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Coming Soon: Devstream #59


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1. Can we expect something more from the Syndicates other than different weapon varieties, mods etc.?

I'm talking about deeper lore or possibly gameplay that would really make us wanna stick with them.

2. Giving all sentinels the ability to loot like carrier is a pretty hot topic and an excellent idea. Do you think that something like this is possible?

3. The Excalibur & Frost rework was incredible and I'm sure same thing will happen with Valkyr & Saryn. The question is, who's next? Hydroid? Limbo?

Edited by Oranji
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First thing Greetings to the wonderful overlords of DE.

Since last Devstream there was no time to answer my questions I will try asking them again


Q: Are we going to see more of side missions, like the ones on sabotage missions ? (Finding the hidden Easter caches))


Q: Would it be ever considered that Baro would also buy Forma BP? I know a lot of people have hard time getting theirs but I have been on Warframe for a long time and with 300+ BP I really wonder what I should do with them. Selling them for credits seems like a waste (Not sure if even possible), so please DE is there a chance?


That would be all that I wonder, since there were a lot of questions in this thread I won't bother with more for now, I will be awaiting your response. :)

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Can we get an option to change the character that guide us through the level? say we get Lotus by default but we can switch to Ordis in the arsenal (in the same way we choose the emotes) and maybe the Syndicates, Teshin or Simaris (accuired via standing) or even Darvo (market)?

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In the Reddit AMA, you were asked if you'd considered adding an extra color tint option for metals on the PBR Prime items... and Sheldon missed the point of the question when he answered. Care to revise?


Isn’t it counter-intuitive to stamp out lootcaves for farming too efficiently, while arbitrarily providing “meta” skills (like Desecrate, Pilfering Swarm and Effigy’s credit boost) to make farming more efficient? Have you considered alternatives to farming endless missions when it comes to player access to rare mods and affinity?


Damage-dealing powers have long been criticized for their inability to keep up with increases in enemy survivability as weapons do. Many augments (like Disarming Bolts, Soul Survivor or the elemental infusions) are often seen as a grindwall to “fix” these weak abilities. Previously you’ve stated that you might make blanket changes to improve the baseline scalability of these powers; any news on that?


In Melee 2.0, Scythes lost their powerful charged attacks and fell behind more specialized Channeling or Berserker weapons. The Scythe-exclusive mod teased alongside Covert Lethality and Adhesive Blast appears to have been pulled before U17. As Anku is generally stronger than the harder-to-get Reaper Prime and Hate, can we expect a baseline buff to older scythes? 

Edited by Archwizard
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1) Are there any tileset revamps planned? Which one and what theme?


2) Will new characters appear in events/missions/lore? I like that you involved Tyl Regor, but still it feels like conflict is happening between only a few characters, not a global war you know.


3) How about new warframe synergies? Like saryn + volt = corrosive combo.


4) Are there new mission types planned? And how about new void missions?

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Syndicate missions: will medallions ever be squad shared? i.e if I find one, my friend gets it too, rather than this clunky and annoying system we have now since the tilesets are huge


Progress on player made content?


More sneak peeks at Star Chart 3.0? I really want it to be amazing :S


Archwing, pitch unlock for the more "expert" fliers?


FOCUS? Heard this term for years now XD

(happy and sad that it didn't come, sad for my curiosity, happy for all other systems)

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My questions:


- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority?


- Why do we give samples of Orokin technology ( Forma, Potatoes, Prime parts ) to Syndicates/Baro Ki'Teer? How does this maintain the Balance?

Please give me a lore-related reason to do this, even if only a little ingame queue of the Lotus giving me the OK to help out these Syndicates and/or Baro Ki'Teer.

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Hey Guys, any plans to make the less potent arcane enhancements a little better? I think it's universally agreed the proc resistance arcanes (Nullifier, Deflection, Resistance, etc) are rather...bad. Sorry I honestly couldn't think of a better word to describe them.

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A main issue that is still happening today is power creep and balance issues, "Buff" this "Nerf" that, the discussion in this thread down below about adding a level cap to missions and in my opinion that is the way to go. What is your opinion on the subject? What is your current course of action to prevent power creep and create balance?






People say the community is getting toxic or is toxic, personally I don't run into that very often but mostly when it comes to the trading chat. Because of this I personally avoid the trading chat. A auction hall would get rid of most of the toxicity that is the trading chat and could be healthy for the game and community. Q:What is the Progress on the Auction Hall? It was mentioned on the Dev Streams sometime ago but have not heard anything additional on it for awhile.



Edit:When can we get a Down Vote on the Forums, Some topics/comments need it bad.

Edited by TriggerHappyWhiteGuy
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1) Could the finisher prompt be moved to the use key? Pretty please?

2) Why do enemies not flinch when they're on fire (proc) and I hit them? You'd think they'd be more vulnerable to it.

3) Speaking of flinching, how come the Heavy Grineer can still use the ground slam even if I hit them before the animation finishes?

4) What are the chances of adding faction based melee weapons for the enemies to use after they've been disarmed by Radial Disarm? (Sheev is unused)
5) Will we be seeing any heavy melee units in the future? Jat Kittag wielding Grineer heavies?

6) How is Charge melee 2.0. progressing?


Other questions:
Will we be seeing any field bosses that appear in regular missions a la Juggernaut?
So when are you going to rename ziplines to "rails" and put more of them all over the place because let me tell you ziplines are pretty fun now.

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