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Toxic Players...?


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i feel like some of the players in warframe are really toxic, they would try to get into a fight if they ever have a chance

i know i shouldn't be biting them back instead just ignore them but through my years of playing i feel like someone them needs a smack in the head from time to time. Heres some screenshots i got.


told him "sorry i got into a party with higher mr". Then he started calling me a "7  year old kid"(http://i.imgur.com/cSRpFGE.png)


got mad because i told him i was busy doing a run, kept spamming me later (http://imgur.com/BNqrwUF)

Edited by bliekord
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Honestly I've been playing this game for 2 years and I never met a single one of them. It's a bad thing that happened to you, you should have reported this person Immediately. If you still remember his username you can submit a report.


From my personal Experience, this is one of the most clean and beautiful communities you will find.


Click here to report someone:


Edited by HaxBox
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have you played dota? if so you'll know what toxic really is lol. warframe has one of the nicest in-game community just because you met 1 giant butthole doesnt mean suddenly theres a lot of them everywhere. just hit ignore and move on.

only met 1 dirtbag in game that i can recall. the guy was demanding frames from everyone, since its his key we all complied until it turns out he also demands that i as frost use the black color globe. back then i havent bought the smoke colors yet so i was using the least cornea burning color. he threw a nasty fit and disbanded the team lol.

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'Bashing other players threads' are really common these days.

im not trying to flame anyone, otherwise i would show their names, it's more like an question to me

Honestly I've been playing this game for 2 years and I never met a single one of them. It's a bad thing that happened to you, you should have reported this person Immediately. If you still remember his username you can submit a report.


From my personal Experience, this is one of the most clean and beautiful communities you will find.


Click here to report someone:


just got back to warframe since last month, didn't know they added that thanks

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huh, a lot of this happens all the time, just pass it, they say something, nevermind it, if they challenge u, don`t let them think they win, shrek them

I had a story of my own, it went like this (i`ll call him troll):

troll: "WTB flailing branch pm offer"

me: "i offer u flailing branch for 10p"

Troll: "ok sec"

me: "k"



Troll: "has gone offline"



me PMed him later:

me: "hey dude, u still need flailing branch?"

troll: "stop it stupid"

me: "didn`t u want to buy flailing branch a while ago?"

troll: "hahahahahah stupid naive kid"

me: "meh, so u were trolling? also I`m not a kid, I am 14"

Troll: "ahhaha I`m 21"

me: "whatever....."

him: "grow up"

me: "I`m higher rank than u (10 vs 6 back then)"

Troll: "rank is all joke"

me: "need I duel you?"

Troll: ahahha sure kid, inv me"

me: "we don`t have duel in our dojo yet"

Troll: "ok I will invite"

(me preparing build)



Troll: "what, scared? u have invite"

*me not replying and joining*

*rekt him on first 4 secs with penta*

me: "meh"

Troll: "no troll weapons, play fair"

me: "fine whatever"

*rekt him again in 5 secs with orthos prime*

me: "hahaha noob"

*connection to the host has been lost*

me: "so who is the noob now?"

Troll: "user is ignoring you"


My point is, pass it, internet has a lot of sick people, ignore it, and if they challenge take it to them

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Troll: "has gone offline"



me PMed him later:

me: "hey dude, u still need flailing branch?"

troll: "stop it stupid"


I'm not sure why it's so hard for him to just say "No, thanks" ._.

*whispers* he must be one of the head trolls. i heard being nice makes their clan think they've gone soft and might incite mutiny

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I'm not sure why it's so hard for him to just say "No, thanks" ._.

*whispers* he must be one of the head trolls. i heard being nice makes their clan think they've gone soft and might incite mutiny



it was in PMs, all of it, probably another sick dude, when he knew I was younger than him he released the toxin, too bad he didn`t know who he was messing around with, eh? xD

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