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Coming Soon: Devstream #59


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1) Will Baro Ki'Teer play a role in future quests and events?

2) Can we expect more Nikana sheaths?

3) When will Vermilion Storm be finished and polished? The stance mod is still unfinished and broken

4) What is required to revisit an old cloth item in order to receive the new cloth code?

Edited by LazerSkink
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Buff Snipers

Some Ideas:

Make Snipers do more damage at longer ranges (30m+ range = 5x damage)

Make there crit like bows ( around 100%)

Giving them unique mods (eg, Bullseye - Gives snipers 100% aiming damage or Silent Scope - Gives Snipers ignore armour)Something like that

You could also develop a mini Ranged map/event for snipers ^^.

Just make Vectis Prime some love <3 

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This sounds like it might be more appropriately housed in Prime Time, no? I don't really want to see that stuff in my devstreams...

It's funny because he thinks it's HIS devstream..... just because you don't have nothing better to look forward to on Friday doesn't mean you can start talking crap god if conclave bothers you (and the other 18 ^'s of you as it stands currently) then don't watch.

You: *Gasp* "what does this guy mean not watch if I'm going to have such a horrible time watching"

Me: "...lol I saw that coming"

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Are there any plans at all to make enemy behavior a little better and/or smarter? Not just combat AI, but giving unalerted mobs things to do besides walk in random directions and wait for the Tenno to show up?



-Patrolling units following more clearly-defined routes

-Units guarding specific points of interest, such as doors

-Lower-ranked units having non-combat duties to attend, such as ship maintenance, fiddling with consoles, loading/unloading those railcars in the Grineer astroid tileset, etcetera

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Are there any plans to buff the Vay(kor) Hek?


Because without access to the Scattered Justice augment (and it's 200% Multishot) the Vay Hek is a straight downgrade from the regular Hek. The 15% Critical Hit chance it received over the normal Hek does it no way compensate for the loss of the augment.



Edited by Brimir
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Just two things - 


1. Umbra Excal global release/method of obtainment info?

2. Trade-able Syndicate Syandanas? that would make me so happy because I like my syndicate a lot, but cosmetics are very important to me and I don't really like the associated syandana. But I can't betray my Syndicate to get the ones I want =\


Thanks for an amazing game - keep up the good work DE =]

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Are there any plans to add non-hostile civilians or workers to Grineer and Corpus maps that aren't mission targets, or are we to assume everybody wants to kill us?


Any explanation on how the same Syndicate leaders and Darvo can exist on all relays at the same time? Is this some kind of Orokin portal door magic?

Edited by Thanax
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My questions:




I am sure Digital Extremes has been questioned already about their reasoning behind some of the new Syndicate Primary Weapons. My question specifically is this: What is the thought processes behind deciding what weapons get the Syndicate treatment? What deciding factors come into play when you add syndicate mods for weapons or give weapons a syndicate version? Knowing the general community reaction, will this thought process change for when Melee Syndicate Weapons go through the design process or will it stay the same?




I want to represent Hexis in the most complete capacity I can. And just like those crazy people that dress cats and dogs in clothing I want to put my Kubrow and Kavat in Hexis armor. Will that be a possibility?




I am really enjoying Parkour 2.0 and the new alt fire system. The new alt fire system allows me to enjoy weapons like Buzlock, Mutalist Quanta and Paracyst with out any impedance on my aiming performance. Just wanted to say "good job" on those additions. Parkour 2.0 particularly makes me wonder if we'll ever get parkour mission types that will test our ninja running skills. Say we Tenno steal a valuable Corpus prototype worth a lot of money and we have to escape their facility before it goes on lock down. Or we sabotage a Grineer Formorain factory and we have to escape the resulting self destructing plant. Are there any plans to include a mission type to test our Parkour skills in a "Race to the Finish" (Super Smash Bros. Melee reference) style of game play?

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I have a batch of questions regarding the dojo: 

1°) New rooms? (Liseth Hanger Bay, Pakour 2.0 room, Kubrow nursery, ...)

2°) Expanding room capacity to décorate them more? 

2° bis) Will there be a console in the temple of honor to change the Loki that stands there?

3°) Possibility to change the color of the floor (and texture, maybe?)

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Are there any plans to update some older mods that have (in my opinion) lower-than-average stats? My main point being Sure Shot, 7 drain for 15% multiplicative status is pretty terrible when compared to the dual stat mods like Frostbite. Maybe rework it into an additive bonus for weapons with terrible base status. Also, what percent could you estimate Saryn's rework is at? 

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Two questions: When will Dojos FINALLY get some luv?  It's been a long time with no improvements.




Should we make anything of the fact that we just had a revelation about the Lotus' background and her relationship with the Sentients, and now suddenly Rebecca's lovely little Lotus icon has gone from calm, regal purple to angry red?  Hmm...


Inquiring minds want to know.

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1)Could we have a more organised arsenal, like when you click primary you can then go on to click shotgun.

Also could you remove the intergrated market from the asrnal, I get DE have to make money, so it could be if you spend money on the game, it only shows your weapons not the entire shop.

2) could you intergrate the old parkour with the new, for instance if you hold space you wall run, if you tap you wall hop.

3) can you make the augment Bolto mod work on akbolto weapons as well please.

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