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Valkyr's Hysteria Is Not Overpowered.


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Dear "Antireworkers"


Why is anyone even protecting the invincibility? First Question what did you think about Loki's Stealth Skill?
He is totally invincibility and He can Use His EVERY Weapons... Stealth Mod (Every First hit 4x Multiply With melee [stealth Kill]) + Tonkor = end Of Story!

What did you about Ash? He is TOTALLY HORDE KILLER!


Excalibur's Exalted blade's "Throwing Blades" can Ignore the walls + They can do damage for Nullifier's Bubble, BUT IT IS AN ABILITY

Mirage's Clones: Kulstar + Tonkor + Attica with Thunderbolta + "Syndicate Penta" + Synoid Simulor ETC She is too a HORDE KILLER


Chroma can too become invincibility + 432% Damage Multiply! Opticor = End of Story


ETC OTHER Warframe


Valkyr "cannot" do every mods. She is useless in "Defends" Mission, BECAUSE SHE HAS NOT RANGE SKILLS (Okey Rip Line)


Before Have you played with Valkyr? I could play with HER! And her builds was very Sensitive: Because she need 10/10 mods + Rare mods are very important (For Example Primed Flow and Primed Continiuty) or you cannot use her IN LATE GAME + SKILL,


Because her ULTY ABILITY WAS weaker then Now... She could steal life from enemies, but... I used to use life strike for my Melee Weapons. I must forget her "ULTIMATE ABILITY"

GUYS! FINALLY VALKYR IS A LATE GAME WARFRAME? WHY IS IT PROBLEM? In the Past I couldn't find Valkyr Warframe... because she wasn't a "LATE GAME FRAME"


Nullifier ==> ONE MISTAKE YOU WERE DIED + No Damage for Hysteria (Okey Hysteria has Duration, but  I could Just wait...)

She is a berserker! She sacrifice her "Pirmary and Secondary" Weapons! She has !!!ONLY MELEE!!! ==> She NEED IMMORTAL ABILITY


Okey You can use guns but THEY ARE USELESS FOR VALKYR!!!!


If valkyr gets NERF in the future! I want to choose her:((      [ I DON'T WANT IT!!!! I NEVER WANT IT , that she gets nerf NEVER]

My Idea: That When she actived the Hysteria she cannot ACTIVITE AGAIN the Warcry Skill IN HYSTERIA, + She cannot deavtive her Hysteria Ablity! (SHE MUST USE EVERY ENERGY) But the Warcry Ability doesn't vanish when she uses the Hysteria but she just cannot active again warcry mod


+ Syndicate will have a mod That she can deative her Hysteria! ==> She has only "6Free slot" because Eternal war is very very important! and if you want use Warcry in Hysteria you need this mod!

Edited by Kiddo_HUN_
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I like how people bring up other overpowered warframes as if it its some kind of argument to defend an overpowered warframe as if you didn't think they were overpowered too.


Entering "What did you do about XXXX frame" Is about a pretty invalid argument as far as I'm concerned. Balance strives when all elements reach a peak where all frames present an equal value to a party in a variety of missions. 


Might as well be arguing I hate green because I like blue.

Edited by Unholyrequiem
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I like how people bring up other overpowered warframes as if it its some kind of argument to defend an overpowered warframe as if you didn't think they were overpowered too.

People just try to prove to idiots how every frame has its own way of being just as powerful :\ ie what happened with mesa. everyone complained, got their nerf, now btch that shes nerfed.




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As for amplifying damage. Wow a melee can finally FINALLY compete with ranged weps for damage. The first time in warframe and we want it nerfed. You could use tonkor with ironskin/blessing which is like...a billion times better than melee.

Thank you. People are all mad because some Valkyr player ALMOST outdamaged them with their no-brain-required Bro-ltor Prime.

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Valkyr has to stop what she's doing, awkwardly walk up to the bubble, and slash at the air next to it for a bit before it pops, in order to get at the juicy corpus meats inside.

Except she doesn't. Because it's a toggle. Turn it off, use your primary/secondary that you brought with you specifically to pop bubbles, then turn it back on.


Chroma and Trinity's broken survival need to be addressed as well. But this topic is about Valkyr.

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Except she doesn't. Because it's a toggle. Turn it off, use your primary/secondary that you brought with you specifically to pop bubbles, then turn it back on.


Chroma and Trinity's broken survival need to be addressed as well. But this topic is about Valkyr.

Game is not 100% survival man. Stop trying to base all balance discussions on how far you can go in survival lol. 

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Id like to join this rollercoaster of opinions and what not...but sadly in all the years i've played warframe i never liked valkyr...why? Because histeria is melee and has no range what so ever...and in my opinion it makes the game boring to be invincible all the time...where is the fun in that? For melee frame i'd take excal or volt over valkyr

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Id like to join this rollercoaster of opinions and what not...but sadly in all the years i've played warframe i never liked valkyr...why? Because histeria is melee and has no range what so ever...and in my opinion it makes the game boring to be invincible all the time...where is the fun in that? For melee frame i'd take excal or volt over valkyr

So..another "idk how to play this frame right but others do please nerf"



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So uhh. Maybe we can just make it so she can drop to 2 HP, like quick thinking, but not stagger. Keep the base cost, but make it drain scale up to 200% based on remaining HP. More HP, more drain, less HP, less drain but higher risk of accidentally screwing up and insta-gibbing.

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We need to get every frame on Banshee's level.  Clearly Banshee is the perfect balance point for the game.  None of us should rest until every frame is as fantastic to play as Banshee.





and yet your profile pic is saryn BLASPHEMER! Lol

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So uhh. Maybe we can just make it so she can drop to 2 HP, like quick thinking, but not stagger. Keep the base cost, but make it drain scale up to 200% based on remaining HP. More HP, more drain, less HP, less drain but higher risk of accidentally screwing up and insta-gibbing.

This. /thread

Whiners get their invulnerability removed. We retain the fun factor of Valkyr while having higher risk when using her ult. Everyone wins.

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On a serious note:  Make Valkyr vulnerable to status effects in Hysteria, specifically energy drains.


Ok, now, add Corrupted Ancient Disruptors to the void.


Make like 3 of them spawn for every 1 Ancient healer.


Suddenly I'll have to actually not be watching cat videos on youtube while just talking to my friends on skype while we all barely play the game in T4 mission grinds.  And heck, this goes toward knocking -every- frame down a peg! 


Quick thinking?  NOT QUICK ENOUGH!  *Tentacle slapped to zero energy* *DEAD*

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On a serious note:  Make Valkyr vulnerable to status effects in Hysteria, specifically energy drains.


Ok, now, add Corrupted Ancient Disruptors to the void.


Make like 3 of them spawn for every 1 Ancient healer.


Suddenly I'll have to actually not be watching cat videos on youtube while just talking to my friends on skype while we all barely play the game in T4 mission grinds.  And heck, this goes toward knocking -every- frame down a peg! 


Quick thinking?  NOT QUICK ENOUGH!  *Tentacle slapped to zero energy* *DEAD*

lmao please god no. I don't want magnetic auras on bombards. 

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On a serious note:  Make Valkyr vulnerable to status effects in Hysteria, specifically energy drains.


Ok, now, add Corrupted Ancient Disruptors to the void.


Make like 3 of them spawn for every 1 Ancient healer.


Suddenly I'll have to actually not be watching cat videos on youtube while just talking to my friends on skype while we all barely play the game in T4 mission grinds.  And heck, this goes toward knocking -every- frame down a peg! 


Quick thinking?  NOT QUICK ENOUGH!  *Tentacle slapped to zero energy* *DEAD*

I actually like that idea. itd let us keep her the way she is (working) and give us a new enemy.

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So uhh. Maybe we can just make it so she can drop to 2 HP, like quick thinking, but not stagger. Keep the base cost, but make it drain scale up to 200% based on remaining HP. More HP, more drain, less HP, less drain but higher risk of accidentally screwing up and insta-gibbing.


Going with that suggestion, I'd make Hysteria more expensive if you have less HP. So if you have low HP, you get into energy problems and either have to recover Health with life strike, or disengage and deactivate.

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Going with that suggestion, I'd make Hysteria more expensive if you have less HP. So if you have low HP, you get into energy problems and either have to recover Health with life strike, or disengage and deactivate.

So basically you have to deactivate it just when it's the most necessary to stay alive and use energy you don't have anymore to fuel Life Strike to recover lost health? Do you realize how nonsensical this reasoning is?^^'




All I see is "nerf! nerf!" Without any actual care for balance for most. People talk about trade-offs. And yet most just want to kill the one thing that makes it worth pressing 4 ever when playing Valkyr (seriously, the invulnerability is it's one saving grace, ironically enough). Can we get someone with an actual trade-off idea that isn't completely nonsensical and/or redundant? Anyone?


Removing the "cheap" invulnerability and calling it a day when there are so many just as cheap mechanics the AI overuses because the devs are incapable of providing us with a real challenge is "misguided" (understatement of the century). So what then? Give her damage reduction? Okay, I'll go play Trinity, Chroma or even Mesa over her. Why? Because I can freaking use EVERY weapon in my arsenal while attaining 95-99% damage reduction. Meanwhile poor peeps using Hysteria will still be restricted to using a subpar melee "weapon" and run after each and every enemy in the game, since that's basically what most of them do, running away from us while still shooting with perfect aim and a magical sense of spatial awareness (and a broken spine). Except when nullifiers and energy leech Eximi show up to ruin your day, which in the Void and "high level" content is a good chunk of what composes the enemy troops of 3 factions out of 4, it gets a bit more complicated to "be invulnerable forever". Meanwhile Trinity and Co. will just nuke them to Hell ten times over without giving a damn or stopping to toggle and waste more energy. Because while not having a 100% damage reduction, they don't have any of the limitations Hysteria imposes on Valkyr. Isn't that some kind of trade-off already, even if it's not perfect?


As far as I'm concerned, as long as this game will suffer from a broken enemy scaling with no cap to its damage, armor and health values, riddled with cheap mechanics that only serve to remove gameplay options and kill fun, while the TTK of some of our weapons is just as ridiculously overpowered to compensate said scaling (most damage based abilities being worthless because they lack scaling), which in turns goes even more crosseyed to counter this (see the vicious circle?), whining because one ability here and there happens to have a "cheap" mechanic attached to it while not fixing the forementioned issues is the single worst possible way of "fixing" Warframe.

Tweaking damage mods will most likely not fix this imbalance, just abate it for a while, make some of us forget it. And then everyone that wants a fair challenge will resume coming here and bash DE for not listening to them when they're once again tired of the imbalanced core of Warframe.

Edited by Marthrym
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So basically you have to deactivate it just when it's the most necessary to stay alive and use energy you don't have anymore to fuel Life Strike to recover lost health? Do you realize how nonsensical this reasoning is?^^'



Just FYI, I wouldn't suggest that the drain suddenly jumps to 100/sec if you're approaching 1% health, more like 10/sec. Still plenty of time to realise that you're in trouble, GTFO and then deactivate. And yeah, if you don't disengage when running low, you'd propably die. That would be the risk in this version. Ain't much of a difference from not killing the dude with the red outline, it's just that Hysteria-time becomes a little more limited and you actually have to watch your health and energy levels.


I don't think that Hysteria is much of problem, so I'm only calling for a little nerf.

Edited by Weltraumfred
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Valkyr is a close ranged warframe. In fact THE closest ranged warframe in the game - even moreso than Atlas. While her ult makes her invincible, it ends up being a huge detriment to the team when it comes to ranged and aoe damage output. Seeing as most of the game revolves around nuking as many enemies in sight, or fighting bosses that mainly require you to target specific spots upon them (in other words, melee barely/rarely works), Valkyr ends up becoming a frame that's perfect for doing a few specific jobs.


1. Reviver. Team dies, she pops her ult, revives everyone.

2. Buffer/Debuffer. Warcry+its syndicate mod = good times.

3. Assassin. Targets the big meaty mobs and takes em out.

4. Tank. Grabs mob attention by screaming at them and smacking em around while the nukers of the team take em all down.


To me, I feel her invulnerability is a boon, but not OP, especially when compared to other warframes who can get almost the same amount of invulnerability, but with much, much less downsides...or no downsides at all. And said warframes are also heavy nukers.


While Valkyr is a survivor, the speed at which she dispatches enemies is abysmal compared to even Ember. And that's no joke. I have both, forma'd both, and I take Ember to solo exterminates far more than Valkyr.

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The major downside to Hysteria is that it has absolutely no crowd control for any mission where you need to defend a point or a target. In missions such as survival and exterminate, it excells, while in missions like defense and mobile defense, you must rely on a teammate with crowd control.


This is the whole point of a team based game like Warframe. You have your crowd control like Vauban or Volt, your healers like Trinity or Oberon, your damage tanks like Rhino and Valkyr, and your general utility frame for whatever you want more focus on. Nerfing any one warframe because it has a huge focus on something isn't trying to help the teambased aspect of warframe. It's trying to hinder it.


It's sad that people complained that damage based warframes were so underpowered, then when they get the buff people asked for everyone wants them back down to useless.

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To the people angrily yelling it's too easy and ignoring the relatively sensible reply; that you don't have to play Valkyr or use that ability. I would just like to make the point that in a game like Team Fortress 2 for example the different classes play at different skill levels and playstyles. The spy for instance seldom has a high KDR, but ever kill he makes, every goal he achieves is far more satisfying to the player. Before you jump in with; 'Aha there you have it then!' I would point out that it's the variety of options open that keeps people playing. If you made every frame in warframe equally challenging or worse; equally punishing, then you might narrow your player base considerably.


I don't see that the Valkyr, because of it's limited range of attack is like Nova was, back at it's height; The frame that killed everything, with everyone just running along behind hoping to shoot something. . . anything. . . oh come on everything's dead?


I have come back to the game recently after a lot of serious health issues and am trying to get back into it. The thing I notice most of all is that it is more challenging. For me having some frames that offer a softer option and chance of not being brutally murdered, over and over enough to put the Stalker out of a job, Isn't a bad thing. You are always going to feel on a personal satisfaction level; better for doing something amazing on a more challenging frame and pulling it off well.


( The health issues are: Fibromylagia, Rhuematoid Arthritis, Pericarditis, all non treatable because of a stomach ulcer and frequent nosebleeds. I pretty much need to sit in a trinity warframe just to play the game these days. )

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Maybe if enemies did less ridiculous amounts of damage at higher levels we wouldn't feel like we need to be invincible to play. Is Hysteria really so different from covering the entire room in crowd control effects? If you can't mitigate 100% of the enemies you are dead in this game. 

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I only play Valkyr atm but I will try give an unbiased opinion.


Yesterday I did a test in derelict survival to see how long I could keep hysteria on me until it got disabled. I tried a few times and the "record" ended up being about 13 minutes. 13 minutes of complete immunity to any form of damage and all I was doing was e-spamming or occasional ctrl-e... and I only had streamline and contiunity mods to add duration to it, I know there are other mods to increases it much further.


Now I dont care at all how it compares to other warframes abilities, lets ignore that. Think about any other game you have played, and now imagine running around immortal for 13+ minutes. My point is that its terrible design no matter what else is in the game, I dont understand at all how anyone can think otherwise. I could press 4 and leave a woodpecker handling e while I go do laundry and it probably wouldnt have done too bad if it was the right mission.. this ability needs some serious retweaking to make the valkyr more exciting to play aswell as adding a sense of risk when using it, right now I feel hysteria = cheatcode enabled.

Edited by Nindry
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