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The Warframe Market Is A Joke And Actively Discourages Impulse Purchases (Updated, Includes Solution To Installed Catalysts/weapon Slot On Weapons)


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Good post OP, but I'm afraid your efforts will be in vain. 


They aren't gonna overhaul the entire market because one person spoke out.

Why not? The logic seems sound to me while the current one does not. They might very well go "Well damn, this looks pretty good. Let's run it by the people who analyze financial decisions and see what they think."

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Because DE ideally should want players to spend money on weapons.  At the current prices, most people would rather grind.  That's bad for the game.


Weapons needs slots, people pay for slots, thats good for the game. 

A steady stream is better than a few buys here and there.

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I've been playing this game for a little over a week. So far I've spent $20 for my Wyrm, rushing the 3 days on my trin, rhino, and frost (I farmed the mats and bp's for them, though), and bought a few extra slots. I would have easily spent it on a founder pack, but the price was pretty... repulsive. I especially like that I don't need to pay the huge prices for the frames I want, because I can farm them in game. 375 for certain frames is absurd, IMO. I like this idea, makes everything cheaper, but brings in more profit.

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  • 1 month later...

When prices are low: more sales


When prices are high less sales


Basic economics. I couldn't guarantee reducing prices would significantly increase the rate of purchases by players, but I'm sure players less stingy and with more access to money than I would be willing to cough up some scratch if the prices were reduced a smidge. +1

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Necro Thread... but it's pretty much sensible and i like the idea of reducing the overall prices of the market. Everything really is expensive and most of the stuff at the market isn't that great to have such an expensive price..


I haven't been here for long so this is my first time seeing this thread that's why i'm posting even though it's a necro.



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I'm sure everybody by now has noticed how absurdly priced everything is in the Warframe market.


DE, why is everything so expensive? I know you're new to the whole F2P scene, but making everything cost an arm and a leg is not how you make a profit. Who are you appealing to with garbage like this?




125 Platinum (nearly $10) for a Dual Skana? And it's apparently on sale? How does this count as a sale? Last I checked, sales were meant to be enticing to at least somebody.


800 Platinum (the price of the average AAA game you can find on Steam) for two poxy reskins and a scythe?


Who is going to buy these besides people who have zero sense of what money is worth?


When you put things up in the store, you want to appeal to the average Joe. The guy who has $5 left in his account after paying the bills. The kid who got $5 for delivering newspapers and wants to spend it on his favorite game. You appeal to these people because they are your most common customer, the broadest audience that plays your game. You DON'T want to purely appeal to people who apparently S#&$ money and own a Bentley, because that's what it seems you're doing.




These are your cheapest Platinum packs, these are the most commonly bought packages. Appeal to the people who will only put money down on THESE packages. Take advantage of the rich folk second.


Now I know what some of you will be thinking. "DE can price these things however they want, it's their game and they need to eat!" Fair enough, but pricing items so that NOBODY but rich kids will buy them is not how you make a profit. What's more likely to earn the highest amount of dough; a cheap product that sells continuously or a really expensive product that barely sells at all?


I personally spent some time altering some market prices as an example and discussed with others what we agreed they should be. This is in by no means a "DO THIS NOW," it's merely a suggestion we feel would help DE earn more profit and make the overall playerbase much happier. That in the end is what matters.




As you can see for weapons, we agreed upon a $5 limit. After all these weapons can be farmed up with relative ease. So what good is it to make half the weapons cost $15 when somebody will immediately jump back and just say "I can farm these weapons up in like an hour of farming, I'm not paying that much."


You want to make the ability to purchase these weapons seem like a service instead of a complete con. If the weapons were priced as they were above, a person would actually think about purchasing some of these weapons. "It would take ages to get those Akboltos if I did it normally. $5 isn't that much after all so I guess it's okay to buy them, and it comes with an Orokin Catalyst and a weapon slot as well."


The person wouldn't feel ripped off, unlike the current system, because for all intents and purposes he didn't get ripped off, he got a pretty damn good deal. That's what you want, you want everybody to consider buying weapons from the store first, before they even think of grinding the weapon up in game.


Here's another one we did for the actual frames.




I know I know, we bumped up the price of Loki, Volt and Excalibur. But overall every frame is now in line of $10-$15. That's what we felt would be the best price zone for them and what the average consumer would appreciate more. Instead of crap like Rhino and Ash costing 325 Platinum which is just insane. Did people even buy those? If you did, you got ripped hard.


Another thing DE needs to start doing is having sales that matter. Sales are ALWAYS when companies and other businesses earn the biggest profit, people love a good sale and will usually save up some money waiting for one to drop. Look at the above frame prices, they're okay, they'd be purchased a few times, certainly A LOT more than they are now, which is more money in the bank for DE. But what if... ALL FEMALE FRAMES 50% OFF SALE WEEKEND happened.




"HOLY @(*()$ S#&$" - Everybody looking for a good deal.


You have now got everybody who can only afford the small packages SCURRYING to grab these frames while they're discounted. People who would have never bought these frames normally whether it be due to other financial reasons taking precedence or just refusing altogether to drop that kind of money on a F2P game. Look at Steam, look how much profit Valve earns during Steam sales. They earn MILLIONS, their profits skyrocket. People LOVE sales, so take advantage of them.


Well, there's my long &#! post about the market. DE, I'm begging you. Make the market prices actually sane. Everybody will benefit from it. You'll earn more money, and the playerbase will be happier and not feel like they walked into a con house.



After a talk with Cifrer (thanks brah) on Page 5, we quickly came up with a way to balance out the pricing of the weapons in a way that makes them cheap while also taking into account Orokin Catalysts and weapon slots are included. The solution? Make them optional extras.


(Excuse the awful obvious Paint edits, I ain't no graphic artist)



The person can choose to buy just the weapon, or pay a little extra for an installed Catalyst at a discounted price. And if they want to, even pay a little extra for a weapon slot. This way everybody wins.


I feel like I've been here before.

Because I have.

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i agree that most starting items need to be cheaper but let's be real.... some people will dish out 20 30 dollars to get frost or vauban....imo, the two hardest frames to acquire

Not sure but if you can sell 5 time the warframe you said for 20-30 $ or you could sell it for 5-10 $ but selling it 200-300 time (since its cheaps)?


Also not all warframe should be priced same...

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But the ONLY thing you MUST spend real money to acquire in the game is extra slots, which are priced lower than anything else.


So, you pay for convenience, which frankly in all of life is expensive.  No money ever has to be spent on any of these high priced items, so why is the price such an issue?  If they priced this stuff lower, and the same person that is willing to spend the money they cost now, can simply buy everything in game does that same person keep playing?


There are lower priced stuff in game, and it is the impulse purchases.  Rushing the foundry for that stuff you farmed for weeks to get?  Then purchasing the potato for it because you don't have any left and don't want to farm more for it?


The prices for weapons and frames are high for a reason, to encourage you to get that stuff by playing the game.  I'm sure if DE really wanted people to just buy everything the prices would be lower, but then what would they give for in game rewards?

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never spent plat on anything besides slots

I'm now rank 12 with every frame/weapon ingame at 30 (besides the lato/skana primes)

considering that I've pretty much done everything there is to do ingame and bored now, if I had spent plat to get any of those frames/weapons I would have just gotten bored sooner/quicker, I don't really see the point...

now i know there are whales out there, and the whole time vs money issue, so im not hating on someone who wants to spend plat to get the frame/weapon/potatoes/whatevs

but DE srsly needs to get their S#&amp;&#036; together and reprice their non-cosmetics, and add more cosmetics (colors, bits and pieces, skins, animations, effects, danglys, etc)

of course there are other bigger problems as well (ie long term gameplay options, user-made content, etc)

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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One thing, lowering existing prices will upset those who already bought them at original price. also bumping up starter frames is a no to me imo.

All in all tho i agree, so many things i have considered buying on impulse but decided against it, even tho i have had a gross platinum value at like 1700. This is coming from someone who woke up one morning and decided to go to the dealership and buy a car lol...

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My only comment is how do they make any transactions on frames when (from what i've found) farming them is so easy. I bought frost but while levelling frost I had Rhino/Ember/Banshee ready to go on 3d build and today Ash is undergoing his 3d build with Volt soon to follow. The only thing i need to buy is Reactors/Slots. Frost might just be the last and only frame I ever buy, I only bought him because I had 25% off and the cheapest founders package seemed like a friggn bargain.

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