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Sorry But Mr Actualy Matters


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I don't know where all these terribad players come from, that people on this forum seem to find in every match. Warframe isn't a particularly challenging game in terms of skill to begin with and I've literally never, in all my hours played, come across anyone as bad as you've described.


If someone is doing something wrong like globing all over, it's much easier to just simply explain: "Hey, maybe try doing it like this?" Rather than raging out and flaming them into oblivion straight away.


Trust me, as someone who used to and still plays a lot of DOTA2, it's not even really possible to be "bad" at this game. Not in the game wrecking, coma inducing way that some people are at other games. Like DOTA2. :D


Patience is a virtue.

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With a way to grind high very quickly views of higher MR or level would normally be for those that actually had to play which would be thought of as "skilled" (which is flawed to begin with but eh). If you are power leveled from lv1 to 100 regardless of level your still going to be less experienced and probably as useful as a wet noodle. The whole thing with draco is because it is so easy to level and get higher with less effort and actual know how you in turn break the whole thought of higher MR=experienced player. Also most but not all will burn out. Warframe is a grind but there are plenty of people who grind for the hell of it. 18 might be a bit high but it doesn't change the whole higher MR means skillful becoming moot since anyone can do it.

It still means that low MR players are just grinding too though. it makes high MR even more important because i highly doubt someone who mindlessly grinds truly enjoys the game and will invest enough time to get to MR18. Sure there may be a few MR18s like that, but that would mean there is exponentially more lower MR players still grinding who have yet to quit. 


MR is a more reliable indicator to the quality a player, than playing with a low MR in hopes that they know what they're doing.

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I don't know where all these terribad players come from, that people on this forum seem to find in every match. Warframe isn't a particularly challenging game in terms of skill to begin with and I've literally never, in all my hours played, come across anyone as bad as you've described.

If someone is doing something wrong like globing all over, it's much easier to just simply explain: "Hey, maybe try doing it like this?" Rather than raging out and flaming them into oblivion straight away.

Trust me, as someone who used to and still plays a lot of DOTA2, it's not even really possible to be "bad" at this game. Not in the game wrecking, coma inducing way that some people are at other games. Like DOTA2. :D

Patience is a virtue.

most of them are ignorant or rude an over the past few months this game has become toxic in chat recruiting or trade it's happened and is still decaying the community. I've only been playing since a little before Mesa came out on pc but I've seen enough to cast my judgment.
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With a way to grind high very quickly views of higher MR or level would normally be for those that actually had to play which would be thought of as "skilled" (which is flawed to begin with but eh). If you are power leveled from lv1 to 100 regardless of level your still going to be less experienced and probably as useful as a wet noodle. The whole thing with draco is because it is so easy to level and get higher with less effort and actual know how you in turn break the whole thought of higher MR=experienced player. Also most but not all will burn out. Warframe is a grind but there are plenty of people who grind for the hell of it. 18 might be a bit high but it doesn't change the whole higher MR means skillful becoming moot since anyone can do it.

Still doesn't address the point that there are likely more low to mid MR that have engaged in Draco farm than high MR.  The Draco argument sort of defeats itself.  For every bad high MR who Draco farmed there are 2 more lower MR that are on the Draco journey.  


Also, it would take a tremendous amount of plat to power level your way to 18 or 19 via Draco.  Kind of naive to think everyone is doing it.  If anything people would be stuck in the low to mid MR ranges waiting for foundry items or trying to get more gear.  More of your Draco farmers would be stuck in that lower range.  


Looks like Draco is making lower MR's look worse, so maybe we should drop it.  A player is as good as they are, and you can never see that at first glance.  You'll get good squaddies and bad squaddies.  But you'll always get more quality squaddies out of higher MR's on average.  That's not to insult the lower MR's who are kickass and just don't rank up.  It's just playing odds the most efficient way we can.

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not true. t4d to 20 is easy with any combination of frames if the team knows what theyre doing. players below MR10 rarely know what theyre doing without crutch frames like Frost.


i wasnt a MR snob until after i got burned several times by playing with < MR10s. Ive had them fail objectives, hallway hero and the worst was when they ditched a survival at 38 minutes because "its getting crazy". I pleaded with them to just hide and let me solo for 1 minute, but they forced extract. I've had a string of Trial failures playing with low MRs too. They dont hack, get on pads, etc. One time we failed the last mission because no one was opening doors, or carrying battery, or protecting the console. 


i wont do t4 content or trials with low MR. Other than that, t3 and below, it doesnt matter because the game is easy enough to carry a squad of bullet sponges to at least the first rotation c.


Advanced player get the job done no matter what combination of warframes or players, you don't really need a team for 20 waves, you just need yourself.

Even if you pick the best teammates, there is a chance they might all suck right? what are you going to do then? blame others? no, you show them how things are done.


When i say you need to be a 1 man army, i'm not kiding, i'm talking about alot of effort, decent builds and a superior type of gameplay.


When you reach that level you will understand that what others bring is irrelevant, you will complete the objective, the difficulty will be higher, but you will do it.


Obviously if i go unprepared, with bad weapons and i use a trin with a ev build, then yes it will be impossible if the other players are that bad.

So i go prepared instead, no issues whatsoever.

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Yeah one you have to camp effectively and the other one you don't. With the new frost revamp I can probably solo t4D for a few waves using lots of large energy recovery and soma p

I didn't know Trinity can somehow summon Frost while soloing T4D. 

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Note that OP was bringing the Draco farm setup to a T4. Mesa, Trin, Frost, and random.


That makes me question everything about this situation. Like... why is this loadout even being taken to T4D. And why are players failing at the cheesiest, lowest-skill-requirement team comp in the game. It takes basically zero effort to cheesemaker your way to victory, so how is it possible for people to fail at AFK farming?


As for the OP: MR is still useless past 8. The worst "experienced" raider I've ever been with was a rank 19 Trinity - knew what EV and Blessing Trins were, yes - who just happened to love faceplanting the hijack core into electricity. They weren't even a new player. The best new raider? A rank 4 Rhino. So nope, your argument is bunk, and if you have trouble cheeseballing a mission with Mesa/Trinity/Frost/bloody-well-anything, I really don't know what to say to you.


What did u take Rhino for? Just asking.

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It still means that low MR players are just grinding too though. it makes high MR even more important because i highly doubt someone who mindlessly grinds truly enjoys the game and will invest enough time to get to MR18. Sure there may be a few MR18s like that, but that would mean there is exponentially more lower MR players still grinding who have yet to quit. 


MR is a more reliable indicator to the quality a player, than playing with a low MR in hopes that they know what they're doing.


MR is just a lesser of evils. If you bring into statics then yea maybe higher MR players are generally more skilled but this will always come down to personal experiences in the end. I like many others it seems have good games and bad games with varying MR's enough to say MR means squat for the most part. The highest MR is more reliable but not enough to guarantee anything. It's the best of the bad but still bad overall. 

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And who says that your team doesn´t fail because of you except you? There are allways 2 stories to be told.


MR19, now MR 20 who don´t know what a loadout slot is; MR19 who put energy into an excavator with 98% and that a few times in a row even with only 2 sec left.


Yeah MR matters.

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I use to think MR mattered but then I went back and reexamined just how I got to the highest possible mastery rank, by playing a ton of ODD. I would spend my week gathering materials and building weapons, leave them in foundry so by the weekend I would have 10+ weapons ready to go and through this I attained the high possible mastery rank. Gaining no skill or experience from other aspects of the game.


Most people just quickly bypass leveling and gaining mastery, playing the game type best suited to leveling weapons and repeating these missions over and over.

Edited by (PS4)savoy123
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To those who still insisted that MR MEANS NOTHING or other crap like that, why dont you try this:

Make a new account, transfer all you have to that new account, AND STAY ON MR 0...dont ever take any MR tests,

since you think that MR means nothing so why bother?

Lets see if you still think the same after that...

Edited by (PS4)ATreidezz
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To those who still insisted that MR MEANS NOTHING or other crap like that, why dont you try this:

Make a new account, transfer all you have to that new account, AND STAY ON MR 0...dont ever take any MR tests,

since you think that MR means nothing so why bother?

Lets see if you still think the same after that...

if you do that then yes it still won't matter because by that point you'll have all mastery locked stuff done so yeah
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I think you are incorrect sir. The time played on your profile absolutely includes idle time.




I only got 58 days of play time, but my steam shows in me the thousands of hours.

So it only calculates your in mission time.



P.S. High MR is good for syndicate farming though.

Moar MR means easier to farm and be ahead on the trading curve.


I know because i made thousands of plat off the early days of syndicate farming.

300P per Vaykor marelok was good ! :P

Edited by fatpig84
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To those who still insisted that MR MEANS NOTHING or other crap like that, why dont you try this:

Make a new account, transfer all you have to that new account, AND STAY ON MR 0...dont ever take any MR tests,

since you think that MR means nothing so why bother?

Lets see if you still think the same after that...

So, if I were to do that right now, will my skill level be any different? No, I would still play like an MR 12. THAT'S why it means nothing. It says nothing about your skill level. It just shows how much crap you've run through.
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Still doesn't address the point that there are likely more low to mid MR that have engaged in Draco farm than high MR.  The Draco argument sort of defeats itself.  For every bad high MR who Draco farmed there are 2 more lower MR that are on the Draco journey.  


Also, it would take a tremendous amount of plat to power level your way to 18 or 19 via Draco.  Kind of naive to think everyone is doing it.  If anything people would be stuck in the low to mid MR ranges waiting for foundry items or trying to get more gear.  More of your Draco farmers would be stuck in that lower range.  


Looks like Draco is making lower MR's look worse, so maybe we should drop it.  A player is as good as they are, and you can never see that at first glance.  You'll get good squaddies and bad squaddies.  But you'll always get more quality squaddies out of higher MR's on average.  That's not to insult the lower MR's who are kickass and just don't rank up.  It's just playing odds the most efficient way we can.


Take notice of what you said "likely more". We have no idea who is using draco at what level and simply have the way people play at varying MR's to judge (or just think the person draco's), kinda the same way people use MR solely to determine skill. You are going off what you see and think will be or is. The draco point doesn't defeat itself because going off the 2 for 1 example, that's still 1 person that can end up in any number of games and completely ruin the outlook. This comes down to chance in the end.


True it would take a lot but there are plenty of examples of people taking things to the extreme especially when mmos are involved. The draco point is NOT that everyone is doing it, but that anyone CAN do it. MR 18 and above was not the only point of using draco for an example, it was used in general towards higher MR=skill. Just because some use Draco in an extreme doesn't defeat the purpose of saying it. 


Also people won't drop it as long as other people bring up MR as sole use to determine ones capabilities. Draco was used as a reason because people only went off MR for recruiting or whatever the issue was. Maybe MR 18 was the height, maybe MR 14 was another height. The point of the draco argument was because it is possible to obtain a higher lvl while doing less then nothing and having less skill then a lower MR player. It was used to show that just going off higher MR can be rendered moot and unreliable since even a newbie can attain those higher lvls while not rising in skill. The draco point is valid because it is true. Not in every case of course but neither is solely going off MR which in turn is why it is brought up.

Edited by DiabolicalHamSandwich
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Just assume everyone you might play with is useless, blind, has no thumbs and that you'll have to carry all 3 of them. Come fully prepared for that eventuality and you'll never be upset. 


Then we can all stop pondering how to properly judge a stranger's competence using this totally irrelevant affinity system. 


Its why I laugh whenever people abuse my Oberon for being "jack of all - master of none" ... if I'm risking getting stuck in a mission with a bunch of blind, thumbless gamers - damn right I want a versatile, covers most bases 'frame. 

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Just assume everyone you might play with is useless, blind, has no thumbs and that you'll have to carry all 3 of them. Come fully prepared for that eventuality and you'll never be upset.

Then we can all stop pondering how to properly judge a stranger's competence using this totally irrelevant affinity system.

Its why I laugh whenever people abuse my Oberon for being "jack of all - master of none" ... if I'm risking getting stuck in a mission with a bunch of blind, thumbless gamers - damn right I want a versatile, covers most bases 'frame.

well said like I mention earlier when you throw people into an equation there's always chance involved because of human error you can't reduce the probability of human error but you can prepare for it. An example like oh I don't need a gun but I'd rather have one in case is an example of planning ahead of human error. Or hmmm there's a kitchen with a bunch of chefs that are supposedly trained but let me put this fire extinguisher here in case of kitchen fire.
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I didn't know Trinity can somehow summon Frost while soloing T4D. 

lol so short sighted, we're debating if MR matters, I'll upload a video of me a measly mr13 soloing t4d. I understand the game has stupid people, albeit it has nothing to do with your MR rank.


Don't forget, the topic at hand is that low mr are a burden during higher tier missions.

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I've been playing Warframe for about 2 and a half years now straight, and I only just hit MR 14. I usually re-level my good guns and frames with forma rather than waste time on junk. I only focus on new frames when they come out, and guns that really seem worth my time and/or look fun to use. 


A friend of mine, who started playing when I did, is only MR 9 because she just prefers to not waste time and resources on the garbage "filler" weapons. 


We can both solo T4 if we want to. So aside from gaining access to certain features, MR does seem to mean nothing at the moment, at least when used to measure experience and skill.

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