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Why Everyone Just Freaks Over The Multishot Balancing Ahead Of Time?


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Nobody here, nobody at all knows for sure how the Multishot is going to be "balanced", so don't go assuming ahead of time that it will be useless. Multishot is not equal to the fire rate mods and it will never be so I doubt that it will be as simple as just increasing the ammo consumption proportionally. The devs said that "they are thinking of increasing the ammo consumption", but they did not gave any guarantees. They also said that we don't need to freak out over this since some guns will be affected differently than others, therefore balancing for it not to be useless, just to think twice before using it. 


As it is now, the multishot mods are 100% mandatory on any weapon that can use them, and like that I have 3-6 mods on every weapon that can never change. Is that not too dull? What freedom of choice do we have in moding since any other alternative is crappy? At least the frames provide more freedom of choice in choosing the mods.


So wait and see. Since you don't have the power to change the outcome, at least have an open mind to accept it when it will arrive.

Edited by -BM-StormVanguard
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Because most tennos are crybaby that are afraid of dealing less damage just because they don't want to waste their ammo, even if they mainly play with carrier therefore reducing their ammo problem.


No really nobody know what will really happen and they just make ton of assumptions and complain because DE want multishot to be better.


I hate how multishot make your bullets magically split without any penalty.

Edited by Trichouette
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This community does seem to have the unfortunate habit of over reacting to pretty much any and every announced change way before it has been seen or implemented. Always has, probably always will..


My philosophy has always been 'wait and see' and then over react. ;)

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While it's not certain that they will try balancing it with ammo consumption, the sheer attempt is pointless.

If they increase ammo consumption to match the amounts of projectiles fired, it would be exactly like fire rate with a few little advantages.

If they made ammo consumption less than that, it would be straight up better than fire rate.

If ammo consumption was more than the projectiles fired, it would be worse than fire rate.

The question is what else they could do and that's something worth discussing prior to it happening.

One thing they could do is remove it entirely.

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Warframe has never been about choice in terms of mods in nearly any situation.  Its all about calculation.  It provides. an illusion of choice.

Its like how old World of Warcraft was, where it looks like you have lots of options available but their are very view viable options.


The end-all be-all of Warframe is killing enemies.  Calculations are what Warframe is made up of, there are correct answers to what mods are best on each weapon.  Warframe is a lot like Monster Hunter, it is a game of min-maxing.  


Multishot also greatly improves the "regularity" of crit weapons making them less swingy on non-100% crit weapons but making them regular enough on atleast 1 shot to be expected.  Multishot makes a weapon with 50% crit chance far more stable in terms of expected damage and that is only a good thing.


For certain weapons I would gladly take a mod that reduced my damage per shot but increased the number of shots their were.  Turning weapons into mini-shotguns, which would have no real chance to damage but increases status chance by quite a bit.  But frankly on a lot of weapons there are too mandatory mods, especially on crit weapons.  I'd love to gain a utility slot by integrating Serration into the weapon scaling itself.

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The issue i have is that when multishot consumes more ammo proportionally to the ammount, where do the extra bullets come from? If the extra consumption comes from the clip certain weapons will not be affected (normally) like the vectis : 1 bullet in the clip 90% MS does nothing? The vectis prime : 90% MS makes it fire all bullets in one shot 90% of the time making it a "better" choice than the corrupted mod? Or the tigris : 120 MS, duplex auto becomes plain double barrel blast. And the hek : 320% ms means 1 shot and reload.


Weapons with a larger mag essentially have their TTS (time to shoot) halved.


It would be better if the extra consumption comes from the reserves, this would just mean you have to replenish your reserves more often and wouldnt affect the general feel of the weapon. Maybe this is what they are going to do, wich i have less problems with because then it doesnt become a firerate doubler essentially

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because there is the chance it can kill and destroy some weapons, weapons that have low ammo pools, weapons that have low mag sizes, lets say the Hek for example, and lets say they make it so multishot takes 2 or even 3 shells from shotguns when multishot procs, suddenly the Hek now has 2 shots. the Tigris has 1 shot. see what i mean? it could ruin a lot of S#&$

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Just because some people who are too simplistic begin to dismiss what are actually logical and reasonable arguments as "whining and raging" rather than actually taking a step back to listen to what the other side has to say.


And you know DE probably actually does look at the forums from time to time, as to generate feedback.

Edited by Unholyrequiem
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Multishot is important you could call it the cornerstone of every machine gun in-game. there are a lot of weapons that DEPEND on multishot i.e Grataka, Amprex, Braton, Boltor(p), and any secondary you can think of. Plus their also fking with the balance of anything thats damage related( crit and status, enemy scaling) so it's a massive change for the entire game. honestly i quit like 3 months ago but i keep up with game events and updates but this update looks like it can REALLY screw up the game in general. This seems to be like the Star Chart scare 1-2 months ago where they were making it look like was impossible to farm a certain mod or whatever and since then they gave more information and clarified what was going on with that. Plus this scares people because DE is actually pretty bad at balancing weapons/frames/enemies.


So guys yes this can be a massive change but they haven't given enough information about it to freak out or anything like that.

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because there is the chance it can kill and destroy some weapons, weapons that have low ammo pools, weapons that have low mag sizes, lets say the Hek for example, and lets say they make it so multishot takes 2 or even 3 shells from shotguns when multishot procs, suddenly the Hek now has 2 shots. the Tigris has 1 shot. see what i mean? it could ruin a lot of S#&$


I'm sure that won't happen. They have created this game and they are not stupid enough to not realize such a simple fact. Actually, they did mentioned that the already heavy consumers out there will be balanced to not consume as much.

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Some great answers in this thread.


Basically, people like to slag off other people.  It makes them feel better about themselves.  It really is as simple as that.


All the kids who haven't grown up psychologically yet converge on this particular subforum and whine about DE, even tho DE has created this ever improving game they spend their days playing, mostly for free.


It's really perverse.


The more people who do it, the more acceptable it seems to them.  It's like racism.  As soon as it became acceptable to complain about immigration, suddenly millions of closet racists feel perfectly entitled to slag off migrants, fearmonger about them etc.  Eventually, some sociopath like Donald Trump comes along and uses racism to get nominated.

Edited by Fifield
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Every time DE wants to balance things, they screw up, explosives, Dark sector(balanced for twice), ember, survival, how could we supposed to trust them in balancing

They need rework things like exca, frost, parkour, not simply nerf the mod, when they use the word "rework", they did great things, just not "rebalance"

Edited by akira_him
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Because some people live to be butthurt, and it's not just in games.


This one is a bit peculiar. When I first started playing and got my first multishot mod (which I believe was Lethal Torrent), I did find it puzzling that these didn't consume more ammo. But, hey, it's a weird game in a lot of ways (space ninjas...), so the fact it didn't was forgotten in about ten minutes. Now, we discover that it's a bug and DE means to correct a very, very, VERY old oversight. Really old. Like since day one old. Old.




OK. Hey, they did it with the abomination formerly known as coptering and that turned out pretty well, so personally I'll reserve judgment. However, this one is fraught with peril from a gameplay and progression standpoint.


A lot of us have very heavily polarized weapons and a lot of that revolves around those energy intensive MS mods. Now if use of the revised MS is supposed to be another decision moment, this could be a real problem. On the other hand, they're all V polarity, so there's almost always something else that can go in there.


I suspect we'll see a heavy revision in both magazine and basic load ammunition capacity in all weapons. This is non-trivial but something that actually should be done. I, for one, am kind of tired of seeing 540 for primaries and 210 for secondaries regardless of what they actually are (and this has been slowly changing). It's also going to effect things like crit and status chances. In many ways, this could be considered Guns 2.0.


It's a risky move, but so was the transition to Damage 2.0. That was an improvement over what came before, but it also took a number of revisions before it settled in after going live. I'm expecting this will be a similar case.

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Every time DE wants to balance things, they screw up, explosives, Dark sector(balanced for twice), ember, survival, how could we supposed to trust they in balancing

They need rework things like exca, frost, parkour, not simply nerf the mod, when they use the word "rework", they did great things, just not "rebalance"

This is a very contradictory statement.
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