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Doing the same mission over and over again is the best way to disgust yourself of this game (especially draco since it's a small tile that never change) you should take a break and when you'll comeback , never do that again ;D (beside try triton, slightly slower xp but far more interesting reward and overall much more fun^

Edited by Syln
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I'm a founder, which means I've been playing quite a while, but my mastery rank is only 14.


I don't farm. (except for double credit weekends or something)


I just play what ever I feel up to, but I try to avoid running the same mission type too often in a row.


Warframe is good to just hop on for some quick shooting fun, but if you try to get serious with it it will chew you through and leave you with nothing.

So take it like a beer in the evening. You drink one or two bottles and then be done with it. If you down one sixpack after the other, you gonna have a bad time.

Personally I love farming and find it very fun and rewarding, but if I do feel like I have nothing to do then I just hop on league of legends for a week or so. F*** around with my friends and then come back to Warframe


play HotS instead!

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Draco? What's that? food?


To be honest i've never touched draco (well maybe when an alert came or i was clearing out the planet)


Im here since 2014, i created this forums account 1 month after i started playing, i play almost every day , i mostly solo this game, still no burn out :p and rank 16 ATM :)


Play the game for fun, not to feel important with a high MR

Edited by xDesconocidox
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I see. So not a massive deal then. At least not to me.

I would rather enjoy my time with a weapon than rush it through. I didn't play much during the double XP event this month because I didn't wish to rush any gear through.

What is special about it compared to any other interception?


It's a mission that has a handy place where frames with big range can kill a lot of mobs relatively quickly with synergies using certain signature abilities and get a lot of affinity for weapons (and some resources and cash).  IOW, it's particularly useful if you want to level up a weapon after forma-ing it.  It's an efficiency thing for when you want to get to the business of using your freshly forma-ed weapon in "proper" content as quickly as possible.  You start to understand the reason for it (and why DE tolerate it and other analogous farms) once you're on your 3rd, 4th and 5th forma for a weapon.


It's not really a way of "playing the game" at all - it's just a shortcut for a specific purpose, so that you can get to the position of playing the game using the weapons you love at their peak effectiveness, as quickly as possible.


Re. burnout: take a break.  I've burnt out on Warframe a few times, but because there's nothing quite like it out there, I always come back.  I don't anticipate it ever leaving my hard drive.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Orokin cells as rewards on void defense and survival at 5 waves/5 minutes are insulting.


Forma BPs I like very much and unfortunately DE listened to those asking for a nerf on them.  For someone who owns all weapons/warframes and is a gear enthusiast or for people who build their own clans, etc.  Forma is invaluable, and now the only way to reliably get them in quantity is through buying with platinum in the market.  (GG community, you did that to yourselves.)  The devs were so generous before in handing them out for free, truly embodying the spirit of free to play, sadly though people don't respect/appreciate things that are given out free.




The problem with Forma BPs was that after/during a long run, receiving yet another was just as insulting as orokin cell(s) or uncommon cores. They were too frequent and too all over the place. I'm glad they finally listened because in the end, it was annoying regardless of whether it was free.


The method might have not been the best but it's a step in the right direction in my eyes.


Also OP - your issue is Draco, especially if that's all you really play.


Edited by Naith
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If its in your nature to want every frame, every weapon, level them to max, achieve highest MR, get all trophies, and have all of that yesterday, then it doesn't matter how many times everyone tells you to take it slow, play for fun etc etc; its not going to happen because you cannot get rid of that desire. 


What is getting me through it is focusing on a specific goal one at a time while still being completionist about it, then moving onto the next. Things like clearing the star chart; doing the syndicates; simaris scanning; completing codex; breeding kubrows (a lotus of each breed).


However, I've experienced periods of playing solo and playing with a regular group and there is nothing better than playing the game with others. Its an entirely different game experience with others. Its when you go solo that you tend to end up just grinding for xp on the same maps over and over. Finding a solid crew can be hard and unfortunately I have outlasted a number of regular groups. Its ironic that the rng even exists in the social aspect of the game. Sometimes you just have to keep switching clans until you find a good fit, but its worth it.

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By not doing things to burn you out? granted my burn out has already happened so I have an appreciation to just play the game simply to play now. I can never farm nor run long as I once did but after that burn you tend to just...mellow out and take it in one mission at a time. That an keep a healthy rotation of other games~

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How do you guys deal with getting burnt out on this game? After 100 draco runs in a week and everything in the void being a blur of the same 5 enemies it starts to get to me. I've left for a few months it sucks because I missed all the events but now I'm thinking about leaving again after only 3 weeks because everything is tedious instead of fun. 


Primed mods take 500+ rare cores to max

All kubrow mods have 10 ranks

Archwing is just terrible

Every void run gives you another key or a forma bp or one orokin cell


Rewards for actually playing the game instead of doing the most efficient thing are non existent. Blah

I've never touched Draco. Draco, and similar nodes are destroying this game. 

1,368 in mission hours here MR19 almost 20. A lot of maxed primed mods, and other stuff. 

I don't bother with the meta.

I play my way.

I have fun my way.

I push the limits by NOT camping and going 60++ in missions solo, duo, or with  a full team of my clannies. 

Everyone worries in this game that everything is too much.

They think they need everything maxed day one. 

They ruin the main part of this game by doing it in a month. 

They bring new players to Draco and now we got MR12+'s not knowing what they're doing. 

You're burning out because you're thinking "sigh..time to do more draco." "gottah forma and do draco.." 

Archwing - don't worry too hard about this, I can hardly take it myself other than doing it at least once or twice a day.. (curse you centaur blade, just give me you)

Play with friends, forget pugs.

Those formas, other keys, cells, etc when with friends, you just laugh and bear through it, and keep going, and do the next missions with them and push on together till your goal is met and then you all have the satisfaction of saying you did it together. 

Everyones looking for pixel rewards, and forgetting how to have fun. 

"but getting bad rewards is no fun!" -sure but focus on the main goal - have fun given the corrupted a slaughter'n 

90% of my gameplay is in the void, at almost 400k corrupted kills and well over 4k missions. 

my other kills are only like 100-200k grineer, 100-200k infested, and like 70k corpus, 2k misc. 

I know RNG well enough. 

Think nothing of it.

Just think, "Hey! A T3S sounds fun, lets push for 60mins and live on the edge of 1hp!" 

not "Hey! What can I do to macro-afk this node?" 

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Just want to chime in and say that when it comes to primed mods, and other rank 10 mods.  In a blindfold test (without damage numbers too lol) I think it would be difficult to tell between a Rank 9 and Rank 10 mod being put into your gear.  Maxing them out is more of a OCD kinda thing and it's honestly the last couple of ranks for these R10 mods that are more difficult to rank.


Kubrows are quite robust and don't necessarily need maxed mods or full forma'ing.  You just have to be clever at modding them and use the lifesteal and bleedout mods in addition to the others for better survivability.


On Archwing, if you're saying that it's ridiculously slow to level up archwing gear?  I'd have to agree with you on that.  I don't know why it is that way, but leveling archwing stuff was a royal pain for me.


Orokin cells as rewards on void defense and survival at 5 waves/5 minutes are insulting.


Forma BPs I like very much and unfortunately DE listened to those asking for a nerf on them.  For someone who owns all weapons/warframes and is a gear enthusiast or for people who build their own clans, etc.  Forma is invaluable, and now the only way to reliably get them in quantity is through buying with platinum in the market.  (GG community, you did that to yourselves.)  The devs were so generous before in handing them out for free, truly embodying the spirit of free to play, sadly though people don't respect/appreciate things that are given out free.



I ran 4 T3 Sabs the other day, ended up with 6 forma.

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I play a lot of Draco too, but you need to realize that just leveling things and playing Void isn't the whole game. It is extremely fun for me to just play excavation and survival on level 30+ missions just to test my abilities and go as far as possible with stuff I find fun. 


You need to play more, you are making the game into a chore for yourself by mindlessly grinding out weapons. 


edit: punctuation, grammar. 

Edited by (PS4)Asdeft
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Far too much of grinding the same thing, that would make anyone sick of anything. Imagine playing a racing game where you do the same track 100 times in a row for half an hour at a time, would drive you mad.

I do a variety of missions to keep it interesting, syndicates, mix of easy and hard voids, random alerts, random starchart. Try ones with a different change of pace so you're not doing the same type too much.

PS thanks for reminding me of Burnout, love that series.

Haha reminds me of GT(4?)s 24h races, Forza 2 had several races that were on 1h each xD

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I play when I enjoy it, really as simple as that. If your burned out go outside and enjoy some fresh air or if your really into Warframe still but feel burned out wanting more think about it while doing other things on what you can do in Warframe to make it more interesting. Currently I'm burned out every time I run a T3 Defense for just 20mins in the search for Ash Prime, tempted to buy it but will hold off until certainly desperate.

Edited by Monybags33
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I don't think I've ever played Draco (I'll have to check) but I'm burnt out so far. Going to wait for U 17.5 to hit.

Then get burnt out again.

Then wait for U 18.

Then hopefully not get burnt out.

Edited by Jakcal
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I just help new players and try to see the game through there eyes. And it's cool to see them flip when you wipe the map and then they try to get where you are so it kinda gives them an idea as to what they may want to get first.


That and forma EVERYTHING even the weapons I don't like to see if i can make them better. Some times it works out other times not so much. Put 7 formas in the regular braton. Just cause I liked the way it looked. Then they made it so prime weapons can look unprimed and I put 7 formas in braton prime and it's great.


Also try making new builds for my warframes. Trying to like nyx atm and just can't. Mirage is fun just with maxed movement mods, just fly around the map with tonkor.

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You can try helping new players out : there's always some cool new players who just need some assistance getting through some missions, or showing them some of the ins and outs of the game.


Try some different missions : I've been having fun running Jupiter Dark Sector Survival solo, and at Rot C it drops Life Strike which is instant plat.


Us the weapons you find fun : I rebought, ranked and forma'd some weapons which I initially thought were underpowered because I realised later how cool they were. OP weapons aren't always the most fun to use, and getting to grips with an obscure weapon can be pretty rewarding (especially when everyone else in the team is amazed you got so many kills with a weapon everyone says is impossible to use)

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I never get burnt out. Then again I kind of balance my play with other stuff outside of my house, but I still balance it n game as well. Do some syndicate missions as I try to level up five syndicates, do some void, for a up weapons that I think may have good synergy with a frame or another weapon the old fashioned way not Draco (trust me it's more satisfying), breed kubrows, try to find all the little hidden items for the 'sisters' ornament, build one extra weapon of everything and keep it in the foundry for when I need one to build something that requires it, and so on. I've every weapon and frame available I the game and I'm not even close to finishing everything I'd like to do. You have to create multiple goals and accomplish them slowly.

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How do you guys deal with getting burnt out on this game? After 100 draco runs in a week and everything in the void being a blur of the same 5 enemies it starts to get to me. I've left for a few months it sucks because I missed all the events but now I'm thinking about leaving again after only 3 weeks because everything is tedious instead of fun. 


Primed mods take 500+ rare cores to max

All kubrow mods have 10 ranks

Archwing is just terrible

Every void run gives you another key or a forma bp or one orokin cell


Rewards for actually playing the game instead of doing the most efficient thing are non existent. Blah

Go play another game.

I recommend Black desert.Open sandbox go anywhere .

No host migration no disconnect.

Overwhelming things to do.

There is also parkour.:)

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