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What Should I Not Do To Avoid Getting Banned



the title pretty much sums up this thread. what should i not do to make sure i dont get a ban or even a perma ban. all i know is that if u hack then ur banned. how else can u get banned so i know what not to do?


this is quite a stupid thread tbh but im just asking so i know what i should and shouldnt do as i spent quite alot of money on this game and being 1 of my favorite games i just dont want to get a ban at all.

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21 answers to this question

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Just be a good person.

Don't try to hack.

Stay away from macro programs.

Don't sell/trade accounts.

Don't sell things not Warframe related; I.E "CSGO Skins" 

Don't do the things you can be reported for in game; such as
Offensive language
Offensive IGN
Real life threat

Just be cool, stay in the shadows, and play the game. 

Edited by Vesiga
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Don't hack, don't scam, don't insult/overly swear. 

If you follow these you'll be fine. Exploiting btw is not really a ban reason as long as it doesn't affect anything premium currency related. So if you find a way to get access to Primed Chamber...feel free to use that exploit...but be a bro and report the exploit. Generally speaking, people that find bugs and exploits do not get punished...and in most cases get to keep their spoils.
But of course...your exploit can not involve any actual hacking.

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To just point out i have never hacked anything in my life (games such as watch dogs with hacking as a feature doesnt count XD) and i couldnt hack for my own life XD. but i like to play fair and hacking is something i would never do in my whole entire life.

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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Don't ever try to trade stuff for real money.

Never offer/accept deals outside the realm of what can be traded in a single trade window in-game.

Don't be a jerk - insult persecute, troll grief etc. in or out the game. best course is just don't be a jerk IRL, that attitude naturally transfers over the virtual medium.

Don't ever attempt to buy/sell accounts. It's a BIG NO-NO eligible for an insta-ban.

Don't try to milk items from one account to another. Example: make 2+ accounts, get event exclusive rewards, transfer, sell for plat.

Don't exploit bugs.

Read all the EULAs and TOSes for the game, forum and DE player account, and PS4/MS if it applies. Follow the rules.

Edited by -TP-BrazilianJoe
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