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Coming Soon: Devstream #60!


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1. We are able to purchase our animation pack of choice to apply for every Warframe. The fact is, they are only idle animations. Are there any chances of animation packs that affect the Warframe movement - running, walking, shooting, crouching, sprinting and so on?


2. Are there plans of creating more mods unique to weapon types? We have, for example, Thunderbolt for bows, Concealed Explosives for Hikous and Kunais. What about specific mods for shotguns, sniper rifles, launchers?


3. Does Warframe ability charging seem to be a viable idea? For example - press and hold 4 to make Molecular Prime expand faster, pres and hold 3 to increase Frosts Globe health?


4. There are various factors that can be used to assess players performance in the mission - total ammunition expended, alarms raised, stealth kills, damage taken, etc. How about basing mission rewards on these?


5. Various procs seem to break the laws of physics. For example, Warframe struck with cold proc falls slower, enemies struck with Tenno powers (eg. Accelerant) seem to lose their momentum in the air in unnatural way. Is it possible to look into this issue?this matter


6. Sometimes details on the models are popping up in very crude and easy to spot way. Can we have an option to disable LOD scalling completly as, if I am correct, LODs are not very processing power demanding?


7. Any informations regarding progress on Sorties?


8. Sometimes Warframe models obtruates the view, especially beefy ones like Rhino, Chroma and notably while Air Gliding. Can we have an option to customize the camera position behind Warframe for a better view on tha battlefield? Note I don't mean Field of View, but rather x,y,z alignment.


9. Warframe is sometimes more about War than Frame. Powers on low levels are worthelss to use because of high energy consumption, very low duration, short range or other factors. Are there plans to overall buff waframe powers to encourage especially new, low ranked players to use them more and run'n'gun less?

Edited by LambertExe
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I have a question. :)


Are there any plans for expanding the  "camera" thing you can get in the market?   This thing has the power to push the quality and possibilities of community videos and stuff to the unknown heights.  This thing could be used in conclaves to get awesome recordings of battles or simply cool shots of your kill streaks that you can share with your friends.

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Few questions:


Status of steam workshop/community development for Warframe?  Support for new warframe/weapon skins/models for example.  That's a huge market you could bank on right there.  You know the talent is just waiting for those doors to fly open.


After the last devstream, have you reviewed your proposed multi-shot "fix" against community poster's ideas regarding a more proper change?  A 
"two bullets costs two bullets" approach sounds too similar to a rate of fire mod in terms of results (ei, more bullets out over X seconds.)  I personally suggested simply splitting the damage between the rounds fired without touching ammo consumption or status/crit chance as a unique niche for multi-shot.  More chances, if smaller damage numbers with each chance.


Will you go back over older tilesets and work in Archwing segments?  I'd love to have to enter a Grineer Desert sabotage mission flying through canyons to destroy artillery emplacements before taking the fight to the ground and continuing as a traditional desert sabotage.

Have you considered where "open space" and "trench runs" are appropriate in terms of mission types.  I feel the open space backdrops would work well for endless modes, while trench runs are perfect for linear missions like sabotage and exterminate.  The current Grineer Archwing exterminate feels bad as a result of being a linear mission set in open space.

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Will the syndicate leaders finally get their own names and backstory?


Will we someday see a Warframe 'trailer' or story video NOT made on ingame engine? I want a prerendered cutscene of epic proportions and quality! You want more players. Drop their jaws than!


You might not admit this, but Warframe is fighting for players with Destiny. Why so little GRAND EPICNESS than? They have to fight on a ship the size of a Pluto. Why we don't?


Those two questions might seem one track minded, but I really want for Warframe to win with Destiny. For now tho, the later has better advertising campaign and more mind tingling lore.

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I feel Archwing needs some love. I feel like there should be "more", although the submersible missions are super fun, something is missing. I personally feel that there should be more mission type variety and more nodes for space Archwing. Really there is no incentive (in my opinion) to play Archwing other than to farm for mastery rank. I feel like that needs to change. Perhaps, co-op mod drops in Archwing?

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i have some ideas:

1) a barn or something like it for kubrows so u can see all your kubrows.
2) people's ships in same clan docked at the dojo by creating docking station.
3) 8vs8 conclave base attack & defense.

some Questions:
1) can we get vehicles (tenno & other factions) like tanks,jeeps...etc ?

2) is the Dark-sector wars going to include mounted weapons like the grineer have ?

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Are there any plans to change/buff Equinox's Mend ability, and to remove the effectiveness falloff on Pacify? Mend in particular just feels really bad to use because there is no point to charging up a large meter, and having to constantly recast it to cover any future health loss is painful because of the long cast time (even with Natural Talent). Also, why doesn't Natural Talent affect the speed of Metamorphosis? 

Second, will Kavats need a new set of defensive/attack mods, or can we (please) use the same mods as Kubrows? At the very least, can the mods please be rank 5, and same with Sentinels? It'd get people to use these companions a lot more. 

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"A few days before Devstream #59, a leak was shown during the initial release of the PS4 version of "Echoes of the Sentient". Can we further elaborate on this?Also have we managed to look at the feedback given from that leak?"




The topic generally shows a vast majority of negative feedback in regards to the time spent forma'ing and building our companions and having to restart for a more "aesthetically" gold looking Kubrow. What can the developers elaborate on this? 

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a few questions:


1) will prime bling ever get its own color slot?


2) will the armor placement on frames with alternate animation sets ever be fixed?


3) please rethink ammo consumption on multishot. its a horrible idea, and if the intended goal is to free up some of the "always used" slots on guns, serration, hornet strike and point blank should be the first in line. there are already ideas mentioned such as the damage scaling with the weapon level. if your intent is to stop us from going higher than expected waves or times in matches, you know weapons fall off and become ineffective, thus negating the gun aspect in that topic. it would seem to me like the only viable reason to go after multishot and call it a glitch, without fixing other things, is to infuriate the community.


3)so there are alot of things that require overhauls and reworks and balancing and art or animation assets. then theres things that would be a quick process to do, if someone actually set out to do so. ie: door sigils and room consoles in dojos changing with energy color. Any chance of having a member or two on the devteam do some clean up to the overlooked things without it needing to be a big bold "2.0"?

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Will there be any dojo decoration microtransactions? These items purchasable with platinum would not only support DE in developing this awesome game but also make tons of players happy for being able to make their dojos more beautiful and more lively.


This would also open some opportunities for PA accessories to have dojo decorations in them! :)

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Can we modify Equinox-Night's Mend so that it also has a slash aura? From previous devstreams I was under the impression that the Equinox ult would essentially be a slash aura for both Equinox forms, not just Equinox-Day. As of late in order to fuel Mend Equinox-Night needs to deal damage on her own, a role that Equinox-Day is much better at. 

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Is that picture of the big seemingly headless man the new Warframe? What do you guys at DE think about making stealth more... intricate? Right now stealth is ok, and definitely fun, but one thing I miss is maybe the ability to drag and hide the enemies? Also, you could earn mastery points for hiding bodies, doing all-stealth missions, such and such. Looking forward to the new warframe, and I'm super excited for the new enemeys :D And also can't wait to you and Megan rock it out in tonights Prime Time.

Go DE!

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We need enemies 2.0 not multishot 2.0

The only reason we even use multishot mods is because high level enemies are bullet sponges. They just soak up damage. When will enemy units get a rework? Give us a reason not to use it rather than nerfing it

Also please make raids reset daily. This would make it much easier to play as i play at different times and im not always able to play exactly 23hours later. Im sure other players feel the same



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1. any news on the saryn rework would be most appriciated 


2. anything to show on the moon.


3. are we going to see an update to the friends/clan system. ie notifaction on when friends/ clan member come online etc. i would like to see something abit more flashy/cool/less boring


4. do you ever see planet tilesets opening up like destiny/borderlands where there are bigger scale battles maybe more than one particular mission type to choose from,random events even introducing enemy land vehicles and multiple tenno teams in one set.


5. cover system would go great with a stealth update.


6. can we see more on the new frames and or skins 


7. how is the sniper scope rework coming along

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Question:why is it that whenever you rework an enemy boss, instead of speaking grineer or corpus, you have them speak what can be interpreted as the common language? Will kela de'thaym recieve this treatment?

Question 2: relative to the fact that pre-corpus valkyr is a skin rather than a complrte warframe, is or was valkyr originally a warframe exclusively worn by the tenno who was tortured by Alad v? Is this also why there seems to be a single mirage or limbo?

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1. Any chance that players can get the to option of "Always Sprint" with a "toggle walk" since stamina is gone.  Or is there any way that it could be made that aim gliding no longer deactivates sprint?


2. We have heard you talk before about increasing accessibility to new players.  Do you have anything more to share on that?


I tried Warframe 2 times before I decided to make a concentrated effort to learn the game (Once with the pc closed beta, again in January 2015 on PS4, and stuck around in August 2015).  


And even when I did make the effort to learn I found myself standing around the ship not knowing what to do, having finished all quest available to me.


If I hadn't joined a clan and used trading to jump start my weapon and frame collection I might not have made it over the learning curve.


3. Also could you not make trading less possible for people of lower Mastery Rank?  I know I for one used trading to get better mods and weapons when I was below MR5 and the Vectis Prime I got from prime access basically carried me until I learned the game.

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