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Bad Trade Ethics


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So recently i'v been unfortunate to meet some awful people. He/she wants to buy prime X. I give a price for prime x. He says deal. I go to my dojo, invite him. He saya give me a minute. 15mins later "i got a better deal"

What the fliping F***?

Its business. If u get a better deal go for it. But to make someone wait 15 mins sitting in front of their screen is extreamly rude and.

I actually rage and called the last guy names. I make no excuses maybe i over reacted. But dang it.

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i give them sixty seconds after the invite and if no response then I move on


and the cheapos I do not even bother with an invite i.e. I post wts frost prime set and a ^buyer responds with gotz 19 plat


I respond with 19 plat for a full set of something that no longer drops and is vaulted? lol lollipopsville sorry bro but no deal

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I think they are/were putting trade post in relays whic could help. People could just hang out in the relays more often that way trades can be done quicker before something like this happens.

So much lag!


That should be a thing, only if DE has some kind of visual filter that is controlled by the players.  Something like 'only view friends inside relay' or 'max 12 players visible in relay' or something to help cut down on the lag of so many people just hanging out there.

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If I get a better offer, I let the other person know and wait a minute to see if they match or beat the price. if not, the other guy gets the coin.


I try to be nice, but there are some idiots on trading. especially when you're halfway through negotiating and they forget who's buying what. it's like "did you even read the chat?" so frustrating!


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So recently i'v been unfortunate to meet some awful people. He/she wants to buy prime X. I give a price for prime x. He says deal. I go to my dojo, invite him. He saya give me a minute. 15mins later "i got a better deal"

You should have said: "No problem, I sold them already."

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Yeah, it's worse on syndicate items. I have like 5 or more augments in my imventory right now because of people like the one TC encountered. I even almost got declined in a Telos deal. We closed the deal on Telos being 35 plats and he exits in the middle of trading because he said he got a 25 plat offer. I got so mad and used the power of all caps and deep words and we got the trade done. I learned my lesson and every time I sell my syndicate stuff, I ask the guy to make sure he does not change sellers. It's not always gonna work, but it's some kind of assurance.

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19 plat for a full set of something that no longer drops and is vaulted? lol lollipopsville sorry bro but no deal

Is that trademarked? May I use that line? It sounds sooooo awesooome! XD

Anyway, I once got offered 10 plats for my Tempo Royale. I wanted to say something cool but I can't think of any so I just ignored him lols.

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As a seller and buyer, while it is kind of a $&*^ move.

That is simply how the open unregulated market works.


So that is why we will need a market place fast.

So purchases committed are dealt immediately then there is no need to worry about hagglers.



Yes it enforces integrity and in honoring the deal.

But on the other side of the coin, it means buyers have to be a lot more careful and screen through pages of wares.


It won't be scrolling through trade chat, but on popular MMOs, those lists can be many hundred pages long :P

Edited by fatpig84
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Back to OP ..

Getting another deal happens, can't blame the guy for getting a better deal .. however making you wait is pretty nasty manners.

Understand your rage on that one, 'cause like it's your time that this guy's wasting when a simple message would have let you know.


Still, if he was a low MR I'd have probably contained my rage and put it down to inexperience.

High MR though ? .. different story.

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So much lag!


That should be a thing, only if DE has some kind of visual filter that is controlled by the players.  Something like 'only view friends inside relay' or 'max 12 players visible in relay' or something to help cut down on the lag of so many people just hanging out there.


If I remember correctly, one of the DE staff said that there are like different servers or instances of the relays if one gets full. Or they may not have, can't remember who exactly said it.

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I give them the time I can afford for them to respond to my invite. Not a moment longer, and not a moment less. This makes it easier for me to cancel the invite and move on to genuine buyers.


Yes it's not nice to keep people waiting, but learning how to deal with it is part of trading.

Edited by Coryphaus
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i give them sixty seconds after the invite and if no response then I move on


and the cheapos I do not even bother with an invite i.e. I post wts frost prime set and a ^buyer responds with gotz 19 plat


I respond with 19 plat for a full set of something that no longer drops and is vaulted? lol lollipopsville sorry bro but no deal

Those are attempts at low-balling. In response, you should make a counter-offer above what you want, and then see where it goes from there.

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While that is bad trade ethic, you also have to consider the counter side. Depending on the item, you could get 10+ PM's. It is hard to basically tell everyone off when your chat gets flooded with messages. Often or not, I take the first deal I can get. But there are a lot of times where I agree to a price, then get a bunch of messages after. Don't forget about horrible dojo load times and trade issues...

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Personally, if I've agreed to buy something for 50p and as I arrive at the dojo I get an offer of 25p from someone else I will always honour the original deal, every time. As far as I'm concerned as soon as I say deal, short of a power cut or Godzilla attack, I'm making that deal no matter what.

So obviously I agree it's annoying and not a good way to trade.

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While that is bad trade ethic, you also have to consider the counter side. Depending on the item, you could get 10+ PM's. It is hard to basically tell everyone off when your chat gets flooded with messages. Often or not, I take the first deal I can get. But there are a lot of times where I agree to a price, then get a bunch of messages after. Don't forget about horrible dojo load times and trade issues...

We already haggled for a few mins and had agreed on a price.
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And then theres this


Sorry cant seem to get a clear image. Basically he wants an unranked impact set for 100p i say no..am selling mine 300. He laughs and say a maxed set is 200p and i say ok..good luck. He offers 170 then 200 which i refuse. Then he offers 200 and an arcane and when i still refuse states "wow your dumb"

Edited by (PS4)Treezzy1
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