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Why Is There Still An Afk Penalty


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I didn't afk, I just stood still while casting 4.


Are you telling me that my mistake is not bowing down to a horrible system?

In looking at what you were saying to support your statements in sounds like you were tabbed out of Warframe if you weren't pressing 4. This may as well be considered afk'ing because the only reason you brought up the game was to use one ability and do nothing else. If this is your playstyle then the system is punishing you as intended and you have no grounds on which to complain.

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Is it THAT hard to move 10m every 30 seconds or so?

YES! especially when it isn't needed.



In looking at what you were saying to support your statements in sounds like you were tabbed out of Warframe if you weren't pressing 4. This may as well be considered afk'ing because the only reason you brought up the game was to use one ability and do nothing else. If this is your playstyle then the system is punishing you as intended and you have no grounds on which to complain.




Look, if i get called to do molecular prime, and i do molecular prime, that isn't my playstyle, that's my mission assignment. You're kinda being a $&*^ here.

Edited by BeeOverlord
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"Hi speed nova here"
>proceed using speed on enemies.
I did nothing wrong, yet the system flagged me as afk.
my only error was not shuffling every minute to appease the afk god.



In that situation, there is no difference between an active player, and a bot that is scripted to send a "4" every 15 seconds.


You need to take a more active role in the game. For real. This isn't an AFK problem, this is a being almost totally passive problem. :|

Edited by Momaw
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But these passive playstyles are not meant to be punished!


The afk system should penalize just that, afk-ing and leeching. Not playing passively, this is not a bad thing


Again: If all you are doing is standing in one place and using the same ability over and over for minutes at a time, you are a bot. Or, you are not doing anything functionally unique beyond what a bot would be doing, therefore, the game has no way of knowing that you are a real person.

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So why not have players vote on it.


Just today, i was spamming 4 with nova for an odd, I'd pop into warframe every minute and spam it for a wave.


I was helpful for my team and did what they needed, yet still got an afk penalty.

As long as the team is alright with this playstyle, I don't see why someone should be punished for it.


Let the team decide to activate the AFK feature or not.  


It'd be nice if DE gave the players a bit more control in this area.  I have a few people in my clan that don't really have the time to focus solely on the game and they haven't been playing much just due to the AFK penalties.  For my friends, I have no issue solo'ing a mission with 3 other people in there.


It'd be a private lobby, so no one else would be effected in anyway.

Edited by Noamuth
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No.  Then you have organized farming where 1 real player baby sits 3 bots and chooses not to punish them for botting. This is not something we should be encouraging.


In a private lobby, with friends, why is it any of your business what's happening? 


Why does it matter to you how my friends play?  They're only here because it's how we hang out since I moved, so you're in no danger of them showing up in your team.  Even if you were, with my suggestion you'd be able to keep the AFK feature active at all times and even if you did get stuck with a bot player, they'll get 'punished'


Keep the current AFK system for PUG's, but give the players the ability to customize private lobbies. 

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So.. example from last 30 minutes...

T4 defence..

... quite "not standard" team, no trinity, nekros, host mesa testing new build..

... and me using frost..


Not a farm, no "4" spamming.


My frost stay inside globe.. and shoot things using tonkor...


... but game marks me as AFK.


This is properly designed anti-AFK system??? Nice joke.

Edited by SmerfMaruda
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As long as the team is alright with this playstyle, I don't see why someone should be punished for it.


Let the team decide to activate the AFK feature or not.  


It'd be nice if DE gave the players a bit more control in this area.  I have a few people in my clan that don't really have the time to focus solely on the game and they haven't been playing much just due to the AFK penalties.  For my friends, I have no issue solo'ing a mission with 3 other people in there.


It'd be a private lobby, so no one else would be effected in anyway.

I agree that in case of hosted lobbies (friends only, inivtation only, void runs etc) host should have a control in some way if he wants his teammates being punished or not.


f.e. when doing long survival runs with friend that is levelign something I don't mind much if he have to go afk for the moment because of rl issues although I do mind if during this time he is not receiving shared exp from my kills just because of some artificial system being in place......

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Best way to handle an afk ? castanas or sancti castanas + rad proc => let your imagination find some creative way to smite the afk


EDIT ; Doesn't work anymore :(((((

Edited by Syln
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I agree that in case of hosted lobbies (friends only, inivtation only, void runs etc) host should have a control in some way if he wants his teammates being punished or not.


f.e. when doing long survival runs with friend that is levelign something I don't mind much if he have to go afk for the moment because of rl issues although I do mind if during this time he is not receiving shared exp from my kills just because of some artificial system being in place......

Or, my friend that does on call work gets a call and has to be gone for 30 minutes.  I'm fine with my friends getting the xp and rewards, my issue is strangers that expect that kind of treatment and then are upset when we fail the mission, or don't stay long enough, etc. 

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Mesa is adjusted and Gmag is buried alive.


Why is there still an afk system? All it does now is punish players.


Why shouldn't 'players' who aren't playing be punished? Quite honestly the penalty is not steep enough.

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This is an anti-afk/anti-bot(bot-like) system, I don't know where you got the idea this isn't anti-bot system, you already mention mesa+mag combo in your first post, mesa+mag=bot, and DE doesn't want afk/bot-like player.

So.. DE doesn't want us to play defense, mobile defense, interception... ?

Most players on this missions stay in one place and shoot things....

... thats how those missions are designed...


Probably i should also not play frost with snow globe, limbo with cataclysm, banshee with sound quake, vauban with vortex & bastille, volt with electric shield... and of course mesa with peacemaker (even after change)...

.. some of those abilites forces you to stay in place, other not foces you, but are almost pointless if you cast them and run around instead of staying in place.

So.. whenever I go to such mission or use any of mentioned abilities.. i am "bot-like player"??

Looks like...

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they should let us votekick only if the guy has been marked with afk. so unless the guy said something about having to do stuff we can choose wether to let him stay or not.

and maybe let other people fill in the spot. i dont get why we cant join endless missions above the first 5 waves.

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Thankfully so, the AFK penalty wasn't really introduced because of mesa and gmag combo but because leechers are a known breed that exists in every game, yesterday i was doing an ODD for ember bp, a guy came in with a trinity level 2 and stood up on the highest point of the map doing nothing.

Another time a dude straight out camped in a little room in a t4 survival with unraked gear AND frame.

Should i go on?

There is a high point in ODD? High vantage points don't exist in any Infested mission, courtesy of DE.

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point with mesa was not about her getting flagged afk (last time I checked it was not mesa shots counting as something but channeled abilities that roots in place making you "safe" from being flagged as afk (same was for nyx absorb


point was that her ult is rooting you in place. When you design a frame with such powerfull ult requiring you to not move you have to realise that she's not going to be very mobile.


and there are again some caster frames that is touch situation literaly cannot move because casting animations are rooting them in spot - and yes I had situations when I was flagged as afk becuse of that.....

[and I was killing guys during that time - basically it was ev-pop-link-ev-pop-ev-pop-blessing-pop-ev-pop-link-pop - of course I could choose to move instead of poping guy with a shot but then I'd probably would not make it :P]

To be honest, out of many rooted in place channeled skills (Peacemaker, Soundquake, Absorb, etc) Peacemaker is actually the most mobile. This is purely due to the switch time being that of just switching weapons.=, which is much faster than other abilities of the same type. You can do such things as bullet jumping into a room in the air and Peacemakering as you fall, then toggle off and continue running,


The point I'm trying to make here is that even though Peacemaker is an immobile skill, it doesn't mean it has to be played as a never move stationary turret for 5 minutes style. Whenever I play Mesa I usually sit in peacemaker for no more than 10 seconds at a time. It's entirely playstyle dependent, and the playstyle that DE showed off when promoting Mesa's release was a mix of mobile room clearing.


As for EV spam. Just kill your EV targets with your weapons, that SHOULD reset the AFK timer.

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