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The Forum Is Broken In Several Ways


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First problem: I am using line breaks but they are omitted and everything is converted into a single line. (so this is gonna look very disorganized, through no fault of my own)

Second problem: I can't open spoilers, and when I try to include spoilers it looks like this

text inside spoiler


Third problem: The upvote button leads me to the main page of the forum.

Fourth problem: In some versions of firefox adblock removes all images, but not in others.

Fifth problem: Can't use the bold/itallic formats anymore, the hotkeys don't work either.

Sixth problem: When I quote people   shows up in my post, and I can't see who's quote it originally was on other people's posts. But I can on mine.

All these problems persist over different computers and browers.


OK turns out I can use line breaks on THIS computer but not my home computer

Edited by Mastikator2
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This is super annoying as well, it started very recently when people started reporting a lot of different problems and this happened to me.

The whole editor doesn't work anymore like it should and that is only for this forum. I tried to whitelist site on adblocker i thought i may do something with that, i removed adblocker completely, still same thing happened. Also I can't open spoiler tags anymore and it seems that saved notifications don't have a pop up but instead it has to open a complete new page to show you new posts.

In the end I just gave up using forums.

Edited by Ognj
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@ Devoid i do use Chrome and that was the screenshot from Chrome. And I tried now with IE and it's same, it seems that is not a browser issue.

Also seems that servers for forums and the website are keep going down every now and again.

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I've noticed this as well when using Opera. Opera works just fine on all other forums and websites I've been on. It's just this one with the bad forum software that is causing problems.

Maybe switch forum software to something that actually works? I don't care if it's the standard like Steam forums because those works just fine.

Maybe you could ask the guys at DICE and see if you can use the same Forum software they use? As it's the fastest forum software that I've ever used.

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Been having problems with forums as well, regardless of which browser I'm using; be it IE, Chrome or Firefox. One thing I've noticed is that every time forums freeze up on me, my browser is waiting reply from server tagged n3g6i3c6.ssl.hwdcdn.net. There seems to be at least n6-something starting server in same cluster that responses immediately and forum loads normally but if the n3 is one responding, browser waits until it times out and just gets the forum page mostly intact.

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Moreover, it seems that you can't see what you posted before june 2015 using the "find content" tool in your posts from your profile... :/




Yes, for some reason the find content feature only goes back 3 months from the current date.

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Moreover, it seems that you can't see what you posted before june 2015 using the "find content" tool in your posts from your profile... :/





Yes, for some reason the find content feature only goes back 3 months from the current date.


The forums are set to auto-archive old posts (for several reasons). 

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Yeah actually on that note, IIRC large threads slow down the entire forum, so threads like "Last post wins" that get 10 posts per day for the last few years are hugely taxing on the system, even though they only take up a small percentage of total forum space. If we delete that the forums should speed up a lot. Plus all it does is bump threads off the page that could be interesting. That thread is literally designed for spamming as much as possible.

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I can open spoilers only in IE11. Every other browser I tried doesn't work.

Full list: Opera 12.17, Opera 32, Firefox 40.0.3, Maxthon Only the good ol' IE is doing the job.

Really, guys, not be able to write is one thing, bot not be able even to read what other guys are writing is total bummer.

Edit: as you can see, line breaks not working too.

Edit2: line breaks are fine after post edit.

Edit3: aaand IE11 also breaks after page reload. Clearing cache doesn't help. Now I can't even read Devstream #60 recap from AM-Bunny with pictures. Just great. Seems that Reddit will suit me better as the source of information that the official forum.

Edited by Khranitel
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I've noticed recently with the chrome browser, I havent been able to post replies to forums or even create a new one because it is missing. the only way I can seem to do that is by inspecting the element of where I want to type and set it to visible, But that can be quite tedious having to do it over and over.

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I've noticed recently with the chrome browser, I havent been able to post replies to forums or even create a new one because it is missing. the only way I can seem to do that is by inspecting the element of where I want to type and set it to visible, But that can be quite tedious having to do it over and over.

Edited by ReconSaint
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I've noticed recently with the chrome browser, I havent been able to post replies to forums or even create a new one because it is missing. the only way I can seem to do that is by inspecting the element of where I want to type and set it to visible, But that can be quite tedious having to do it over and over.

Yup, just what I did. Then I stopped browsing the forum with Fayafox & went with Chroma instead...

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