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Why Do Many Players Not Like Being The Host?



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in my personal opinion I like being host most of the time~

cause then I wont have a laggy game of phase jumping enemies~


but if I was one with bad internet I wouldnt want to be host~

the reason behind it is due to high probability of DC to teammates~

failed invites, sessions not found, etc etc etc~

more than likely they will all DC and complain to high heaven~

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It'll vary from person to person and situation to situation.  Some players who may be of younger ages may also have the forethought to realize that their mom may yell at them to get off the computer at a sudden notice.  In doing so causing them to force the rest of their squad to pay the price of lost time should they be the host.


Another possibility is one you've covered to a degree, connectivity.  Hosting is more connection intensive than merely being a client, such is common knowledge in this day and age.  So if someone realizes their connection is less suitable they'd prefer to not host if possible (I fall into this category to a degree).


Yet another reason can be tied to the actual stability of the computer they're playing on.  If a player knows their comp isn't particularly up to snuff and thusly more prone to crashes or other instability they'd be a less adequate host.  Thusly those who are aware that their rig isn't great may wish to avoid hosting to save everyone from issues should they crash.


The list goes on, and it's not like it's a big deal at the end of the day.  Folks likely have some form of reason behind an unwillingness to host, otherwise they'd not make that stance known to begin with.

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It'll vary from person to person and situation to situation.  Some players who may be of younger ages may also have the forethought to realize that their mom may yell at them to get off the computer at a sudden notice.  In doing so causing them to force the rest of their squad to pay the price of lost time should they be the host.


Another possibility is one you've covered to a degree, connectivity.  Hosting is more connection intensive than merely being a client, such is common knowledge in this day and age.  So if someone realizes their connection is less suitable they'd prefer to not host if possible (I fall into this category to a degree).


Yet another reason can be tied to the actual stability of the computer they're playing on.  If a player knows their comp isn't particularly up to snuff and thusly more prone to crashes or other instability they'd be a less adequate host.  Thusly those who are aware that their rig isn't great may wish to avoid hosting to save everyone from issues should they crash.


The list goes on, and it's not like it's a big deal at the end of the day.  Folks likely have some form of reason behind an unwillingness to host, otherwise they'd not make that stance known to begin with.

All 3 of these are the exact reasons why I don't want to host, haha

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Mostly because I hear whining about how my internet is crap and I need to simply just get better internet. I literally have the best I can because I live out in the boondocks. (short of buying way over priced satellite internet of course.) 

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Not sure where you would even see people not wanting to host directly. When joining games, you are either automatically placed into a currently ongoing session, or you have to start your own.


Ultimately, most people have pretty terrible upload speeds (as opposed to download speeds), though many of which may not even know it.

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I'm the inverse, I won't allow my friends to be the host.


For me to be host, it means constant failed invites, bad lag for my clients, and random disconnections.

That's my reason, anyhow.



My friends are the worst.

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For me to be host, it means constant failed invites, bad lag for my clients, and random disconnections.

That's my reason, anyhow.

This right here. I live in a rural area, so I especially dread being the host. If someone else wants to host, I'll gladly fuel void keys out the nose, just please don't make me have to host it.

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It'll vary from person to person and situation to situation.  Some players who may be of younger ages may also have the forethought to realize that their mom may yell at them to get off the computer at a sudden notice.  In doing so causing them to force the rest of their squad to pay the price of lost time should they be the host.


Another possibility is one you've covered to a degree, connectivity.  Hosting is more connection intensive than merely being a client, such is common knowledge in this day and age.  So if someone realizes their connection is less suitable they'd prefer to not host if possible (I fall into this category to a degree).


Yet another reason can be tied to the actual stability of the computer they're playing on.  If a player knows their comp isn't particularly up to snuff and thusly more prone to crashes or other instability they'd be a less adequate host.  Thusly those who are aware that their rig isn't great may wish to avoid hosting to save everyone from issues should they crash.


The list goes on, and it's not like it's a big deal at the end of the day.  Folks likely have some form of reason behind an unwillingness to host, otherwise they'd not make that stance known to begin with.


You guys made some really good and true points. I couldn't grasped those thoughts myself. As to the question of when you can decide to host, it usually involves the key-related missions (Orokin Void, Raid, Derelicts) or playing in invite mode. I did however occasionally see the host being migrated to another player when loading void missions. But it's very occasional and trust me my internet is at the lower end of the spectrum.


Another cost is you might lose the key, as usually it's the keybearer who's the host especially when you're recruiting randomly. 


I'm not sure if the upload speed is a factor? To be honest, my upload is around 2mbps. Most of the time I'm the host, and the people of whom I usually run missions with (clan mates, people from alliance, friend list) prefer me to be the host and they run very smoothly even though we are living in different parts of the world. 


Regarding about hardware qualification besides the internet, even though warframe has really decent graphics, I don't think it's processor or graphic intensive under the circumstance that people know how to lower their settings. So I definitely wouldn't take hardware as one of the reasons. I do concur about the cause due to their personal affairs on hand or being skeptical because of owning lower quality internet.

Edited by MagicRen
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At the end of the day, no body would not like to be the host if their rig and connections are stable and good quality.


Another thing is you have the chance to recover as a client and rejoin the mission if you crash or dropped out accidentally. The mission continues on if you're the client. Where as if you're the host and if you crash, it's game over.

Edited by MagicRen
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Its not a choice - When the round starts Warframe determines who has the best connection in order to host. If he drops out - It'll migrate to the next best available.

Now if only it determined it correctly - it makes me the host while I have the slowest loading speed of all my teammates (90% of my games) about as often as transferring it to someone else.

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i dont like to host because i have a crappy computer and my paranoia insists that my rng seed sucks.

but i host often because host migration usually takes care of those issues for me.

Edited by ..atom..
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Because if an enemy glitches out and falls into an unreachable area that prevents the game from continuing, it is the host who has to quit and forfeit all loot and progress, in order to trigger a host migration that unstucks the enemy for the others to kill.

I've had to leave many Draco runs because of that....

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For me i hate being host because i am living in some friends basement suite and share the internet so there's 6 people living here and for the people i'm staying with...two of them live in camp for work but come home on their days off which is usually a week or so, but when the one guy is home he downloads movies and other stuff all day every day until he leaves. So when i host everyone in my party lags like an SOB

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Its not a choice - When the round starts Warframe determines who has the best connection in order to host. If he drops out - It'll migrate to the next best available.


That is a bit incorrect. The host is basically RNG initially, then who ever connects next becomes the next candidate for hosting. That is what those little numbers next to our names mean.


I have satellite internet with 700 to 1,000 ms latency and have been forced into hosting on several occasions both in the past and recently. You can't tell me that my connection outranks any other player's in this community.


That latency is also why I strongly dislike hosting, its caused disconnects in the past and I don't like making people deal with delays in damage and opening doors. I can handle it but others have proven to be less tolerant.



I really wish your version was how it actually worked, I've brought it up several times.

Edited by Aoden
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I host often, My friend can host too. However it's kind of annoying getting thousands of "Please invite me?!" Then we end up failing the mission because the people I added thought their unranked gear would get them through the mission. I also have awesome ping, upload speed and download speed, and I host people usually on my $5000.00 rig that I built myself. All in all I don't like hosting for having people not be ready, not share keys, and always want to have things easy mode and finally I hate carrying people... So, I play with friends or solo...


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Is it possible to change warframe as non peer-to-peer connection like how they setup in League of Legends, DOTA, etc. so when one person has a bad ping or slow connection, it won't effect other players in play?

Edited by MagicRen
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