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Baro' Ki Smear: Baro Haters! Unite!


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OK, where is it...I know I left it, AH, there it is. 




Ok, now that I've got that equipped, I'll open this thread. I'd like to hear from everyone who despises Baro, who can see past the shiny trinkets and trash he routinely drip-feeds us, and wishes to make it known they hate Prime Mods, not because they are jealous, but because they can see power creep when it kicks them in the unmentionables.

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Already can tell this isn't going to end well. Encouraging hateful behavior isn't ever good.


Hateful behavior towards a broken game mechanic is healthy. :P


People only love him because he brings shiny, meta-increasing garbage. 

Primed Split chamber after multishot mods nerf...


U mad bro


Really don't care bro. I hate all Primed mods equally. Symptom of poor design.

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I kinda am even in opinion on this matter...


Though has anyone ever wondered how many sets of prime frames and weapons baro ki Teer has?


He could probable support an army...


Meanwhile corpus and grineer would do anything to get their hands on some warframes like that.

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I love how my old Rhino Prime build now has a positive amount of Duration (+8%) thanks to the lack of stamina, the Exilus mod slot, and my maxed Primed Continuity (+71% Power Strength, +50% Efficiency, and a nice sprint speed of 1.7). Now I can enjoy ramming enemies at a distance instead of being point blank, and I didn't even have to Forma him for it... had all of that done with the ability mod slots.


Also, Mara Detron is quite good, especially when you add Corrosive and Primed Heated Charge, gives you an elemental verson of the IPS, Radiation is your Impact, Corrosive is your Puncture, and Heat is your Slash.


If you don't like Baro and his Primed mods, thats fine, I mean, I consider myself a bit of a purist, as in I don't run Primed Weapons/Sentinals on non Primed Frames/Sentinals, nor Primed Accessories on non Primed Weapons/Frames/Sentinals. GOLD ON GOLD FTW.


Its pretty obvious that he's going to stay, and any Primed Mod he releases will make a return at some point, making them accessible always, just at certain points in time. You can also do some interesting builds, for instance try taking that heavily looked down on Primed Slip Magazine on an Ak Bronco Prime with Tainted Magazine and Ice Storm for a magazine of 15. Bring out the Angstrum with Hall of Mirrors, and let loose the frame droppers, melt some computers. Try to not think of how you can make things more powerful... or OVER POWERED as you MIGHT be thinking (I'm not your conscious... I don't know what you're thinking), but instead think of what you could do with them for more fun. Fuse a bunch of them, sell them for credits, Transmute them perhaps???

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Exhumed from an ancient ruin:

"Do have a look, who knows, you may turn into a paying customer someday."


We need an option to slap the Void Trader. Simple as that. Whenever the arrogant little elitist opens his trashy mouth, how many of you have a sudden, uncontrollable desire to punch your computer screen? Anyone who has ever visited Baro Ki'Teer when not equipped with prime gear should have experienced this.


"All my wares come from the Void. Perhaps you'll get to visit sometime."


I've already thought about how it would be implemented. Whenever he spouts off an elitist remark, a button prompt should come up saying "Click to slap". You can hold down left click to charge up your slap, simply tapping it to give him a reminder not to tick you off again, or holding it down for longer to inflict true punishment. You could use your mouse to aim the slap so as to strike different parts of his face, inflicting damage where you want and adding an element of skill. If you charge it up for long enough and aim your slap correctly, you should even be treated to breaking his jaw!


"I underestimated you Tenno. I do hope you didn't put yourself in a hole for this?"


Do you have any idea how irritating it is to be confronted by an insufferable elitist that you do not have the power to physically abuse? We need that power in Warframe.



Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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If you choose to let that stuff really big you, you don't have thick skin at all. It's not like he's selling Synoid Gammacors pre-nerf and Sancti Tigri (plural?), he's selling stuff that, yes, does give an edge to those who acquired his goods. However, that doesn't make people who do have them super OP to the point of not needing to try to play the game.

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MY biggest problem is with the primed mods. It's power-creep, nothing more, nothing less. I really don't care all that much about the prisma guns or aesthetic things. Heck, if it weren't for the primed mods, I MIGHT just buy some of that stuff...but any vendor supporting this slow power creep is on my blacklist.

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MY biggest problem is with the primed mods. It's power-creep, nothing more, nothing less. I really don't care all that much about the prisma guns or aesthetic things. Heck, if it weren't for the primed mods, I MIGHT just buy some of that stuff...but any vendor supporting this slow power creep is on my blacklist.

I'm sure Baro is very troubled by this.

But seriously, I don't think it really qualifies as power creep. First of all, primed mods aren't gigantic increases in power; it's not like having them suddenly makes you capable of doing more in game or giving you access to areas people without them can't go. It's just min/maxing really. Combine that with the enormous resource cost to obtain the mod and level it up (yikes), it's pretty balanced. They're more like end-game mods for high level/veteran players.

Now, if we suddenly start seeing "Epic Prisma Primed Point Blank" or some other such nonsense (ie mods that trump the primed ones) then you might have a point.

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The thing is that though some stuff might be trash (personally I havent found anything to be trash except the Mara Detron) the fact of the matter is that he is content to this game. Love him or hate him he gives us a good supply of content no matter how bad or good it is in a timely manner

Most stuff he has brought have been good. Allthought the Mara Detron is nowhere trash, its the corpis version of brakk and if you mod it right its a beast (not to mention higher firerate and magazine from the original detron)

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