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Issues With Saryn


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Seriously.  It's so nice to be locked out of any gameplay by a singular frame using a macro, sitting on a pod, blasting Miasma and killing enemies behind walls/obstructions.  I want to play the game, not watch a macro be executed for ten waves of sheer boredom.

How about making Miasma Line of Sight to start off? Radial Javelin got this treatment to bring it to a more reasonable place. Maybe Miasma's range could get trimmed as well.  Peacemaker is soon to be changed from a rote press 4 and hold down left mouse button ability to one requiring actual movement of your mouse.  Why can't Saryn get looked at as well?

The sheer fact that you've done zero research into your statement really makes me hate that DE looks so much into the forums for their feedback. The nerf first mentality that you show is one of the most prevalent problems I see with this game. there's too much content to nerf down to meet the ever expanding arsenal, and yet, that's exactly what you ask for. Saryn falls off pretty hard and unlike Mesa and Excalibur she's not stationary meaning she can get buffs such as the ones that come with TE and use them as effectively as said frames.


Also her 4 having less than stellar range, she has to mod for it which unlike mesa, uses mod slots. Also utilizing a mod for maximum range being Overextended so there's goes your power strength and she'll 1 hit until like wave 13. If you use Blind Rage as an argument which kills your efficiency we wouldn't be talking about this right now because what energy would she be using to steal all your kills :l

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Seriously.  It's so nice to be locked out of any gameplay by a singular frame using a macro, sitting on a pod, blasting Miasma and killing enemies behind walls/obstructions.  I want to play the game, not watch a macro be executed for ten waves of sheer boredom.

How about making Miasma Line of Sight to start off? Radial Javelin got this treatment to bring it to a more reasonable place. Maybe Miasma's range could get trimmed as well.  Peacemaker is soon to be changed from a rote press 4 and hold down left mouse button ability to one requiring actual movement of your mouse.  Why can't Saryn get looked at as well?

YOU again? please, please, please stop with the noob wanting nerf posts


Ten waves? lol! get better mods!!


get better weapons. i.e. trying to get kills with an unmodded skanna is not going to work to good once past Mercury.


Leave Mercury.


Saryn is too slow since by the time a saryn gets there everythings dead to my bladestrom


or a Saryn wants to do miasma and oops I killed them all with a maxxed kulstar on a mirage

oops a maxxed tonkor on a mirage or any frame so sorry Saryn..lol


I have Saryn and its underpowered for any content past 25 minutes in odd most times


On ODD i run Ember accelerant plus atomos and wof


Saryn on void defense? lol better run like a wimp once wave 20 hits as Frost does a better job with avalanche for cc at 18 seconds freeze frames lol

in fact even if its a level 200 corrupted bombard its helpless in freeze frame from avalanche and if after 18 seconds its still there then avalanche again to cc the room hit an aircan and continue the long survival


and Saryn? miasma vs level 200 bombard does lol and then my saryn dies so no thanks


bladestorm over and over as mirage does cc or nyx as meanwhile saryn dies so nope.


what exactly were you on about?

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Why does some cheater automatically cause Saryn to become overpowered?

its not so much cheating as folks takeing frames with maxxed mods like primed flow, primed continuity, maxxed blind rage, maxxed over extended maxxed intensify and then they go to low level Mercury defense to troll noobs


i.e. for kicks i took an ember prime to lares Mercury defense and some MR 2 player with a boltor prime and a rhino prime was telling me that they were going to let me get one or two kills if I was lucky






So I brung it with WOF constantly and the MR 2 player got five kills total in five waves..lol


that player was very upset at my ^`kill stealing`* ...lol

Edited by (PS4)aiptekfanboy
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"Stop stealing my kills with an ult that falls off faster than most other frame's ults" The thread.

plus 1


I loled way too hard


lares today I just ran around letting my carrier sentinel shoot and still got most kills


aah the days when i used to freakout at the mere idea of going five waves solo on mercury lares defense...lol

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you're right, miasma needs to change, here's what they need to do


Miasma is now a toggle, it stays on and drains energy, killing everything in the room, duration mods have no effect on it.


Miasma deals viral damage and causes viral procs with 100% chance 

range needs to be larger, add maybe 20m to it


when enemies die, they explode dealing corrosive damage in a large 10m radius 


Miasma bypasses nullifier and corrputs it, transforming it into a gas AOE, enemies killed inside it explode dealing toxin damage in a 5m radius

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you're right, miasma needs to change, here's what they need to do


Miasma is now a toggle, it stays on and drains energy, killing everything in the room, duration mods have no effect on it.


Miasma deals viral damage and causes viral procs with 100% chance 

range needs to be larger, add maybe 20m to it


when enemies die, they explode dealing corrosive damage in a large 10m radius 


Miasma bypasses nullifier and corrputs it, transforming it into a gas AOE, enemies killed inside it explode dealing toxin damage in a 5m radius

This idea would make saryn more overpowered.

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