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Frost Freeze Need To Be Nerfed Having Immobile Targets Is Not Fun


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No way, the power just makes sense. When Mr Freeze blasts someone on Batman, they don't move slow...they 'FREEZE'.

When a cop yells 'FREEZE' at a fleeing suspect, does the criminal just run slower? Only if they want to get shot...

This is a non-issue to the game at large and I'd wager the vast majority of players don't care about it.

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Regardless if this is click-bait, or trolling; Frost's Freeze works the way it's supposed to. If it hits the target, it freezes them, if it hits the floor it creates a slow zone in that small patch of area. For them to freeze the entire room with just Freeze, is a waste of energy. I'm assuming you mean that they used Avalanche, in which case, it would lower their health a lot, and reduce some of their armor as well. I don't see how this is a bad thing for you?


At the moment there are CC build Frosts and the Snow-globe build Frost, which also acts as a damage Frost, since you would be increasing power strength to increase the Globe's HP, and thereby increasing damage to other skills as well.


If you really don't like Frost, then make a private party or use recruit chat, to pick up players and don't play with them. Otherwise enjoy the perks that come with it. Unless you like to complain about every little thing.

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That's his job. It doesn't last long enough to be a big problem, and has a kinda small range. Also, you're talking about Avalanche, not Freeze. Freeze hits one person.

Wait a second......does Avalanche freeze enemies now?

yes avalanche freezes mobs for 8 seonds

de like spamming avanche all day

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they keep freezing the whole room and we just shoot down the target like sitting ducks where is the fun in that, please rework the spell make only do damage slow them not freeze them

Please don't use frost or play with other frost players. Remove yourself from games that have other frost players. There. That's easier than what you're asking for. I, for one, love the new frost and he is perfect the way he is. Just because YOU don't like it, don't change it for everyone else...

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Please don't use frost or play with other frost players. Remove yourself from games that have other frost players. There. That's easier than what you're asking for. I, for one, love the new frost and he is perfect the way he is. Just because YOU don't like it, don't change it for everyone else...

No matter what the OP is talking about, or even if he's wrong, this will never be a good argument.
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If you're serious..

What's wrong about it? Frost is the ice Warframe after all, should the epitome of all that is ice not be able to completely freeze targets?

I'm not sure if you haven't played in a while but Warframe has evolved to where all frames are becoming amazing rather than nerfing all frames.

Mag rework is coming and after that volt and saryn reworks are coming

Stop hating/wanting nerfs and instead demand for all Warframes to be amazing.

Edited by (PS4)JiggaJazz
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