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Isnt It Time To Reduce Corrupted Bombards Firerate?


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Hello Tenno! i usually are doing void for quite a bit, and generally its all good, most units are okay (even if i hate nullifiers with a burning passion) but there is one unit that is broken in my humbe opinion:


The Corrupted Bombard, while its damage and armor is fine, the firerate is not. I dont know how much their firerate is but if you look away for 2 seconds you sure have 2-3 rockets after you, which in high levels will kill you. Even more wierd is that they can fire at the same time as they do their knockdown. Their firerate wouldnt be too broken if they rarely showed up (like napalms, if you exclude from invasion missions) but when you have 3 or 4 at the same time along with nullifiers and ancients, they become broken.


What do you people think about this i dont want to nerf damage or anything, just the broken firerate.

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I think changing the fire rate is a million times better than decreasing damage.


Combining homing missles, high fire rate, and knockdown into one abomination is a big no no.


They should come out with a real rocket launcher that we carry on our shoulder that does all of that though..... >.>


Then I won't mind that the bombards can keep their rocket launcher, since we have the same version that we can use against them! Taste of their own medicine! o 3o

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Their homing missile capabilities should also be reduced. I was in the big  void room with a huge tree in the middle and jumped down and ran in through the corridor to try and find a hidden cache. Lo and behold the missile when through 2 floors and into the corridor and hit me in the room. Without me even seeing the bombard.


Excalibur of course have to have line of sight to radial any thing. It all makes so much sense. If not changed give me one of those weapons as well.  Then I can stand at missions start and nuke every enemy on the map.

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I think the bigger issue, though, is the stupid splash damage. It seems to have a ~10m radius and it hits through walls and all forms of cover (for comparison, Ogris has a piddly 6m radius), AND if you get touched by that AoE you'll get stunlocked if the bombard has a lucky roll of the dice.



What I think should change:


- Radius needs to decrease from 10m to 6m, if this isn't already the case.

- The stupid unavoidable RNG stunlock needs to go. Getting hit by the AoE should have a 0% chance of knockdown; getting hit by the rocket itself should have a 100% chance of knockdown.

- Fix the effing explosions hitting me halfway across the map through a thick wall. This goes for Napalms, too.

- Tone down the rocket tracking angle. Right now it'll flawlessly track any target within a 270-degree cone; this should be toned down significantly so that parkouring around the rocket actually helps you dodge it.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Hello Tenno! i usually are doing void for quite a bit, and generally its all good, most units are okay (even if i hate nullifiers with a burning passion) but there is one unit that is broken in my humbe opinion:

The Corrupted Bombard, while its damage and armor is fine, the firerate is not. I dont know how much their firerate is but if you look away for 2 seconds you sure have 2-3 rockets after you, which in high levels will kill you. Even more wierd is that they can fire at the same time as they do their knockdown. Their firerate wouldnt be too broken if they rarely showed up (like napalms, if you exclude from invasion missions) but when you have 3 or 4 at the same time along with nullifiers and ancients, they become broken.

What do you people think about this i dont want to nerf damage or anything, just the broken firerate.

They can also fire missiles as they are dying as well.
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+1 they can fire missiles while still doing knockdowns and melee, and they cn fire 3 rockets before you can blink

This happens all the time....


I think changing the fire rate is a million times better than decreasing damage.


Combining homing missles, high fire rate, and knockdown into one abomination is a big no no.

I also agree only to this, the damage should NOT be decreased just the fire rate. Just turning down the damage on everything will not solve any issues in the end only create more.

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Well why not do one better? Either DE could reduce the firerate for Corrupted Bombards.....or give us a Corrupted Ogris BP that converts an Ogris into their version of the launcher with a greater ammo pool. Think of how awesome it would be for us to shoot that many rockets that hit enemies WITHOUT causing self damage.


The only addition I would want for that version would be if you zoom in on an enemy for a few seconds, it locks onto them (and any highlighted weaknesses) and all the rockets go towards that enemy until it is either dead, you switch weapons, or you lock onto someone else. If a person doesn't zoom in on an enemy, it goes after the closest one, no matter how fast they try to move.


In fact, while we are at it, why not also give Sentinels / kubrows backpacks/energy tank that causes Nullifier shields to spawn from them so we get our own moving shields that cause bosses and even certain characters problems if they get too close (Imagine Stalker getting nullified, talk about easy mode if you got a wall between you).


But on a serious note; while I do agree they need a reduction, I also have to point out that there are plenty of other enemies that need to be brought down to manageable levels either before or at the same time DE decides to do some weapon and mod balancing. Yes, there are plenty of players who follow the "git gud or qq and leave my game, scrub" lifestyle when it comes to games, but sadly to make the entire game like that would cause it to die in a short time. Every game can't be another Dark Souls or Ninja Gaiden Black or IWTBTG due to the fact that those are for the "hardcore" gamers and if a company wants to make an online game and cast a wide enough net to reign in folks willing to drop cash for their goods (and players to spread the word of said game) they will give it a challenge, but keep said challenge manageable.

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