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Connection Issues (Chat, Game Launcher And Server) [Megathread]


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"I was in this (insert # of minutes) long mission, and I got these great loots (insert short loot list) and then I got kicked. This is so unfair of DE to do/allow!"

please choose from the following:

"It's DE's fault."

"Why do you not fix this faster, DE? I'm still typing and it isn't fixed yet!"

"This is unfair to me personally because (insert personal rant here)."

"It's Obama's fault."


Insert vague threat to leave game if personal concerns not addressed

Insert suggestion that DE give you Legendary Core or equivalent for your loss of time and agonized suffering

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WHINY OUTAGE TEMPLATE "I was in this (insert # of minutes) long mission, and I got these great loots (insert short loot list) and then I got kicked. This is so unfair of DE to do/allow!" please choose from the following: "It's DE's fault." "Why do you not fix this faster, DE? I'm still typing and it isn't fixed yet!" "This is unfair to me personally because (insert personal rant here)." "It's Obama's fault." *Optional* Insert vague threat to leave game if personal concerns not addressed Insert suggestion that DE give you Legendary Core or equivalent for your loss of time and agonized suffering



Well the loss of Loot is just unfortunate BUT repeated server failure is in fact the DE's responsibilty. The fact that its F2P doesn't change the fact that its still a business and not a charity. 

Edited by SandmanTT
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I have logged in a couple of times this evening, and chat does not load.  This is persisting between restarts.  I cannot see any of my tabs - all that is being displayed is the circular 'loading' ticker.  I don't think it's a problem with my connection - I can log into the game and see other players just fine, the only thing that's not working is chat.


*hopes and prays that this gets fixed in time for me to do a run with a couple of buddies for Twin Wraith Vipers*

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Just recently I was unable to see chat.


The chat box would be completely blank (grey background color).

A swirly circle would appear at the top left corner.

A message would appear: "Make sure firewall is not blocking Ports 4950-4955" or something like that according to what ports I pick.


I checked my modem for any blocking to no avail.

I set up a Inbound rule for the Firewall to no avail.

I switched the options in the warframe client but nothing happened.

The analysis network tool said the ports were in use...


How do I solve this?


I can play solo and create sessions and view my profile/clan and view the news but I can't matchmake or chat... what's the point of playing without friends???

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From the looks of it a few people have reported their chats not working on double credit weekend. And looking into fixing it I found reports of this happening in the past during another double credit weekend. There's something here that seems to be reoccurring and needs looking into. Hopefully it will be fixed soon as I'd like to be able to chat with other players.

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When the twin wraith alert was deployed i was disconnected from warframe then apon finally getting back into the game (took about 10 minutes of 'check your log on info') i am not properly connecting to chat. 


waiting for issues to resolve befor doing anythign else


got /wisper to work at 2:00  (-6 UTC)

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