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Synoid Simulor Could Use A Nerf To The Alt Fire Blast.


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Seriously, try the synoid simulor out.

It does lowish damage(between 7 and 35 on health depending on frame, but destroys shields), but the range on the alt fire...
I don't even need to really aim at someone, just need to make sure they are at least 5 to 8 meters near the projectile before detonation.

Also the amount of status effects it procs.
I've both used and had been subjected to the simulor.
it's very hard to return fire when you're getting the status effect bluring your screen constantly.
I am not kidding when I say this thing must have a proc chance above 90%.

I would recommend the following

Reduce blast radius for SINGLE   projectiles.
Reduce status proc chance for SINGLE   projectiles, so far in the games I've used it in, I've had a proc on every single shot.
Reduce damage from the blast to the point where this weapon would be really only useful as a serious support weapon, keeping the ability to constantly blur enemies and removing shields from the status proc spam.

anyway just my 2 cents.

Also, not sure if this is a bug, but you can't hurt yourself with it either.


Edited by RIOTx
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Remember tenno before posting to this. This is in PVP Feedback. That's all I like to say.

Thank you for clarifying i was about to flip some tables... everyone always say Nerf, Nerf, Nerf.... nerfing should be the last resort for balancing PvE content, but in PvE its really hard not to nerf so.... continue with your Discussion.

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Why does everyone want to nerf AOE V_V  This all makes me so sad...  Shoot, Penta-series got the AOE nerf...if they had just nerfed its damage, it'd be all good in my book.


It's like most every time I see a post, it's about how AOE should be small, and how melee has no skill.


Simulor-series does not do self damage.


Personally, I don't think it should have a magnetic proc, ever.  Magnetic proc is a little excessive in how it strips shields and power.  It's good against enemies that like to just jump around and collect energy, but meh.  The electric proc is pretty much 100%...I think that's the way it is in PvE.


Other than that, I think its damage and AOE size is fine.  It takes quite a few shots to take anyone out, even with the magnetic proc.

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I am okay with the damage of the synoid simulor.

The real issue lies in the alt fires' insane ability to land consistent damage no matter how hard your target dodges due to the huge AoE it has, combined with the status effect that strips the player of most of their shields and all their energy AND essentially blinds your target into submission or forces them to put some distance between them and the simulor user (which doesn't really work that well against any one competent with parkour 2.0.).

that is the problem with this weapon.

if they reduce the blast radius, then it's balanced.

if they reduce the proc rate so it doesn't constantly strip you of shields / energy and consistently blurs your screen, then it's balanced.

it doesn't need to have both nerfs applied, just 1 or other.


Edited by RIOTx
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I would argue that any weapon that can deal a magnetic proc in Conclave can't be balanced because of how much the magnetic proc does.  That's just me, though.


Also...I think we really need high ttk, large AOE weapons.  As long as people are jumping all over the place without doing any actual shooting, it's nice to have large AOE weapons, even if it takes a long time to eventually take them down.

Edited by Nighttide77
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It's simply an annoyance. The user can't get many kills with it due to low damage. Don't think many will use it as their tryhard loadout. Works best with teammates supporting you.

I say keep it as it is. Don't nerf it to the ground.

Also if anyone hates ability users, Simulor can help their anger issue.

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It's simply an annoyance. The user can't get many kills with it due to low damage. Don't think many will use it as their tryhard loadout. Works best with teammates supporting you.

You'd be surprised. I used to run regular Simulor a lot (because I love the gun), and I had no problem topping scoreboards with it. Being shot at? Blind them with explosions while slowly wearing them down. Lone player up ahead? Do the same thing. Group of enemies fighting? Either shoot and detonate single orbs or just combine them in the midst of the fight to detonate as needed.


It is very easy to land consecutive hits, and having Apex Predator on it makes it even easier to follow your target through your own blasts.


With the Synoid version on the loose, any actual balancing factors for the Simulor are gone. It shoots faster, it has a larger magazine (so you can actually have enough to kill 2-3 people instead of just one), it has a shorter reload, the projectile travels farther, and it has a larger blast radius. If people actually try to use it, it's incredibly broken. I've run a handful of games with it to compare it to the original, and, like it said, it is hilariously unfair to use that weapon. Sure, it's not as bad as pre-nerf Secura Septa, but it is still pretty ridiculous.


If that hasn't made it clear, I'm with you, OP. Personally, I'd reduce damage of the Synoid version slightly, reduce the blast radius, reduce the hidden Magnetic status chance (its forced Electric forced on detonations is okay), and reduce the visual FX so it doesn't blind players or distort so much of the screen. If all of these are done, I won't feel like a cheater for using a fun weapon. Heck, even the regular version could use some tweaking...a lot less, of course, but still.

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I feel this reflects an issue with the Syndicate Primaries in general: I've only seen the (PvP) stats for a couple of them, but so far it looks like they're all straight upgrades rather than side-grades, which would have been a much healthier route to take.

Edited by TheJadrimian
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Each day im more disappointed with this PvP forum... channeling removal? simulor nerf? each person haves their own opinion, i respect that but are we trying to make the game that simple? just aim and shot and nothing more?


Well do you want it to just be Dont aim and shoot with nothing more?

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The only issues is the possibile to Spam explosive, magnetic And elettricity proc

Why...why is spamming explosives a problem? v_v people spam bullets...

AOE really doesn't seem like a problem when it takes more than half your magazine to take someone down. Skill isn't only in being able to aim.

I do agree, tho, that the magnetic proc needs to go.

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Well do you want it to just be Dont aim and shoot with nothing more?

I do...At least a little aiming, which the simulor series does require.

I mean...that's the point of AOE, to deal damage over a large area, but being much less effective than just good aim with rifles.

People seem to kinda want a solution to runners and excessive dodgers. Imo, AOE is one good answer.

Edited by Nighttide77
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always the pvp crowd that makes the game suffer. why don't you just play the game pvp included and get good enough that these stuff doesn't bother you?


 even with a small blast radius it has now and a very visible orb and a limited travel distance one would  think its wise to keep at a certain distance and kill the opponent.


pvp should be a dojo thing and all weapons in pvp should do 100 hit points no matter how powerfull it is outside of pvp. likewise frames abilities that way no threads like these will arise.


 I don't like pvp for the simple fact it is too unbalanced so I don't play it but I wont have a hissy fit when or if I decide to try it and other players are that much better at it.

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Well do you want it to just be Dont aim and shoot with nothing more?


Live and let live. Simulor is never as good as a plain old trusty Karak/Braton. If someone can top scoreboard with Simulor, he probably can get twice as many kills with Braton. 


Let some people have some fun with unconventional weapons. 

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I didnt say i dont want those weapons in the game, but if they are too powerful then there will just be full matches of people using the non aim aoe weapons. Most of the time i just find them annoying like the simulor messing up the screen constantly.


always the pvp crowd that makes the game suffer. why don't you just play the game pvp included and get good enough that these stuff doesn't bother you?


 even with a small blast radius it has now and a very visible orb and a limited travel distance one would  think its wise to keep at a certain distance and kill the opponent.


pvp should be a dojo thing and all weapons in pvp should do 100 hit points no matter how powerfull it is outside of pvp. likewise frames abilities that way no threads like these will arise.


 I don't like pvp for the simple fact it is too unbalanced so I don't play it but I wont have a hissy fit when or if I decide to try it and other players are that much better at it.


The devs made a PVP feedback section so we could help them balance things so "getting good enough that these stuff doesn't bother you" wouldn't help with balancing and probably won't be possible depending on how unbalanced it is.


If you don't play PvP your probably should try it before telling us to "get good" on the forums


Also 100 hit points no matter what sounds like the most bland pvp. although it would fix all balancing problems I guess.

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the explosion range is too big. it's hard to miss. it's like semi-automatic nubtube without bulletdrop paired with low but steady dmg and it does headshot, i think, like any other aoe. and it's hard to get away, as the enemy just have to follow you since it requires less aiming. 

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