 


Don't volunteer for missions you can't handle or at least be up front with other team members. If you know you are running something that's not going to survive a raid, don't waste other player's time. Just be honest about it. I guarantee that if you do that, someone in that squad will remember it and pick you up some other time to help you get more experienced or even possibly take you on some raid practices. The randoms or newer players who show up in missions that I'm in and do what they are supposed to, take advice well, and try to learn are the people I'll invite to do other things or help them do things they need to do. For example, already have Mesa. Had three spare keys so offered them last night to random players who needed them. The team that ended up together I helped and they worked very well together so I stayed for a fourth key they had to give them a hand. 


Try to think of it like this, try to be the player you would want to show up to one of your raids. Work to be that player and you will get the invites you are looking for. 


Sorry for the long rant (passes soap box to someone else). LOL

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