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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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Q1: Are there future plans to give the more generic tilesets that can appear throughout the the star chart(corpus outpost, grineer asteroid base) alternate versions corresponding to other factions? What about more day/night variants of existing tilesets? A Grineer forward operating base? A Corpus planetary outpost on the night side of a planet? An infested Grineer galleon.


Q2: Concerning the impact of players on the dynamism of the solar map: Have you thought about making every single achieved mission objective players complete positively and negatively affect the likelyhood of invasions, infestations and other non regular events occurring on the star chart? For instance, players continuously decimating enemy forces around a planet based on completed extermination missions could steadily increase the chances of an infestation breaking out in the vicinity, or the number of spy, deception and mobile defense missions on corpus nodes could make it more likely for the Grineer to invade the planet system. Doing sabotage and hijack missions against factions in areas known to be mobilizing for an offensive could cripple them, decreasing the likelyhood for them to see their plan through. Rescue missions could have either effect, depending on where it is located and who is to be saved.

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- How is Saryn's rework going so far? Have you ever considered making her a tank?


- Is Saryn's skin going to be for a limited time?


- Saryn is great at low level missions because of her nuke(Miasma) but she is not that good for endgame missions and survivals. My question is: After the rework is done, is she still going to be that AOE nuker and what are you planing to do to boost her survivability and make her more endgame-ish.


P.S. Saryn Prime or riot!

Edited by dik3y
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I have a few topics i'd like to be discussed, first is the Focus system, is it being worked on, is there anything at all we can hear about it?


Dark sector conflict, when are they coming back(if ever), and will more be done with the dark sectors as they currently are(just places to farm for more XP/Credits/Resources).


Starchart 3.0, any details?


Weapons 2.0/Dealing with 'mandatory mods', What can you tell us about the plans for dealing/removing the 'mandatory' mods from weapons and hopefully warframes/sentinels/kubrow as well.


How goes the stealth rework, has it made any progress? How close are you to testing the stealth rework.


Warframe Reworks, What warframes do you plan on reworking, not just the ones that are currently being worked on but as a whole what frames do you see need some work to be comparible to newer frames and to be better suited to the current game climate?


And finally, Will we ever see a 'slow down' of the game, meaning the gameplay isn't all about running around and speed as it currently is geared towards. Think back to the old days of the game, alpha days, slow, steady, tactical even.

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First of all, shout out to the texture artists reworking things to PBR! Looks amazing!


Q: Can we get new tiles for old tilesets, please? Some of the older ones are feeling really stale. Especially the Void. Love the new PBR'd-ness, but it's just the same old rooms/corridors!


Q: How does DE feel about re-integrating a talent tree system back into Warframe? For instance, farming stances to make melee weapons viable/fun isn't... enjoyable (at least, for me). Spending points in a talent tree as we level weapons into different stances would be so nice!


Q: Charge attacks! When will they return?! :-)


Q: Login rewards 2.0? :-P


Q: Clan downsizing?


Q: ArchWing racing Mario Kart clone when?

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I think my question may/not have been already answered, but I'll just bring it here.


From the previous Devstream as what I have recalled shown the Void World idea being work into the game; would that mean that currently/future locked Prime equipment would reappear in said location? Would this also mean another end-game content along with a new feature, asides from the Raid option that gives out Arcane?

Edited by Freelancer27
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Questions that will most likely be covered:

-Update on allowing players to repeat quests?


-Update on trade chat overhaul?


-Update on the app?


-Update on Star Chart?



Developer Questions:

-You previously hot fixed the game to remove the ability to farm Brakk parts from the Clem quest. Is DE considering other ways of making it easier to farm weapons/blueprints that drop from assassins? (i.e. assassins have a higher chance to appear in nightmare mode or dark sector missions)

With Catbrows coming soon, it feels like the incubator system will become overcrowded by how it is currently implemented (unable to use kubrows/catbrows while breeding). Will there be additional changes to the incubation system? (Will it be a ‘band aid’ fix?)


-Since Catbrows have been stated to have a more controlled approach to breeding (You collect DNA to make the Catbrow you want), will a similar system be applied to Kubrows, or will Kubrows and Catbrows have their own separate breeding systems?


-Traditionally, events been structured where you earn rewards over a period of time at your own pace. The two events before Project Undermine have been structured as four 24-hour events, which can be hard for some players to be able to obtain the rewards they want to due to time constraints. Can you explain the reasoning for using this format rather than something like a tactical alert, which doesn’t have such a small time frame to do the event?


-Will we get dedicated servers/lobbies for PvP? If not, can you give a reason why?


-With update 17.5, it seems that Archwing enemies are now always alerted, removing the ability to stealth kill them. Will we get an Archwing stealth mission in the future? (Can you bring backs stealth kills?)


-Update 17.5 also brought defense to Archwing with a nice twist to the existing formula (defending two points, getting rewarded for being able to defend both). Will other mission types, be it in Archwing or in the normal game mode, get the same treatment? (Can you give some examples?)



Other random questions:

-Can we get a fast-travel menu/console for Relays? Currently, you can semi fast-travel by using the Conclave menu option in relays, but creating a proper/better system for it would be appreciated


-Why does Conclave’s ranking only go up to 4? All other syndicates go up to 5, or start at the max rank (Cephalon Simaris)


-Why does Phorid only show up on the Grineer Asteroid tileset? Can he appear on the infested Corpus ship tileset if he is on a Corpus Planet?

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My question is two fold.


With the upcoming changes to weapons to remove mandatory mods I can't help but wonder what you will do about elemental mods and crit mods due to the fact that every build is forced to fill up as many slots as they can with these mods. After base damage mods are removed and multishot becomes optional, elemental mods will just take their place recreating the problem. There are after all 8 slots and 8 elemental damage mods. Do you have any system(s) in place to prevent this?


My second concern is that rainbow build still effectly exist, not only do you put every elemental mod you can on a weapon, but each faction has only one major defense type you mod for. For example the grineer you build for radiation and viral(using all four elemental damage types) and that will deal the most amount of damage to most every enemy. As well we have three weapons, but most of us only ever use one in a given mission, unless the one we liked using runs out of ammo. Are you going to introduce enemies or change defense types for each faction to have a larger variety to promote weapon swapping to combat each challenge different enemy types in a single faction create? Like giving grineer shields again so I might want to bring magnetic or cold on my secondary to deal with the shield before trying to take down their health?


Sorry if this comes out a little incoherent.

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Will you guys make Events available to new players / replayable? If not then can we get some cutscenes explaining them? As a newish player (started early-mid this year) I had to look up previous lore, the only two I experienced were False Profit and Tubemen of Regor. There would either be no reward and be solely lore based or credit rewards.

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Are alternate holsters still being considered?


( Picture by egregiousRac )



I like it !




My questions are :

- What about umbra series ? And for our build the scarf of excalibur will be a syndana ?

- ETA of physics clothes on old warframe 

- What will be U18

- ETA of the comeback of charge attack sword

Edited by KuroShikii
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Wooo, im a founder and this is the first time im ever posting anything, im super late! =D

anyway, heres my question, which i've been meaning to ask for a long time now:

before stance mods for melee weapons were introduced, every melee weapon that was released was unique and had something special to call its own, like the jet kitty's spin attack. but it seems that ever since stances were introduced, the possibilities for creating unique melee weapons has diminished significantly. now-a-days it seems like much more effort is needed to create unique weapons; as, if they are truly unique, they would need their own category and in turn, stance mods, not unlike the gunblade. 

have you guys thought of this before? and if so, are there any ideas in the works to remedy this? what about one-off weapons that you cant equip stance mods to, but have a unique moveset?


oh also when are we gonna get a new gunblade? ;P




Edit: hunh, apparently i have posted something before... i cant remember what it was at all...

... i should use these forums more ...

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I have a short question and a long(ish) question. Short one first: can we have profile icons be A) placed in the market proper, and B) be made giftable? The new TennoGen ones are really sweet and I wish I could gift them to people.


Other one: Now that Warframe has many more cosmetics items offer for platinum than it used to, are there any plans to reassess, reduce, or even eliminate the need for "negative reward" spending options like inventory slots or crafting rushes? These were somewhat more forgivable when Warframe was a smaller game, but now that it has many more positive monetization avenues (skins, syandanas, armor, etc.) it comes off as a bit unnecessarily punishing, particularly for newer players.

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Q1 : when the 21:9 UI layout got fixed ? the layout stretch its only occurs on Navigation, arsenal, and codex so far i can find..




Q2 : when we can customize loki big statue (on trophy room) dojo, and customize planet view on observatory room ?

Q3 : any chance we can get more new dojo content ?


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With the buffs to snipers coming in U18 will semi-auto/lever action rifles get a buff as well? Not as massive as the proposed sniper buff but maybe a small bump to make the weapon class more popular among the community. 


The single shot weapons are outclassed by a majority of the other primary weapon types. Even the Grinlok rifle is considered worse than it's pistol version the Marelok. 

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Any chance that you will consider allowing default non-prime models on prime counterparts?

We can use skins already and warframes can use normal non-prime helmets. Seems that allowing full normal models is a natural next step.

Id really like to use prime equipment for better stats but i prefer the classic and simple look much more than the style of primes.


If its not a problem id appreciate a reasoning behind the answer. Thank you in advance and thank you for making this awesome game.

Edited by Bezeloth
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