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What Do You Believe Will Be Your Biggest Disappointment With U18?


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We do know of most of the content coming with U18.

So I'm curious. What do you think will be your biggest disappointment?
AKA: What are you looking forward to the less out of the bunch? <--> What are you most skeptical about for this update?

For me, personally, I'm very scared about the new Quest that is coming up. While I'm excited, and hyped, I'm deathly scared of it. I really hope it is done right, and gives what lore of this game that we do have, justice.

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New star chart.

For once, since 2014, I'm excited to see the improvements they will make.

It has been requested by players ever since close beta.

And the way they describe it, sounds exactly like what we wanted and need.


But yet again, I remember the promises of the codex, of Awing, kubrows, it all seemed good, until it was proven it wasn't.



Ohhh, and the new raid thingy, its supposed to be something very similar to the jordas boss, Awing against giant boss in space.

If the jordas boss was terribly bad, and also taking in account Awing did not improve at all, that new raid is a fail I cant wait to see and laugh.

Edited by 7grims
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