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What Warframe Have You Mastered?


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Saryn - Build for face tank and high damage with no duration, take a few bombard rockets to the face and kill them. Focus more on your guns, and use your 4th as a AbortPlsHelp. Don't press 4 just because there's 4 enemies. 

Trinity - Ignore the meta, don't play how everyone wants you to play. Don't EV trin if you don't like pressing 2 nonstop. Blessing trin is well.. a blessing. 30sec 99% dmg reduction, and a 35sec link. Become the tank/healer you were meant to be, and carry the team. 

Nova - Wormhole is great for spy/rescue missions if you're being stealthy. Molecular Prime is better with more duration&p.str(less p.str if you want speed runs). Your first ability is great in low levels when you have used a forma on her. Animator drop is great with the augment, and drops groups of enemies quick. 

Equinox - Due to the recent draining changes this frame can use all abilities :D  Build for high duration, medium strength, and medium range.
Rest has had its range increased so get to that AoE minute long CC, heal up your teams shields and hp with mend, CC and kill with maim. 
Equinox is FULLY situational

Nekros - there's your farmer build max range max p.eff, then there's your "I wanna play this frame build" 
Build for high duration, medium strength, and decent range. You'll get a lot of shadows out, and terrify everything.


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Saryn - Build for face tank and high damage with no duration, take a few bombard rockets to the face and kill them. Focus more on your guns, and use your 4th as a AbortPlsHelp. Don't press 4 just because there's 4 enemies. 

Trinity - Ignore the meta, don't play how everyone wants you to play. Don't EV trin if you don't like pressing 2 nonstop. Blessing trin is well.. a blessing. 30sec 99% dmg reduction, and a 35sec link. Become the tank/healer you were meant to be, and carry the team. 

Nova - Wormhole is great for spy/rescue missions if you're being stealthy. Molecular Prime is better with more duration&p.str(less p.str if you want speed runs). Your first ability is great in low levels when you have used a forma on her. Animator drop is great with the augment, and drops groups of enemies quick. 

Equinox - Due to the recent draining changes this frame can use all abilities :D  Build for high duration, medium strength, and medium range.

Rest has had its range increased so get to that AoE minute long CC, heal up your teams shields and hp with mend, CC and kill with maim. 

Equinox is FULLY situational

Nekros - there's your farmer build max range max p.eff, then there's your "I wanna play this frame build" 

Build for high duration, medium strength, and decent range. You'll get a lot of shadows out, and terrify everything.

I love saryn as a shock trooper, regenerative molt gives her insane survivability and tons of life and armor to boot!

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I love saryn as a shock trooper, regenerative molt gives her insane survivability and tons of life and armor to boot!

I love molt as a status shedder, and a 2.4 second timer bomb (gets people in dojo duels every time LOL)

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Vauban. Thing he is not a camp-frame like people tend to think, if you are running Survival or Exterminate missions, be sure to use efficent builds, optimal for moving alot with low-mid duration, use powers only when you need to lock down the enemies and perserve your energy in most.

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ive spent most of my time on the female frames, (i find them the most fun, in terms of power and setup for me)


trinity has always been my favorite frame, it made making stronger weapons and setups a necessity so i could hold my own, ended up helping setup my other frames as well as understanding the way to setup frames. there are youtube setups but i like finding things out for myself


id say for pure fun ASH has been a favorite in feeling powerful, Excalibur has plus as well , but also rhino (primes also fit here xD)


i dont like frost in terms of use..or loki or limbo.... (my own preference)


frames i feel still need a rework, id say are sayrn , ember, and valkyr(she gets in 17.5, im on console so not yet for me)... 


mag is fun with augments against corpus (you feel so powerful mwahahaha)


equinox....needs a rework in setups, but against low armor Day is a terror, against heavy night is a high stealth crit style for me



id say find a power type you like and then go about designing the way you find fun weapon wise, axe,sword, lazer, ect and try different setups till you find that one way it just clicks 

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[mas-ter, mah-ster] 

Spell Syllables

a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose ofsomething:
a master of six languages; to be master of one's fate.

an owner of a slave, animal, etc.

an employer of workers or servants.

the male head of a household.

a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, orscience:
the great masters of the Impressionist period.

a person whose teachings others accept or follow:
a Zen master.

Chiefly British. a male teacher or schoolmaster.

being master; exercising masterydominant.

chief or principal:
a master list.

directing or controlling:
a master switch.

of or relating to a master from which copies are made:
master film; master matrix; master record; master tape.

dominating or predominant:
a master play.

being a master of some occupation, art, etc.; eminently skilled:
a master diplomat; a master pianist.

being a master carrying on one's trade independently, rather than aworker employed by another:
a master plumber.

verb (used with object)
to make oneself master of; become an adept in:
to master a language.

to conquer or overcome:
to master one's pride.

to rule or direct as master:
to master a crew.

Recording. to produce a master tape, disk, or record of:
The producer recorded, mixed, and mastered the new album.





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Saryn. I forma'd her a bunch to get ready for the mutalist event. Breeding grounds I think. I wanted the priva vandal really bad and because I am on a console I had time to get ready. So I came up with a crazy immortal build with her and the Ichors.

Now I have her tricked out to use the first three abilities really well in fear of the day miasma gets nerf'd or reworked. The Excalibur rework is what she should have got.

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frost ( people always use him for defense, since he is so great at defending a place, but with the new addition to his snow globe [never ending] , you can place it in key positions when camping a place on the map, it will slow the wave down and will lower enemy armor when they get frozen, try to combo this with nova and corrosive projections ( Frozen enemies will have thei armor lowered and be slowed atleast + nova will slow all enemies even more, make them take more damage and when u add up the corrosive projections, your guns are gonna be blazing enemies off da hood, literally) . also try freezing key enemies like high lvl bombards.

Oberon( The must underrated warframe in warframe) .: he needs some strength ,some extra vitality and rage mod transform this warframe into... wolverine.( damage gets turned into energy and energy into health with his abilitys, you must keep an eye though on ur hp, since u must keep recasting his health ability very often, but once u do... well. ur pretty much wolverine with telekinetic powers. ( ground slam ) . he is fun, and can be on the right hands be a very good high tier croud control..


^-- This. Oberon ... max out all of vitality, quick thinking, rage, fleeting, streamline, transient fortitude, intensify... 8th mod varies but normally stretch or steel fiber. You run corrosive and rush in the specialty slots. Thing is beastly for survivability and utility and you get a nice AOE (as opposed to valkyr / chroma tanks)... any deaths you take result from a very specific moment in late games when you're getting pounded next to an energy draining mob and don't have time to reckoning; trick is to maintain mobility and situational awareness and move. The +str makes your initial heal value somewhat decent and the 70+ second HoT ends up being useful in a quirky way sometimes. CC value of radiation procs from reckoning is vastly underrated, and the #1 works very well to enable finishers on high-end mobs, and you can use/spam it while reloading your weapons. Due to some regional internet issues last year I ended up soloing this game through MR17 and this guy can solo ... anything.


I'm actually starting to feel the same way about Frost... only lack is healing but pads/melee heal so w/e. Played with a guy who introduced me to the concept of max-range/str/efficiency build. Basically if you're getting fed by a good EV, you can run through 4 rounds of draco with two randoms just standing by and frost providing the giganta-bubble + the dps to clear the map.


Also Rhino - duration and strength makes him a good utility frame by buffing self/group. Your downside is that the AOE is not spammable and iron skin has tendency to drop right when you need it.

Edited by RogatienMERC
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Nyx has become my all rounder. Great CC with defense that gives me enough time to think up a new strategy or simply stun enemies and make them distract the others while I reload, for example. The stealth that my Huras provides is a nice backup plan if I timed a stun incorrectly (Bombard or Heavy Gunner animation locked doing their own CC along with me). Along with providing my teammates a break while the enemy deals with the animations of falling down from an Absorb only to be greeted by a Chaos animation lock.

I should fix up my build and make the bolts useful with that augment now that I can tone down the duration mods since Chaos is recastable. 

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Volt, Just practice at electric shield, ideally it lasts 40+ seconds, deal with enemies that aren't thrrough the shield 1st, and cast that thing whenever you need to reload or switch weapons.  whenever you are reloading in mid-run, make sure to cast shock to keep up DPS and stun. playing volt is about surrounding your enemies, single handedly.

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*looks over at forum icon*


Yeah Mag. She was my starter and playing through most of the star chart as her squishy behind with my primary weapon being some flavor of bow made things "interesting". Even though I got rid of the base frame 9+ months ago she still is listed as my most played frame. The Prime version isn't going to overtake that anytime soon.


Biggest piece of advice? Learn to appreciate Bullet Attractor, properly used it may as well be her ult. Drop it on a target with some power strength behind it and get triple or better damage done to the target while making them and any immediately adjacent friends unable to shoot out at you. And it absolutely never gets old to have a thrown glaive richochet around like a pinball on some poor shmuck.


Oh, and just don't attempt using her actual ult on #4 without the augment against any actually challenging content. You *need* the extra CC from the augment to survive casting that. Because you certainly don't use it for damage at that point.

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 Duration build for vex armor and elemental ward- i never die - both powers last about 60 seconds each

Effigy build - as long as i have my carrier prime to pick up energy, i can leave him in places for as long as i like - efficiency is key

effigy build for farming credits - just let him kill all the infested with a fire attack.


chroma with energy siphon, sure footed, vaykor marelok (i think 7 forma) and my latron wraith (also about 6 or 7 forma), and i am a beast. 

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I have mastered Nova and Nyx. Also Itzal, but that's an archwing.


Nova is a squishy frame, you want to be constantly moving even if it makes it harder to aim, she does have enough health to facetank light enemies, but it only takes one heavy enemy CC to turn the tables especially at higher levels, so for me constitution is a required mod for nova, it will significantly increase your survivability. Molecular prime can be used for multiple things, from dealing damage to manipulating enemy movement speeds. Null star is good when you have a slow reload and get surrounded, you can prime and use null star to clear the room while reloading.


Nyx specialty is CC you want to be using chaos in large groups and use mind control on enemies that can do serious damage if they get too close. Nyx is also extremely useful in the final part of raids for enemy suppression, using mind control on a doge master (Drahk master) you will get 8 doges (Drahks), which can single handedly block one or more enemy spawns, they can also tank for the entire duration of the fight. Absorb is useful for defense when you are in trouble or need to protect something or someone (great for protecting someone while they are being revived), just remember absorb draws aggro from enemies.


As for Itzal in high level missions like Uranus interception after a few waves, you won't be facetanking anything, you'll get crushed if you try (a single missile barrage from a hellion will down you), the best way is to fly in, pop invis, throw out your escort, shoot while invis and use crush as g pull for energy and health. I've done Uranus interception to 8 waves with low leveled weapons without any real trouble, blink is used for getting to and from transmission points and getting away if you start taking damage (which is generally stray missiles from hellions aimed at your escort drones).


I can do well with all frames, but those 2 and Itzal are ones I do best with.

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Ash Bloodthirsty (vampire) (Natural talent, efficiency and rage,vitality, no shields, and melee with heavy hits with lifestrike[presonal favorite is tombo])

Master CC banshee (normal build with sonicor for secundarie and heav AoE melee)


Edit: Try to make something like a role to each frame of yours, for example, not all of my frames follow the same syndicate, i try to see what i belive a frame would like do do as far as combat style.


And to answer the title of the topic, Ash Zephr, Banshee,Trinity, Chroma, Equinox, and i'm really tryng to make limbo usefull outside of defense.

I think about syndicate themed frames too lol. Im a Steel Meridian fanboy but the likes of Oberon the natures paladin frame would be New Loka all the way.

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