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Why Are People So Close Minded When It Comes To Try Out Different Team Set Ups?

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So i was in the recruitment chat, looking for people that were hosting the raid, i told to myself, you know what I'm tired of playing the same damn frames; mirage, vauban, frost and the list goes on.

So I thought why not mag prime? With overextended and stretch i can CC the whole map , and with the augment mod , fracturing crush, i can stop the enemies for a couple of seconds, and if there's a nova on the team (and there's always a nova) it would take the enemies double the time to get up and start attacking us, plus she has a lot of shields and i could help the carrying the fomorian core. Sounded amazing, at least to me.

Went in a lobby and people (they were high MR too ....) started asking "why mag?" , I explained why, and they totally ignored it and asked me to switch, i ended up leaving because i am goddamn tired of seeing the same goddamn frames in the raid (which is not hard at all if you can @(*()$ use your brain for a couple of seconds instead of running around like headless chickens and wondering why you went down.)

Sure ,the team set up almost everyone uses for the raid is good but why not give other frames a chance and have fun playing them in the raid?

Why not zephyr? She can CC AND tank.

where is mesa? Shooting gallery with a max range can stun and jam basically every single enemy in the map, and it would be so useful during the pads part and with the augment you can blind them too.

Banshee? Do i have to explain why banshee is useful?

And the list goes on. I feel like every warframe could be useful in the raid, but people just use the same ones.

And this could be applied to the regular missions as well? T# defense? Mesa, frost , trinity and nova.

I know this has been discussed many times but wow don't you get bored playing X frame for X mission?

Seems like everyone just play the game for the rewards and not for having fun.

TL;DR : I'm tired of people using the same old set up for the raid (and other missions as well) and don't give other useful frames a chance.

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There's a few factors here, and most of them boil down to rather basic psychology. Primarily how people view their time investments if I had to layman term it.


The Grineer raid has been around long enough that people have found a method that suits them. They've become comfortable with it, and go in not wanting to do anything different. It's awful, but it's also how it is.


That said, we're going to eventually have a Corpus raid and an Infested Archwing Raid as well. When the former of the two there is released, I assure you Mag will be the only frame people actually want for it.

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I don't care for that kind of people,

During raids when me and friends always tried to help others to finish it there was always the same stupid ppl around


What No banshee? No Vauban? no Frost? No Trinity? No Nova?  
Why theres a Zephyr? Why a @(*()$ Limbo? why a @(*()$ Oberon?  What  a nekros doing here?

They either chose one of the Missing frame they judged as more important to the mission in their opinion or quit it, and again, they were the people we were trying to help complete the raid as they can't or usually don't have a team to go, but still they would insist that IT SHOULD or  MUST be done THAT WAY

In the end my Oberon would heal better than most trinity users, as they forgot or had the worse timing for it, and would never die compared to other team mates who earlier were constantly mock him but then having it reverse as i revived them using Oberon, or just got close to them and watched them die as my oberon was still kicking and alive

But yeah theres a lot of prejudice towards certain warframes

Edited by g43riel
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Ya me too. I love Mesa, but I hate seeing how people in recruiting tab need Mesa Frost Trin in every single game. If I want to play as Chroma for example, in a survival mission, I get ignored, laughed at, trashtalked, etc.

I never knew Warframe meant "Mesa Frost Trin Play Free", not "Ninjas Play Free".

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Another problem with these kinds of people is, they think that everyone who does not use X frame, totally sucks at the game and should just GTFO, or so I think.


They don't really think that there might be people out there who actually KNOW how to use their frames, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Hydroid with curative undertow or Limbo and that...one augment that heals teammates (forgot the name) who is better at healing than a Trin or Broberon just because they are experienced with them. It seems like in their eyes, if you use Trin, you instantly are the best healer whatsoever, no matter if you are just MR 0 or not.


Prejudices all over the place, that's the problem.

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I honeslty want to have fun at a raid, like we all choose one frame, like zehpyr, but it's kinda hard to host then, you'll have to be reckless as heck.

Zephyr, Mesa, Banshee,

Fragility, Short range, Best support frame if we killed everything for fun. or spamed.

I would allow every frame to join.

EXCEPT CHROMA, or when I am attempting to do a speed run.​

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Honestly I think it's a disease in the community that has gotten worse and worse with the advent of Draco. 


The better players know you can do a Raid/mission with a lot of different setups, but the gamers who learned mostly on Draco and little else go crazy if asked to step outside of their little meta bubble. Kind of hilarious really. 

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Another problem with these kinds of people is, they think that everyone who does not use X frame, totally sucks at the game and should just GTFO, or so I think.


They don't really think that there might be people out there who actually KNOW how to use their frames, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Hydroid with curative undertow or Limbo and that...one augment that heals teammates (forgot the name) who is better at healing than a Trin or Broberon just because they are experienced with them. It seems like in their eyes, if you use Trin, you instantly are the best healer whatsoever, no matter if you are just MR 0 or not.


Prejudices all over the place, that's the problem.

I'm sorry, but I don't see how a mr0 is the best healer. HAVEN(limbo healing agument)isn't as effective, nor is it viable for "certain" options espically in a key role IN ALL PARTS, the only the only thing limbo can do is revive, valkyr is op she can do both. Technically speaking all you need is a trinity effective in strategy, and a mirage, EVERY OTHER FRAME IS viable. I've seen crybabys(no offense) saying that a EV trinity can't bless.(really?!?!)

Vaulban is optional by the way, if your in a squad that begs for one they probably do not trust the mirage.

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You missed my point completely, what I said was, to those people, Trin=Best healer ever, no matter the MR, time played, etc etc


People with experience with a certain Frame are just as viable as a trin or something. Looks like you are just the prime example of one of these guys who always ask for X frame for a raid.

Edited by DJ_Vauban
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Playing for pure fun is fine, but most people who do 2 raids per day just want to get it over with ASAP, especially 4-man teams. Trinity is the best for healing. If you want to bring a Nekros, Oberon, Limbo - go ahead, they are good alternatives. Mirage + Nova is the best combo for CC. If you want to bring Banshee, Vauban, Nyx, or Mag - go ahead, they are good alternatives. Loki is the best for utility. If you want to bring Frost, Volt, Valkyr, or Excal - go ahead, they are good alternatives.


The most efficient 4-man team is a Trinity, Nova, Mirage, and Loki.

The most efficient 6-man team is a Trinity, Nova, Mirage, Loki, Vauban, and Frost.

The most efficient 8-man team is a Trinity, Nova, Mirage, Loki, Vauban, Frost, duplicate of any, and Volt/Nekros.


Let's say that hypothetically DE nerfs the best 4 frames into the dirt due to "overuse" (a likely scenario given the past). Then you would probably see parties which look like...


4-man: Banshee, Vauban, Nyx, Limbo

6-man: Banshee, Vauban, Nyx, Limbo, Frost, Nekros

8-man: Banshee, Vauban, Nyx, Limbo, Frost, Nekros, duplicate of any, and Volt.


Then people would complain about those frames being the only ones used. Point is, play the way you want with the people you want. But don't complain about people using the best tools at their disposal. That will always be the case because human nature tends towards highest reward for lowest cost/work. There will always be a most-used anything - and since winning LoR depends almost entirely on CC, only the best CC frames will be considered in most squads. And I'm sorry, but there are at least 6 frames better at CC than your Mag.

Edited by (PS4)Void_Girl
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It is boring because of the lazy people who make it boring using the same damn frames, i assure you that.


I assure you that no. Believe me. Doesn't matter which frames you bring. Doesn't matter which weapons you bring. Doesn't matter if instead of CC you prefer to kill. It's boring because the mechanics of that raid are boring itself.


Move with a bomb to some locations > Move to a location with 8 keypads > Move a Fomorian Core > Move a bomb > Pewpew 10s a big sponge bullet boss


Is that funny? Sorry but... no. And the rewards make it less worthy. In fact, it's so much of a time waste that most of people would be pissed to failing it just because someone wanted to implement "challenge" or "diversity" in his run.


Also, if you want to use whatever you want, you don't even need your clanmates. Just be the host yourself. They cannot talk back to you. And if they do, just drop them.

Edited by Karlox
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I don't care for that kind of people,

During raids when me and friends always tried to help others to finish it there was always the same stupid ppl around


What No banshee? No Vauban? no Frost? No Trinity? No Nova?  

Why theres a Zephyr? Why a @(*()$ Limbo? why a @(*()$ Oberon?  What  a nekros doing here?

They either chose one of the Missing frame they judged as more important to the mission in their opinion or quit it, and again, they were the people we were trying to help complete the raid as they can't or usually don't have a team to go, but still they would insist that IT SHOULD or  MUST be done THAT WAY

In the end my Oberon would heal better than most trinity users, as they forgot or had the worse timing for it, and would never die compared to other team mates who earlier were constantly mock him but then having it reverse as i revived them using Oberon, or just got close to them and watched them die as my oberon was still kicking and alive

But yeah theres a lot of prejudice towards certain warframes


Yes but a blessing trinity can give 99% DR for 25 seconds if build average with a suicide weapon....

I know I know, in the midst of all the Bastille, Slow novas and blind.. We still need 99% DR when stuff happens :P

Edited by fatpig84
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