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Real Talk: The Anti-Fun Rhetoric Permeating Warframe Updates.


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@OP: These are all subjective opinions. Do not state them as objective fact.

Here are some objective facts:

It seems that DE is actively doing the opposite actually.

RNG and grinding is being reduced. Loki systems and I got a jagged through transmutation.

Kubrows no longer die, a BS stupid mechanic that has finally been removed.

Frost got a HUGE buff despite his already great power.

And back to a subjective opinion:

The big thing that makes very little sense to me is the nerfing of gmag. I still have yet to find a valid reason for doing so.

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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Most of the annoying features are just bandaid "solutions" to much bigger problems:


-Powers are incredibly overpowered? Make enemies that nullifies powers

-Weapons and mods are incredibly overpowered? Make enemies with invicibility frames

-Camping is too efficient? Nerf the life support drops


That's just how DE works, that also makes you wonder if other than the passion for this game they also have the capability to develop it. That may sound too harsh, but DE is always making the exactly same mistakes, over and over again, and they're not showing any sign of learning anything from them.


With that said, I love this game and I hope to see more quality content.

Don't know if you played day one but I'm sure if you did then you realize just how much better it is right now. They have made enormous strides.
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I've felt the same way for a while. I've always hated nullifiers and I still don't think they have any place in the game. I feel similarly about randomly frozen tilesets that increase mission difficulty without providing any incentive or extra reward. 

I've never really liked manics either. The way they move just doesn't fit with the other enemies and fighting them is tedious. 

Also rather annoyed with DE not addressing things that should be easy to fix, like the grattlers insane tellurium requirement and the fact that archwing loot is incredibly easy to lose as it will simply float away. 


At the start of the year it seemed like quality of life adjustments were going to be a big deal, but we only got 1 or 2 significant improvements and a whole lot of adjustments that honestly hurt the game in my opinion. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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You just did all of the things you said you don't do in the same post PeetSquared. I think we can agree that everything we say here is based on our opinions. While some of us may like the manics and others hate them; the fact remains that in the poll from this very site, manics were considered unfun and their invincibility frames, damage cap, and massive healing made fighting them a chore. It is important to note that they have been changed slightly several times since that but for the most part keep the same fighting style so while it would be good to reevaluate previous stances on them, the manic still has the same fighting style and AI and the things that made the majority of pollers hate them are still there, just tweaked to in some case be not as extreme.



Arc Traps are most likely the lights being talked about, they were originally introduced as lights on the walls,ceillings, or floors that shot out electricity - significant amounts honestly - to the point where DE staff originally joked about how Tenno were complaining about a little shock until in the devstream, DE Rebecca was killed instantly when spawning in to show off the new arc trap lights. Changes came slowly but eventually until the jolt given was survivable to most warframes. Before it was able to kill a warframe with 1075 HP and 860 shields with one hit and warframes life armor resist electricity by a good amount as well! Also the lights were changed several patches down the road to our current little mines on the ground that can be shot or exhausted to be destroyed. This caused something of a small contraversy with DE as the traps always dropped rare resources if killed early before the zapped but this too was changed in the next hotfix that both reduced the trap's life, range, and drop chance of rare resources to be more in line with other enemies. Now, not all users would know anything about this, players that didn't experience this 'interesting' evolution of damaged lights into arc traps wouldn't understand why they were a big deal but perhaps it stands to learn about it instead of mocking it.


The requirement of Nekros in survival has zig-zagged since survival was introduced to replace the raid mission type. The original version was more of a run around and find an important point, defend it for a bit and then run to the next point until you needed to extract, Nekros adds little to this version except drops of ammo and resources and in fact, Nekros was introduced later. Derelict survivals have always been a bit of a pot-luck on whether the life support pods are spawned within a close enough area that you can get to them within the time required without Nekros giving extra life support to cover the long runs. In fact, life support pods have given different amounts from patch to patch. Just recently, some of the modifications to life support drops and pods made it so that many players could not get to wave 15 in survival within the void, which usually has more enemies that drop pods! Thankfully, these values were changed and you can see DE Rebecca's photos testing them showing her getting to wave 40 in the Void with only a little help while the Derelict Survival starved her and her team out into extracting early. The threads, or at least many of them, are still there for reading purposes to see how even little changes to survival's mechanics can be a game changer. None of that is opinion those things all exist and are quantifiable that overall the community that posts didn't like the change - this could be why the next changes to survival were unspecified and thus harder to quantify. In my experience, I can currently last to 20 and sometimes even 40 in the current system without Nekros but I am many of the players I tend to play with regularly are decently veteran in survival missions and understand the match types mechanics and understand not to grab air immediately, drops or pods. The game doesn't really explain this, and it is understandable why many players have problems when even small changes are made to life support in survival modes.


Nullifiers, Ancient auras, and even the manic are examples in design of trying to aggressively change a metagame. The idea being that for varieties sake, player behaviors need to be punished, thus giving this path a different name - a punisher mechanic. In many games the rules and game system itself push players into playing in certain ways. To encourage different playstyles, the developers or research team can do things like nightmare missions that give a random mission modifier or try to discourage certain behaviors or playstyles with mechanics to force the players to adapt to a different playstyle or be punished until they do so. Nullifiers are one such mechanic put into the game. When taken sparingly, these kind of development aids can have a positive effect on gameplay, essentially representing that the game is getting 'real' or pulling less punches. The problems start when they become common place. At that point, it starts to erode the game's universe and players's suspension of disbelief. For example, in Magic the Gathering, one block of standard (A Core set, major expansion and its one or two mini expansions) featured a popular deck type that featured cards that players could play from their graveyard. The next block of standard tried to slip into the game many standard legal answers to that popular deck build even if it didn't really make sense for the current set. In the current set after the popular deck was dominant, A card was printed that outright said no cards could be played from the graveyard while no cards in that set had any way of being played from the graveyard. Other development cards introduced that had a similar but not so specific function were cards that removed a graveyard from play or fed of of the player playing certain cards (like the played from the graveyard spells) The less specific hosing cards were better received even if they were for the job, worse, since they made better sense in universe and could be used for other purposes beyond just hating certain decks. The lesson in design is make things that challenge the player without forcing them to be railroaded into certain playstyles; life having to include either some fast firing weapon, an area effect weapon with a large splash or taking a risky rush into a shield that stops bullets and abilities. In this case a nullifier can be found on every Corpus planet though are more rare on low level planets like Venus.

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Nullifiers (annoying, but understandable. Until it takes 5? shots with your sniper rifle or bow just to remove its bubble.)

Nullifiers take upwards of 20 shots with a fully automatic weapon. Even more later in the game, honestly they exist to break up gameplay and give variety to a situation and make you think about how to tackle an upcoming challenge. Unfortunately in this game enemies don't live long enough to be a threat, and the fact that the game tries to make up for that with enemies swarming from everywhere this is lost in the chaos of most game types.

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Don't know if you played day one but I'm sure if you did then you realize just how much better it is right now. They have made enormous strides.


 They did, but still they keep releasing bandaids over bandaids instead of fixing the actual problems and this is why a lot of things in this game are just "acceptable" instead of being awesome as they should be. Just think about Sharkwing: instead of fixing and making changes in AW they just released a bunch of underwater tilesets, they ignored all of the problems AW had and have hoping that new weapons and maps would have been enough to satisfy people, but obviously this didn't solve anything and it resulted in yet another wasted opportunity.

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Fun is subjective. This is just a pure whine thread with the assumption that DE made those changes solely to "annoy" players. Seems like there's a certain demographic that gets annoyed when they're nudged out of their comfort zone or when something poses even the slightest challenge for them.

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Challenge is T4 Survival at 60+ minutes. Challenge is not something having an enemy that is invulnerable for 85% of the time. That is annoyance and annoyance =/= difficulty.




For being done with me you certainly can't stay away, that's for sure. How is projecting your anger onto others doing? You certainly fit the bill for projecting with the 'troll' remarks too, considering all you're doing is posting with the sole intention of annoying others.



Ok you find the maniacs unfun because of that mechanic, but that's just one thing that you claim is "invulnerable 85% of the time". What about Nullifiers then which you also listed as "annoying". How are they difficult to deal with now? Or survival? I've been doing those WITHOUT Nekros.  If they're causing you problems then yeah, you don't seem to be able to handle even just a little bit of a challenge.

Edited by EetNotErn
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Challenge is T4 Survival at 60+ minutes. Challenge is not something having an enemy that is invulnerable for 85% of the time. That is annoyance and annoyance =/= difficulty.




For being done with me you certainly can't stay away, that's for sure. How is projecting your anger onto others doing? You certainly fit the bill for projecting with the 'troll' remarks too, considering all you're doing is posting with the sole intention of annoying others.

Annoyance is the product of difficulty. What matters is whether or not said annoyance was produced by "real" difficulty or "fake" difficulty. 

In other words, people rage at Dark Souls, but they will all tell you that the Souls games are, for the most part, fair. 


As for maniacs:

I find them frustrating solely because they feel...random. The fact that they disappear isn't necessarily bad, but I find that their ability to sun you (and proceed to wreck your sh*t) is quite random. The only hard counter I have found is spamming melee, but then you're asking players to focus on a singular enemy for a random period of time (maniac survivability seems dependent on whether they disappear or not) while using subpar weapons. Three things that Warframe isn't exactly known for. 


Frankly, I only want a small change. They can continue doing their regular attacks as normal with normal movement, but when they go in for the stun attack, they'll charge at us from a distance. In this time, they would be unable to disappear and turn very slowly if at all. This means that players can "juggle" the maniac, clearing out all enemies and then turning to focus on him. This also utilizes the new movement system quite nicely. Mr. Loco can't stun us if we're roleplaying the matrix half the time. This would also constitute a large damage buff for the maniac's stun attack. All I want is a solid signal for when the maniacs are going in for said attack.

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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Most of the annoying features are just bandaid "solutions" to much bigger problems:

-Powers are incredibly overpowered? Make enemies that nullifies powers

-Weapons and mods are incredibly overpowered? Make enemies with invicibility frames

-Camping is too efficient? Nerf the life support drops

That's just how DE works, that also makes you wonder if other than the passion for this game they also have the capability to develop it. That may sound too harsh, but DE is always making the exactly same mistakes, over and over again, and they're not showing any sign of learning anything from them.

With that said, I love this game and I hope to see more quality content.

Well dang you got me. I can't argue with you. Manics and nullifiers don't bother me personally. But they do feel like cheap gimmicks.

I've learned like aggp says don't fall in love with anything in this game.

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Careful, by OP's line of logic, you're a liar if you don't like the same donut they do.


You can't possibly like a chocolate donut! I and many of my friends all tried chocolate donuts and we agree they are terrible, so it is a fact they are terrible. You are either trolling or lying. There is no way you could possibly like a chocolate donut! You are a liar. 


; P 

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You can't possibly like a chocolate donut! I and many of my friends all tried chocolate donuts and we agree they are terrible, so it is a fact they are terrible. You are either trolling or lying. There is no way you could possibly like a chocolate donut! You are a liar. 


; P 

No, you're a liar and don't understand the English language!


Maple Bars are clearly superior, because I said so, and there are other people that agree with me! Hurr duurr

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You can't possibly like a chocolate donut! I and many of my friends all tried chocolate donuts and we agree they are terrible, so it is a fact they are terrible. You are either trolling or lying. There is no way you could possibly like a chocolate donut! You are a liar. 


; P 

How dare you!!


I like chocolate donut. What give you the right to critisise my taste!!!!

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