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Sorry But Mr Actualy Matters


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Once again - Until feasible alternatives are implemented...doesn't matter if its by DE or someone else came up with it and told DE...MR is as feasible as it gets.


And honestly their PUGs. You run at your own risk.

If you clan-up this won't happen as much. If you don't want to, then you run as your own risk. And in a public game MR is good enough for me. In fact most times I don't even care about MR to be honest. I never ask for MR.

If DE could pull up all my screen shots in recruiting channel I've never asked for a certain MR. It just doesn't matter. It's public, you can't get mad cause some dude didn't live up to your expectations. But if you are going to use a measuring stick then MR or hours played is there for you to use.

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Once again - Until feasible alternatives are implemented...doesn't matter if its by DE or someone else came up with it and told DE...MR is as feasible as it gets.

And honestly their PUGs. You run at your own risk.

If you clan-up this won't happen as much. If you don't want to, then you run as your own risk. And in a public game MR is good enough for me. In fact most times I don't even care about MR to be honest. I never ask for MR.

If DE could pull up all my screen shots in recruiting channel I've never asked for a certain MR. It just doesn't matter. It's public, you can't get mad cause some dude didn't live up to your expectations. But if you are going to use a measuring stick then MR or hours played is there for you to use.

Thing is, what I'm asking for isn't just merely a measuring stick of players. MR is a small part of my demand. A general player progression that we have with MR is pretty S#&$ty, and not to mention that new players get confused more than few times.

I guess the point of the thread is more specific, but I'm willing to see beyond it. It's been useless arguments over MR matters or not, but every single people who argue about it aren't even looking at the root of the tree, much less the root of the forest.

I think what I posted couple days ago about player progression, which I quoted to you, had some value, but sadly a thread such as this blew up more than I wanted to see, since this is the meta.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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just saying Mastery rank gives a S#&$ about your skill you lvled enjoy crap nothing else and stating yourself with your mr makes you in no state better same goes for hours played i know grand master founder with mr13 that dont have a @(*()$ clue how they could lvl or farm things...


play with ppl and look how they play learning by doing you cant judge in CC MR or Hours it doesnt work that why nothing works of this that way ._.

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Hey Chuck,

Read through your post above and thought these may interest you:




That was spawned by the following:




Neither is about bashing high or low MR or about how one wants to game (power leveling vs. not), but about improving the overall progression path of new players that lead to better players which hopefully would only improve everyone's play experience. 


Sorry for the hijack, just wanted to post that for him. Carry on.....

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I just wish conclave rating appeared under your name like before because hands down it was one of the best ways to make judgment call on battle readiness. Time played can equal time spent farming or time spent in Draco or other missions xp grinding.

What?  No it wasn't.  Conclave was not the best way to 'battle readiness' at all. 

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I'm MR14, over 700 hours in Steam time, not sure how many mission hours played but well over 300 I'd imagine. I only run PUGs. When people ask me what my MR is it's hard not to feel insulted. I have maxed out all the R10 mods I carry, forma'd all my stuff at least 6 times and have every frame (all maxed).


If I pass MR14 it'll be by accident. I have no real intention in building crappy weapons I'll never use. Hell, it's hard to justify using any weapon other than my Soma Prime unless I'm running T4Dw40+, because it's such an over powered lawn mower. (On a side note, Carrier Prime foram'd 4 times and Sweeper Prime forma'd 6 times is just $&*&*#(%&ly funny)


All that to say, when I'm asked for my MR in chat, I expect anybody asking me that to be at least as good as me. When the mission ends and I've done 50% of the damage, double the kills and still manage to be the only one reviving everybody on a 4 person team, it annoys the hell out of me. If you're asking for MR, you better be damned good.

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Anyway, progress system in this game is totaly STUPID.


1. Make new (mostly useless) stuff
2. grind for exp
3. sold it 
4. make new stuff...
1. Make new stuff.
2. Grind for exp
3. Form it. (unchanged polarization for slot, what a amazing idea...)
4. Grind for exp
Question is, where is the PROGRESS? You make all this toys and grind it for get Mastery Rank which allows you to conduct more transactions per day. What a splendid idea!
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I'm MR14, over 700 hours in Steam time, not sure how many mission hours played but well over 300 I'd imagine. I only run PUGs. When people ask me what my MR is it's hard not to feel insulted. I have maxed out all the R10 mods I carry, forma'd all my stuff at least 6 times and have every frame (all maxed).


If I pass MR14 it'll be by accident. I have no real intention in building crappy weapons I'll never use. Hell, it's hard to justify using any weapon other than my Soma Prime unless I'm running T4Dw40+, because it's such an over powered lawn mower. (On a side note, Carrier Prime foram'd 4 times and Sweeper Prime forma'd 6 times is just $&*&*#(%&ly funny)


All that to say, when I'm asked for my MR in chat, I expect anybody asking me that to be at least as good as me. When the mission ends and I've done 50% of the damage, double the kills and still manage to be the only one reviving everybody on a 4 person team, it annoys the hell out of me. If you're asking for MR, you better be damned good.


Don't take it so personal, when people ask for MR is not as $&*^ measuring contest. People just don't want to go into a game with a bunch of idiots and fail right away. There really is no easy way of asking "only good players join" on chat without sounding condescending. Personally I don't ever recruit based on MR but if I am hosting a Raid I will ask if the player is experienced.

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Don't take it so personal, when people ask for MR is not as $&*^ measuring contest. People just don't want to go into a game with a bunch of idiots and fail right away. There really is no easy way of asking "only good players join" on chat without sounding condescending. Personally I don't ever recruit based on MR but if I am hosting a Raid I will ask if the player is experienced.


The only time I've ever run into problems with PUGs that I host is when I don't clarify what I'm running. If I post "H T3Surv 40min", I'd say about 90% of the time I will get a group that is capable of 40min+ no problem. If I post "H T3Surv", well then I should be happy with 5 minutes.

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The only time I've ever run into problems with PUGs that I host is when I don't clarify what I'm running. If I post "H T3Surv 40min", I'd say about 90% of the time I will get a group that is capable of 40min+ no problem. If I post "H T3Surv", well then I should be happy with 5 minutes.


I hear you there, I don't do it myself but that is why I see players do it. I host T4 Survival and don't ask for much other then "bring something you like" and is good at killing.

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So as a mr 19 player I just wasted 2 hours playing in t4 farming prime parts in order to get prisma shade, 3 times in a row, it failed because the team couldn't keep up, all between mr 9 to 13 all where in the lobby and god where they bad, I dont know if the dificulty of t4 has increased that much, they all had soma prime or other high dps weapons, like any other players, everything was fine until the 5th wave .... and here starts the joke.


When as trinity, I EV the entire universe to keep the mesa and the frost at full energy I expect some kind of results from them, and this is what happened, the frost was placing globes all around the map, giving a nice little cover to nulifiers and bombards while the mesa forgot to use peacemaker half of the time and the third who I told not to take ash in the lobby started the timer and took ember insted ...., first fail of the day, they all died at wave 15 and I eventualy got downed myself because noone respawned. 


The other ones where a repetition of bad players not knowing what a defence is and runing around like the cryopod didn't exist, and I lost the oportunity to get prisma shade because I'm visiting my family in 30 min.


So I post here to require a MR based recrutment chat, or at least the ability to set an mr requirment in the lobby, sorry, it may look elitist but when I have little time to play because I'm working and studying at the same time, I want to be alble to play with competent players that won't get killed at wave 5 because of the joke they call their playstyle, I'm not a particulary good player, but I expect my teamates to be albe to stand a full defence rotation.



Edit: to clarify



-Did i tryed to teach them not to behave the way they did ?


yes, I said 5 times in a row that puting snowglobes at choquepoints wasn't a good idea, I said a lot more times the runers to stay at the cryo, they just didn't listen to me.


-Time played:


1013 hours



-Build used:


5 forma drakgoon fully ranked

twin grakata unranked

scindo prime with manticore skin

4 forma trinity EV build



-Was I salty ?


Of cour I was, but the need of a ranking system is still present, MR being in my opinion an acceptable representation on a statistical basis as I think a personal evalutation would be just to long and complicated.



-About the whole "draco farmers" thing


No, not all mr 18-19-20  are Draco farmers, I leveled most of my stuff by taking it piece by piece with a max forma weapon to compesate and go trough my usual playing behavior like voids, alerts, and so on, (the P.A helped a lot tho), and I found myself runing Stephano a couple time if I really wanted to rank a weapon fast, it may have been a generalisation to call mr 10 or so incompetent but it is a lot more to call mr 18 and below incompetent, no mater what you say, there is a statistical probability that high MR= long time played and a good experience in game.



-My idea


Creating 4 chat channels besides the existing 1, a 0-5; 6-10; 11-15 and 16-UP chat groups would allow the players to end up with most likely a similar skilled team (but of course it is not ricket science) and to avoid the kind of situation I faced or any low MR is facing when he end up with 1% damage because the higher MR players buchered everything before he could do anything.



-Last words


What has been said about mr can be said about time played, this time could verry well be afk farming, and so on there is no end to the arguments, I only took what looked for me as the most relevent mesure as mr means various weapons at least ranked and most likely used, while time is often ocupied in a verry vague way, creating an average time or waves cleared by key tier would be kind of a reference but it only apply to a specific type of gameplay, the search for a reference is endless, overall the "skill" of a player is not a thing I think you can accurately caculate.

ooooooh I get it!

You went with RanDUMBS


You assumed expertise?



playing for several hours then just add the folks you see know what they are doing

then a day or several days later invite these folks that know what they are doing


 Saryn with maxxed primed flow?

 large team health, energy, shield and ammo restores?

 Cosmic specteres?


I ask these questions when going farming in a team.


if its my CLAN I assume the other three are EXPERTS and so far thats been very , very true






When its a lobby thats a PUB then I ASSUME its three RanDUMBS unless I see otherwise regardless of fancy tags


also ymmv depending on if real life events interfere i.e. I was with my clan and we were doing dark sector defense at wave 45 and my wife says sale at home depo

i say meh


at wave 50 my wife says Home depo!

i say laterz!


at wave 55 my wife is HOME DEPO!, HOME DEPO!!, HOME DEPO!!!!, NOOOOOWWW!!!


I say sorry clan mates gotta bail


and we went to Home Depo......sigh.

Edited by (PS4)aiptekfanboy
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Don't take it so personal, when people ask for MR is not as $&*^ measuring contest. People just don't want to go into a game with a bunch of idiots and fail right away. There really is no easy way of asking "only good players join" on chat without sounding condescending. Personally I don't ever recruit based on MR but if I am hosting a Raid I will ask if the player is experienced.

I can confirm this, whenever i am picky about the players allowed in a raid i am hosting, sometimes i do receive messages from players that they somehow feel "insulted" by the requirements. It's rare, but it happens.


When i host raid i usually say this:

"Hosting Raid, need experienced raid players, no 1st timers, no newbies, no noobs, no pretenders and no bs allowed"


Then i add the 2nd stage of verification when i receive pms:

 - i ask for an explanation on the hijack section, no response = no invite

 - If i see the user stating MR, then no invite will be sent and user will be ignored afterwards.


Results are flawless

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Don't take it so personal, when people ask for MR is not as $&*^ measuring contest. People just don't want to go into a game with a bunch of idiots and fail right away. There really is no easy way of asking "only good players join" on chat without sounding condescending. Personally I don't ever recruit based on MR but if I am hosting a Raid I will ask if the player is experienced.

I just say multiformad with maxxed mods frost prime or saryn with cosmic specteres and LARGE team restores for energy health ammo and shields looking for JOB


then a few moments later i get several pms asking whats JOB?


I tell them thats the part where Ordis says to Return covered in BLOOD! AKA just KILL stuff!



I can confirm this, whenever i am picky about the players allowed in a raid i am hosting, sometimes i do receive messages from players that they somehow feel "insulted" by the requirements. It's rare, but it happens.


When i host raid i usually say this:

"Hosting Raid, need experienced raid players, no 1st timers, no newbies, no noobs, no pretenders and no bs allowed"


Then i add the 2nd stage of verification when i receive pms:

 - i ask for an explanation on the hijack section, no response = no invite

 - If i see the user stating MR, then no invite will be sent and user will be ignored afterwards.


Results are flawless


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I can confirm this, whenever i am picky about the players allowed in a raid i am hosting, sometimes i do receive messages from players that they somehow feel "insulted" by the requirements. It's rare, but it happens.


When i host raid i usually say this:

"Hosting Raid, need experienced raid players, no 1st timers, no newbies, no noobs, no pretenders and no bs allowed"


Then i add the 2nd stage of verification when i receive pms:

 - i ask for an explanation on the hijack section, no response = no invite

 - If i see the user stating MR, then no invite will be sent and user will be ignored afterwards.


Results are flawless

I'll go by MR, but if someone tries to interview me for a mission I won't join them anyway.

Players with too many requirements usually don't know what they're doing themselves and whine a lot during mission.

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I can confirm this, whenever i am picky about the players allowed in a raid i am hosting, sometimes i do receive messages from players that they somehow feel "insulted" by the requirements. It's rare, but it happens.


When i host raid i usually say this:

"Hosting Raid, need experienced raid players, no 1st timers, no newbies, no noobs, no pretenders and no bs allowed"


Then i add the 2nd stage of verification when i receive pms:

 - i ask for an explanation on the hijack section, no response = no invite

 - If i see the user stating MR, then no invite will be sent and user will be ignored afterwards.


Results are flawless


How are inexperienced players supposed to learn if they're not allowed into raids by the people running them?

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You take the good with the bad. 

Have been in the same boat where a low MR player was the 'frost' but chose to run around the mission, and at the 37 minute mark the gunners wiped out the pod in seconds. 


Was it his/her 'fault' ?

Looking back on it there were three other players in the game and even if we were playing our parts it seems we let the gunners take out the pod as well. Just because you play a particular frame doesn't mean you have to play that frame in the same way everyone else does.


Stereo typing frame usage is the same as stereo typing MR.


I have Mesa, but if I joined one of the millions of 'H>T#D - Need mesa' missions I imagine they'd be peeved because I don't do the camping thing.

Am I 'not' playing mesa right by not standing on the pod killing everything by spamming '4' ?

Is that my role in the game if I select Mesa regardless of what I actually wanna do to enjoy the game ?


I think overall we have pre-conceptions about players both from MR and from their frames.

Personally, I send out invites in the recruitment tab and you can come along anyway you please.

If we don't make it, hey we gave it a good shot and if we had fun then that's what matters.

No prime drop is 'solid' .. it's all RNG .. so the best team in the world can just end up with a tank full of forma BP's from the longest running defense mission ever, while the hodge-podge group of low MR guys ranking their weapons score the high end drops @ 20 minutes and leave high fiving .. as they should !!


Blaming others for a game doesn't get you anywhere.

If you didn't enjoy that group, find another.

But most of all things don't always go to plan, and blaming people doesn't really help 'cause it's not exactly going to get you those prime drops you were after now is it ?

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