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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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Heres my two cents on the topic:

Relays need auction boards that you can put a piece of eq up for a price (plat, mod, blueprint or any other tradeable) in which if a player has what you want and vice versa he runs up to the board picks what he wants and poof hes got what he wants and the seller has his.

Auctions should have durations 1,3,6,12 hour intervals? Where in the seller has to put up a cost of credits depending on how long the item is up for.

Clans should have the same deal within the dojo, or some kind of combined dojo/auction-board/market hub where other players can view your items for sale. The upside to this would be no/reduced credit cost to put up your items for sale

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No action house. OP gives no reason why we need it other than boo-hoo people are mean to him and thinks everybody is ripping him off. So much BS

i never got ripped off


i just cant stand this stupid trade chat anymore using it is pure pain (anyway nice to see most unfriendly (sorry but i am not allowed to write the word i think about so i just use unfriendly) people are replying in the forums)


but hey forget the idea, the community is just crap nowadays


not the auction house would destroy the game but the community


kthxbye 111!!! 

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Except we aren't comparing the way people play with each other. We are talking about the means of acquiring ways to blaze through a good chunk of the 'content' this game has to offer through a free market system.


Why I compare Eve and Warframe in terms of economy is because what people are suggesting for Warframe's method of trading to be isn't much different from Eve's. A 24/7 real-time trading system in a game where real money and virtual money can be used to buy in-game items.


1. Eve's economy works because things need to be rebuilt continuously, leading to a steady demand for most items, components, and materials. Steady demand leads to stable prices. We don't have this in Warframe. As soon as you build something, it is yours forever until you purposely sell it, meaning that the demand for items is not constant and diminishes (sometimes rapidly) over time. A sudden glut of prime parts posted onto an auction house-esque system would leave people willing to undercut each other great amounts just to make a trade. Want to keep Warframe trade from being a 'wretched hive of scum and villainy'? An auction house system sure as hell isn't the way to do it.


2. Eve is a subscription based game that primarily lives off of people paying for multiple accounts so they can do multiple things at once. Warframe is a F2P game that survives off of people buying plat to occasionally rush things, buy cosmetics, or buy things off of trade chat. That said, Warframe's reasons for having actual money spent on it are limited while Eve's are more steady. So if we crash prices for prime items (as evidenced above) DE loses a reason for people to buy more plat, therefore restricting their income.


So before you spout off about 'how I shouldn't' or 'how I can't' compare things that seem different, take a look at the reasons why I might be doing so, because you seem to completely miss the bigger picture.

Either way. We need a better way to search through the sea of "WTS"s and "WTB"s. Whether it be a psuedo-auction house, or something else to improve our ability to filter through between buyers, sellings, who is selling or buying what, and other specifics. 

That is the whole point of why this topic keeps being brought up.

Edited by Hawk_of_the_Reborn
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Well, not sure if you've been noticing my posts regarding Auction Houses, but I'm an Anti-Auction House guy. The only thing I don't like in the trading tab is that I end up not even seeing my own ads or I have to search 10 years (lol) to see the ad of who's buying or selling what I'm interested in... which as annoying as an itch, but nothing compared to a paper cut. I'm willing to tolerate how it works right now.

Yes, there's a ton of plat to spend on. The question is if its "worth it" kind of thing. Lets expand from trading tab to the cash shop. Oh look at all the Syandanas, built formas, potatoes, and even fully built non-prime weapons. Knowing that you can cheap it out and rush it after farming for its mats, or save the plat for something else, why bother spend?


And also, I know Warframe has no mechanic that forces its players to keep up with the meta. Hell, I was able to reach 59 waves in T4D (U16 or U15 pre-parkour 2.0 era... all I knjow is that Parkour 2.0 wasn't here yet and Frost Snowglobe scaled based on duration and power strength) with a teammate Frost who just came back from a year long hiatus. But I bet you've played a game that has given you the feeling of "need to grind just to be able to do this minor end-game raid" because of gear discrimination, right? In Warframe, we don't have that, but I sure do hope we don't get something that gives off a similar feeling in the future, regardless if its caused by the introduction of AH AND some tinkering with reward/drop rate mechanics. Plus, the "The time it starts to get screwed is when it starts giving the impression to players that its obligating them to spend real money or 8-10 hours a day to KEEP UP (there's a difference between keeping up in the leader board stats and keeping up just to be qualified to even do some minor end-game raids or runs) with the meta game." literally. I'm just trying to give the idea of whats it like to have the need to keep up to a community-set standard based on what a player has and not what he can do with what little he has. I like how the game can let you pump as much money as you want in a game, but can never allow you to be the top dog unless you can actually do it.

I doubt the 15 million players in total part unless DE's statistics can filter out which ones are the main accounts or side accounts, but yeah... an Auction House is a bit of a no-no.

In response to your first paragraph. This is entirely an issue with the chat system- not trade systems. Though I can tell you're aware of that. We need chat 2.0 desperately for more than just that reason, hopefully we'll get it soon.


"Why bother spend?" Because lazy and liking looking pretty. Literally those are the reasons. Warframe's F2P model focuses in on Pay 2 Convenience/Cosmetics- unlike how many go Pay 2 Win. The only time you spend money/ use your plat in this game are to speed things along or make yourself look nice. Which is good. It gives you a good reason to use money while not forcing it on you to get anywhere. It's balanced and functional.


Yes I agree with and understand all of this. Warframe must never reach a state where you need to put money or obscene amounts of time into it to keep up with something or be powerful, etc etc. And I SERIOUSLY doubt that it ever will. The reason it's not is because 1. the Devs are awesome. 2. There's nothing to keep up with. This is why I don't even like PvP being in the game in any form- it inspires this kind of attitude/view on the game, which is bad. A community set standard is just that- community set. Unfortunately right now that standard would be "Hue get good I'm MR 20 scrub. Learn to draco." Which really affects a lot of recruiting in my personal experience. The recruit chat is always flooded with draco this, nuke frame that. I'd love to see that change but the reason it happens is because players INSIST on abusing everything they can to get everything with as little work as possible. That is fine. If they want to play like that so be it. But something imo should happen to change it so that recruiting chat/squads aren't 90% that- starting with the removal of interceptions + a XP/MR rework+reset- BUT I DIGRESS here as that's not what this thread is about.


Yep. There's probably a fair amount of alt/side accounts by people that can't really be counted, but regardless there are at least millions of players. "Auction house is a bit of a no-no". Yep. They've been suggested forever, people continue suggesting despite it always being shot down hard by most of the playerbase (why can't people use the search function...) and I believe the reason it has not been added is because DE both has a good head on their shoulders and listens to their playerbase and sees it's not something we want as a majority.

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Either way. We need a better way to search through the sea of "WTS"s and "WTB"s. Whether it be a psuedo-auction house, or something else to improve our ability to filter through between buyers, sellings, who is selling or buying what, and other specifics. 

That is the whole point of why this topic keeps being brought up.

And that's fine. I'd wager to say that 99% of the people who are against the auction house idea (including myself) aren't arguing to keep the system the way it is. The current system does need some more user friendliness and QoL revamps. Come to think of it, the entire chat system as it is needs a bit of a revamp, because there are several glaring problems I see with it....but that's for another topic.

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I would love an AH in Warframe. But I think it would only work if DE made a currency that you could only get with platinum to use in the AH. Using platinum in the AH wouldn't work and using our credits earned in game would cut out a lot of money from DE. But if they made a currency that you bought with platinum for say 1 platinum equals 100 of said currency. But also allow that currency to be exchanged for either credits in the game or back to platinum ( but changing said currency back into platinum would be at a little higher rate like 300 of said currency for 1 platinum ). That way DE can still make some money and all the players benefit. I like to play solo and there by, there are some missions I can't do by myself. Plus, any missions or alerts I miss out on. So if there was an AH, I still might be able to get some of the items, especially mods, that I would otherwise not be able to get. I would by mods from the store if I could actually choose which ones I could buy but the way it is set up, it just isn't worth wasting my money on. I think this would be pretty profitable for DE as new players would spend more money. Especially if you enjoy playing solo in this game.

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Just a few thinks.


Any new player looking at Trade for the first time is has no idea whats going on creating a negative experience which could lead to 

them simply not playing anymore ( Can't figure out hot to buy or sell)


An AH is natural progression and all AAA titles have one, the trade channel is what they were doing in games 10 years ago.


It's going to happen, it's just a matter of when.

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The chat is becoming worse and worse its scrolling so fast that your WTB or WTS blink out of existence in 0,3 sek its just a paint to use, its bad and everyone knows it.


PPL don't want Auction House because traders are scared of undercuting but we NEED some improvements to be done to Trade channel.

or do some kind Trade Board 2.0 or something.


The More ppl play Warframe the worse it will gets with the chat.


There need to be done some work on trading or it will just spiral in to chaos.

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And that's fine. I'd wager to say that 99% of the people who are against the auction house idea (including myself) aren't arguing to keep the system the way it is. The current system does need some more user friendliness and QoL revamps. Come to think of it, the entire chat system as it is needs a bit of a revamp, because there are several glaring problems I see with it....but that's for another topic.

A lot of people, I've noticed, don't know how else to put it. Hence why they're always saying "We need something like an auction house".

They probably don't mean it. But you should understand what they mean at heart by it. We need a better way for trading, and chat in general.


2. There's nothing to keep up with. This is why I don't even like PvP being in the game in any form- it inspires this kind of attitude/view on the game, which is bad. A community set standard is just that- community set. Unfortunately right now that standard would be "Hue get good I'm MR 20 scrub. Learn to draco." Which really affects a lot of recruiting in my personal experience. The recruit chat is always flooded with draco this, nuke frame that. I'd love to see that change but the reason it happens is because players INSIST on abusing everything they can to get everything with as little work as possible. That is fine. If they want to play like that so be it. But something imo should happen to change it so that recruiting chat/squads aren't 90% that- starting with the removal of interceptions + a XP/MR rework+reset- BUT I DIGRESS here as that's not what this thread is about.

This may or may not be, in some way, related to this entire problem as a whole. But this is one of the factors that add up over time, promoting or even encouraging negative attitudes and behaviors in this community. Chat is one. The constant Draco drivel demanding you to be MR 20 or higher "or gtfo scrublord". The fact that newer players have no idea how to go about knowing what's a good price or not in trade. Stuff like this is all intertwined with each other.


Just a few thinks.


Any new player looking at Trade for the first time is has no idea whats going on creating a negative experience which could lead to 

them simply not playing anymore ( Can't figure out hot to buy or sell)


An AH is natural progression and all AAA titles have one, the trade channel is what they were doing in games 10 years ago.

This right here helps enforce my above quote reply, imo.

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"Why bother spend?" Because lazy and liking looking pretty. Literally those are the reasons. Warframe's F2P model focuses in on Pay 2 Convenience/Cosmetics- unlike how many go Pay 2 Win. The only time you spend money/ use your plat in this game are to speed things along or make yourself look nice. Which is good. It gives you a good reason to use money while not forcing it on you to get anywhere. It's balanced and functional.


Yes I agree with and understand all of this. Warframe must never reach a state where you need to put money or obscene amounts of time into it to keep up with something or be powerful, etc etc. And I SERIOUSLY doubt that it ever will. The reason it's not is because 1. the Devs are awesome. 2. There's nothing to keep up with. This is why I don't even like PvP being in the game in any form- it inspires this kind of attitude/view on the game, which is bad. A community set standard is just that- community set. Unfortunately right now that standard would be "Hue get good I'm MR 20 scrub. Learn to draco." Which really affects a lot of recruiting in my personal experience. The recruit chat is always flooded with draco this, nuke frame that. I'd love to see that change but the reason it happens is because players INSIST on abusing everything they can to get everything with as little work as possible. That is fine. If they want to play like that so be it. But something imo should happen to change it so that recruiting chat/squads aren't 90% that- starting with the removal of interceptions + a XP/MR rework+reset- BUT I DIGRESS here as that's not what this thread is about.


Yep. There's probably a fair amount of alt/side accounts by people that can't really be counted, but regardless there are at least millions of players. "Auction house is a bit of a no-no". Yep. They've been suggested forever, people continue suggesting despite it always being shot down hard by most of the playerbase (why can't people use the search function...) and I believe the reason it has not been added is because DE both has a good head on their shoulders and listens to their playerbase and sees it's not something we want as a majority.

Well, yeah, but not like everyone's gonna buy every cosmetics available. Hell, I'm one of those players who don't like certain Syandanas and like the others, too. Fair enough on the lazy guys, but I'm pretty sure there are alot more players who'd rather do it themselves and certain void missions give out a free fully built forma, even alerts for catalysts and reactors, hell... even some event mods. Then again... come to think of it, since the introduction of arcane enhancements, they've already given players a reason to buy more syandanas, fair enough.

And also, I never said about a player being powerful. I just said a player has to exert effort to the point that it compromises alot of things or spend a ton of money just to keep up on a community set standard. Here's the thing as well, we will never know what the devs are up to, and we will never know when the devs will end up forcing a player to actually keep up. Hell, there are signs of standards being set already, though vaguely. I'm pretty sure you've seen this a ton of times or atleast once, but have you seen the recruiting tab? There are still players who have an MR requirement to join their squad. I find it funny, personally, since everything is technically available in Rank 8 (oh wait, its 12 if you count in the Syndicate primaries), and that there is a form of MR discrimination... even on missions that are in T1... like, holy crap... And yeah, since I've got craptastic internet connection (nearly $100 for a subscription that gives me "up to" 10 mbps down and barely a 0.25 mbps up and tells me that im in a specific area that they can't give me and my neighbors fiber connection), I can't host any mission for sh*t. But thats for another topic. So, anyways, back to AH. AH can actually induce more toxicity in a game, even more in a game thats actually built to NOT have something like that in the first place. There are loopholes that the devs can make it work in favor of profits or just straight out beneficial for players where every price drops to the point that players wouldn't even consider spending plat on it and would rather farm it whenever possible.

DE does listen to its playerbase, but I don't agree with all of the changes they've done, regardless if its by player demand/suggestion or DE's choice themselves.

A lot of people, I've noticed, don't know how else to put it. Hence why they're always saying "We need something like an auction house".

They probably don't mean it. But you should understand what they mean at heart by it. We need a better way for trading, and chat in general.



I wholeheartedly agree with this.

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on which thread did i mention it:


i pull the part in the auction house, i write the platinum i want


buyers comes, klick, buy and part goes to buyer and plat goes straight to me


no useless talks, discussions as well as no socializing again by meeting in the dojo


not shure if this is possible


or smth like a catalogue instead of typing and typing and typing in the chat, a auctionhouse can be in all regions without any disturbance


right now i have to change region and wait for reoffering my things by waiting the programmed time for a new offer


thats stress


so, a catalogue and message would be great, but then messages have to be stored ... and more lill things have to happen


im not shure if DE is willing to create and programm a database for this which is for shure needed, and even more work has to be done by the developers


im not shure if this is useful for us and for DE

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Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

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Anyway, this shows that AH would have 0% chance to cause bankrupcy



averages somewhere between mid 30's to mid 40's.

and you must double because Steam Playercount is 49% at most. doubling is the conservative estimate.


you don't spend 23987 hours in Matchmaking because private sessions make up most of all of the game sessions.

because there's no Matchmaking for Void. or deliberately private sessions. as 90%+ of all of the AFKFarming sessions you're trying to Matchmake into, are all set to private.



you all are not reading and have the words all wrong.

Auction House/ Open Market things are a win-win for whoever owns them. VALVe makes a f...ing killing on it.

but the users of it, are the ones that lose. they don't work because they don't work for the users. whoever owns it just rakes in more money (if they're Taxing the system like they should be).

Edited by taiiat
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Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

This would not pop up so much if the trade chat wasn't so S#&$ to use.

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averages somewhere between mid 30's to mid 40's.

and you must double because Steam Playercount is 49% at most. doubling is the conservative estimate.


you don't spend 23987 hours in Matchmaking because private sessions make up most of all of the game sessions.

because there's no Matchmaking for Void. or deliberately private sessions. as 90%+ of all of the AFKFarming sessions you're trying to Matchmake into, are all set to private.



you all are not reading and have the words all wrong.

Auction House/ Open Market things are a win-win for whoever owns them. VALVe makes a f...ing killing on it.

but the users of it, are the ones that lose. they don't work because they don't work for the users. whoever owns it just rakes in more money (if they're Taxing the system like they should be).



August 2015 29,160.0 +9,223.7 +46.27%

Thats actually highest warframe ever been on steam so neither of month averages went over 30k.


So thx for taking pretty unrepresentative sample for your statistic.


Tbh this is first time ive seen anyone mention matchmaking here so tbh idk what youre talking about here.


Also following your logic trading chat doesnt work as de is profiteering off it and yeah i kinda agree on that especially that weve seen manipulation to free market already, with void trader, prime vaulting and TA stances, all made to increase prices thus increasing income from it. 

So in your bias youre saying that ah's are bad but you ignore 1 example standing in front of your eyes. Trading by definition is open market, ah is just simplifying process of exchange.

Edited by Davoodoo
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because it it makes it even easier to crash the market. some people have nearly millions of plat. thats right. millions. I personally know 7 people who have above 50k plat. they can afford to continually buy up every item that comes up of something and mass sell it at lower prices to make even more plat.

How can you buy something at price X , sell it at a lower price Y and make a profit? Perhpas you should rephrase your post? Oh and something else......................i strongly support an Auction House,it would make things simpler,faster and better.

Edited by Yperkeimenos
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This would not pop up so much if the trade chat wasn't so S#&$ to use.

It's not as bad as some people thing it is.


Make a list of what you sell, copy past that between missions in trade chat and wait a few secs. Thats the easiest way, ofc there are more.


Oh and buying something really shouldn't be a problem.

Edited by CruelMaiden
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Honestly, Davoodoo handled this, but i will put in some input of my own aswell!


1. WFMarket - That's called a trading forum. It nowhere near approaches the features of an AH. In an AH, a transaction can push through with the seller never even interacting with a single buyer. Learn the difference.


2. You are comparing Auction Houses for the sake of comparing Auction Houses, without taking into account the underlying economy and the mechanics of the Auction House itself. That's like saying different cars would perform the same because they have the same chassis. Let's take a look at these AH's

Rift - Paywall. In-game currency exchange

Eve - Mind-numbing, soul-destroying, grind. In-game currency exchange

Wildstar - In-game currency exchange (?; not sure, to be verified).

Wow - In-game currency exchange


1. An AH/Marketplace can also have an ''wtb'', usually they are structured around only ''wts'', but that does not mean incorporating ''wtb'' into the system is impossible. Think about this for a while.

2. CURRENCY! Its currency, its absolutely irrelevant if it is in-game cash or real money. Bottom line is AH works with transactions involving currency flawlessly!


Those Auction Houses work because the game economy and market have the features and limitations to make an AH work. Warframe has none of those. Now, if you really want to compare apples to apples, find an AH that (1) deals exclusively in real money or real money equivalent; and (2) has a high drop rate.


You are left with Steam and Diablo 3 - both disasters. (Steam: we've discussed this. Diablo 3: need I say more?)


Now you're just talking gibberish... AHs work regardless of the game's features and limitations, because the AHs ARE features and limitations, period! I already explained the deal with currency (which was honestly, just, common f***ing sense).

I didn't even know Diablo 3 has an AH. If it really has an AH and it failed, there are only 2 explanations... Incompetence(doubtful) or greed.


1. 30k a day active players is still a LOT in terms of supply generation.


2. Assuming your numbers are correct, implementing an AH would have a 100% chance of somebody getting fired in DE, probably the poor sap who has to explain to the CEO why they gave up $4.8million in annualized EBIT.

Companies are not judged based on whether or not they make money. They are judged on how much money they make. And by how much, it means if they performing within expectations. If DE made $8.7M EBIT in six months, you can bet that the board expects $8.7M EBIT every six months thereafter, or better. Not meeting their target means somebody has a lot of explaining to do.


DE will never endanger trading revenue. Never.


All im going to say about all this gibberish is that: Companies are judged based on their products, regardles if its: games, consumables, clothes etc.




Auction House/ Open Market things are a win-win for whoever owns them. VALVe makes a f...ing killing on it.

but the users of it, are the ones that lose. they don't work because they don't work for the users. whoever owns it just rakes in more money (if they're Taxing the system like they should be).


Oh, you people amaze me... You really do! First you fear that an AH will make prices too low and De won't be able to make profit to keep the game up. Now we have people who fear that the prices will be too high, like De is going to drop some kind of tactical nuke on prices. This is gettiong ever more humurous, it really is! I awready explained the concept of ''you buy-you sell='same coin'', aswell as the 75% off, but you are also stubborn and blind AF right?

''if they're Taxing the system like they should be'' But what is the supposed price of items? Don't you wonder why prime parts dont drop at 0.0001%? If they did, their price would be atleast 1k+ plats. Did De make the drop rate hopeless? No they did not! Trust me if De want, they can make prices of EVERYTHING, rise, ON A WHIM! The AH is an easy/ fast limited transaction of common goods. I guess it takes too much comon sense to figure out this much, does it not?!

Edited by kleerr2
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