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Sancti Tigris/tigris Needs To Be Scaled Down.


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That same stopping power carries over for half a tile. a shotgun shoukd gain more dmg the closer you are and less the further you are, betwwen viscious spread and seeking fury youre not having to worry about reload or a room.

It certainly doesn't feel that way, though I imagine it could if enemies were grouped together in a way where the spread could really ruin all of their days. In tiles where enemies are spread out in angles, that Punch Through is pointless, and reload becomes even more apparent to nail the next enemy.

I also feel that the current effective damage area is right for its max damage. It could stand to use a steeper fall off, but the pellet spread feels wide enough to make that range feel more apparent... In terms of spread through, thats a different discussion entirely ("suiting weapon for what you want it to do" kinda discussion).

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Look, I've always used shotguns over anything else, even before the buff. And the Hek and Tigris are my favorites. But yeah, I was surprised to see those two weapons get an even better version when I thought that original versions were already too powerful.  And please, don't use the "but they're shotguns they're supposed to be powerful" argument. That argument makes no sense when it comes to game balance. 


The argument that you can only get 2 kills per 2 seconds is also bunk when the damage is so high that you can mod the weapons to have a bigger magazine and lose some damage but STILL wreck things. And when it comes to very high end game, 2 kills per 2 seconds is something that most weapons can't even do. Tigris/Sancti Tigris is definitely a high end game weapon.

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Look, I've always used shotguns over anything else, even before the buff. And the Hek and Tigris are my favorites. But yeah, I was surprised to see those two weapons get an even better version when I thought that original versions were already too powerful.  And please, don't use the "but they're shotguns they're supposed to be powerful" argument. That argument makes no sense when it comes to game balance. 


The argument that you can only get 2 kills per 2 seconds is also bunk when the damage is so high that you can mod the weapons to have a bigger magazine and lose some damage but STILL wreck things. And when it comes to very high end game, 2 kills per 2 seconds is something that most weapons can't even do. Tigris/Sancti Tigris is definitely a high end game weapon.


While I don't have the Sancti Tigris yet, I know for a fact Tigris can only be given one extra bullet per mag. While that's substantial to us Tigris users, it's still incredibly small, and only grants one more shot/kill depending on your mod loadout and what you're fighting.


Also we need to put this in perspective. The Sancti Tigris, unless you buy it from someone for an exorbant amount of real cash, not only forces you to switch to New Loka if you're not with them, but also get max rank AND over 100k extra standing to buy it. Only those with disposable income or alot of time on their hands will be able to get this weapon. I've always been with New Loka and yet I won't be getting it for weeks thanks to the Standing cap. So yeah - I believe this weapon SHOULD be very, very powerful. The only reason why I have misgivings on it being strong is because people can just buy it from others instead of working for it. And no doubt the vast majority who are using it right now did exactly that.

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It doesn't need a nerf. Yes , it sure as hell deal way more damage per shot then boltor prime, just like most other shotguns now. But it's way worse then boltor prime when it comes to big groups.

And just because it's one shot in most of the game doesn't mean it always is , and people actually do go to places where is not. I regularly do 40+ waves solo dark sector defence. Why? For fun, that's why I play warframe or any game actually. And just because you feel like it doesn't mean I shouldn't be able of killing anything and believe it or not but level 70+ eximus can actually take a few shots from Sancti Tigris, especially if they have those damn moa swarms.

And I feel like you're twisting Rob's words or at least their meaning. Yes, he said that people use it as e-peen, but later he said that those same people should learn about how it actually works and not just that it has high damage. And you seem to just get that one part about damage and nothing about it's mechanics like that funky reload and duplex auto.

Edited by Krak_Nihilus
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I do agree that if a weapon is more powerful than the spartan lazer (opticor), there's a problem. However, the sancti tigris has 2 shots, one of which is an annoyance to keep in, before a 1.5 second reload or longer depending on your variant. Again, too powerful, but is it patially balanced.

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Yes i'm ready for the fire and pitch forks, bear with me if you will please.

 I've used the Tigris during its period where it was hated on. I personally loved it's mechanic and even though it sucked I powered through. 


 After its buff ive breathed a sigh of relief, FINALLY! But all im seeing now are the same emotions that a large amount of our community have given towards Rhipri and Boltor users. Its not fully envy but not fully disgust.


Since Console users dont have Sancti yet, i logged into my PC and decided to pick it up, upon doing so all I saw were Sancti Tigris..tigrieses?? Anyways I dont personally know how the multishot nerf will work, And from what ive personally experienced regarding it, its a very powerful weapon, putting the Boltor prime to utter shame, and placing it behind an MR12 requirement wont help much either.


 Rob from AGGP states this as a e-peen type of deal, I havnt seen mogamus review up yet, but the opinion from Rob is spot on, The amount of damage vs the actual skill required is no better than placing it at mr2 ( we all know mr rank really doesnt mean anyrhing).


Lets address this quickly, first off you are going to see lots of NEWLY introduced weapons running around, why well because they are NEW and people are going to play/use them until they are done with them. All the syndicate weapons are everywhere.


Next lets see the common thing going on here, you are upset that another weapon in a different category could potentially be as good or better than a weapon you have come to see as the most dominate in game------ Boltor Prime. Don't be jelly let others who think the Boltor P is &$%#@^$ noob have something they like and enjoy. 


Scaling, well first you need to learn the mechanic of this weapon. At low levels is does not matter but at high levels you better be skilled in order to make it effective no matter how much the damage numbers are if you can use it it will be worthless. This is not a Boltor where you just stand and shoot things it actually takes a minute to think about your next move to optimize the damage.


Lastly no youtuber is the authority on a weapon! No matter what they say it is just an opinion from that person and their side of things. Just an OPINION not a FACT. 


Finally shotguns in general all get a nice buff and the damage is better making them much more viable in game than using the standard hitscan lazy man rifles, and people just get mad because they be JELLY. Others are raging because the numbers on a screen in game are higher than the numbers of their favorite weapon, this has nothing to do with the damage but everything to do with the numbers people see.

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So you are basically saying that it has more damage than what you need to kill enemies, i see that you don't play end game like i do and many others do, but your logic just doesn't make sense whatsoever.


Example: Enemy with 8k health and you have 10k damage with sancti tigris so you will one shot the enemy.

what happens with the left off damage? NOTHING just nothing. so there is no point in nerfing it since there are plenty of weapons that can one shot like vectis, lanka, tonkor, hek, vaykor hek, simulor, penta, lex prime, brakk, marelok and many more so wanting a nerf or tuning down(same thing) just because you don't need that much damage in low/mid tier mission makes no sense, and not just the weapon all warframes remember Bladestorm, exalted blade, peacemaker, soul punch and many other frame skill can one shot enemies because the damage number of those skill is higher than the health points of the enemies and do you want that to be "tuned down" too?


And once again MOST veterans play end yes having CC is important but you also need to kill the enemies to go further and this needs to be done fast.

You don't see a reason to play 60 mins survival and that's ok but for people like me there are plenty and Tigris is not that good at that point since you can only kill one enemy per shot unless you have punch-through 

Edited by SoulKing009
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But if u actually gone ahead and stopped playing Draco all the time you would have realized that at a certain point the damage isnt enouf and requires you to get 3 Shots into a trooper wich isnt that great

And dont tell me i dont know how to use / mod it because we both know thats just a lame excuse

4 forma still a 3 shot for a trooper so if they scale it down because your fancy pants dont like high numbers i will likely give up on the weapon

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I just don't know what lessening the damage is going to achieve here. The Tigris needs to be able to one-shot most targets, and it does that well. I'm not seeing a practical need for this change. Is it overkill? Sure. But there's really no benefit to be had in tweaking the numbers so they're not as big, but still viable, as you seem to want to do. I just honestly don't see the point. There are plenty of crap weapons that need attention, the Tigris doesn't need a change that will functionally change nothing at all.

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Not really sure OP has used Tigris much, ive got 5 forma in the regular and 3 in the sancti and would still take say my soma p/boltor p outperforms this just because they can kill groups of enemies waaaaaaaaaay faster than a tigris. The good thing about the tigris is that it will kill anything in one hit, period. But groups it struggles with very hard, something a lot of other guns dont. If youre going to nerf the tigris cause it one shots stuff just nerf the dread and paris prime cause they do the same thing the tigris does but better.

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Thread is done since page 4, OP has admitted that the problem is elsewhere, still some brick heads can´t read past page 1.

pretty much this, i do find some opinons on myself as a player amusing. sorry for the necro, unlike most players here i can and have admitted to a mistake. i came with this topic with a thought and opinion in mind, shared, took my flames and proceeded to move on. Do continue though. At this point its a dung throwing fest and is mostly for a majority of you to vent.

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