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De No More Puzzles Please.....


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Instead just make mini bosses.....kill mini boss... survive for X amount of time, move on to next room, kill more mini bosses....


Dat elevator puzzle at the end though had everyone on edge.... >.>


Even though we managed to beat it  I can't help but to miss the good old bullet sponges of a giant raid boss. =/


Not saying that the raid was bad or anything, the mechanics were good, it was fun figuring stuff out, it made us all a little closer, but you know...there are these times where you just really want to blow something out of the water and take out your stress on this gigantic monster at the end of the day. =/


And do this......




Nothing is stopping you from doing both puzzles and bullet sponges ya know? o -o


Gotta be more versatile mix it up a little.

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this is the first time i've ever seen someone say bullet sponges is making things more 'versatile' and 'mixing things up'.

Well sometimes people wanna shoot something with their friends and chat and relax a bit you know?


There aren't many missions where you can do that and chat with 7 people at the same time while killing things~

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What? No. Hell no.

Bullet sponges are crap. They will almost always be crap. 


Shooting at a big dude for half an hour is crap. That's LESS varied than puzzles.

Yeah true but it really beats having teammates being unprepared at the end for the final boss fight~


Like usually of 1 or 2 guys slack off it holds the rest of the party back~ 


Not only that but people with anxiety problems have trouble flying through that tunnel for Jordas~ Then they get upset and rage quit lol.....


But man even though after a while it becomes easy if you do it with the same people over and over again, it makes it painful to bring in new people who have never done the raid before, which kind of makes them less wanted and such. But some times a plain old raid like in any other game might be kind of better, we can keep the puzzles of course but I would very much like both~

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literally any mission + teamspeak


That's actually part of the problem~


It just awakens the elitist in me and I usually end up tossing the poor lad who can't do his job right cause he was having a nervous break down of some sort during the raid since there's so many things happening all at once and he didn't know what to do even though we were telling him what to do and then he got scared and up and left, the party was all MR18s-20s, they let me in cause I was an exception~ >.>


So instead I did it with my clan instead of other people and took the time to teach them through the text chat instead of teamspeak and believe it or not we managed to make it to the Jordas boss rather very quickly~ Tbh I should of done it with my clan in the first place~ o 3o




None of them were anywhere above MR14 either and they performed far superior than that party of MR20s. I didn't even have to stress myself out~ I just typed in chat what to do and they obeyed and figured things out.


They make me so proud as clan leader~ T ^T I am so proud of you gaiz! Q ^Q


But that's not the point right now~ The point is I kind of want something just simple for a change that I can run with just anyone~

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Literally none of these are solved by resorting to boring sponge fights except the tunnel flying.


That's like nuking Africa because you can't fix ebola.

Sure but since DE is good with mechanics like that elevator....


I am pretty sure they can do a lot of stuff~ I am just curious as to why they don't have all these interesting raid mechanics in regular missions~


It would make regular missions more enjoyable and it would also prep these people who have never done raids before and give them a better understanding of how something in the raid worked. Also the glitches. I can't stand it when those mechanics glitch....

Pressing pressure pads and abusing abilities to stun lock whole maps. Is that the end game you all want?

I wanted more than just that.


Rather than something that just burns through ciphers and energy restores. 

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That's actually part of the problem~


It just awakens the elitist in me and I usually end up tossing the poor lad who can't do his job right cause he was having a nervous break down of some sort during the raid since there's so many things happening all at once and he didn't know what to do even though we were telling him what to do and then he got scared and up and left, the party was all MR18s-20s, they let me in cause I was an exception~ >.>


Well, then, that is your flaw, and you should address that. Being elitist is terrible, and it's something that causes strain on good a community like Warframe.


So instead I did it with my clan instead of other people and took the time to teach them through the text chat instead of teamspeak and believe it or not we managed to make it to the Jordas boss rather very quickly~ Tbh I should of done it with my clan in the first place~ o 3o


You can do that with new players who aren't in your Clan/Alliance too.


But that's not the point right now~ The point is I kind of want something just simple for a change that I can run with just anyone~


If you want something simple, don't do a Raid, as they're not meant to be simple.

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We actually failed cause one of our guys who had to go in the golem didn't have ciphers~ >.<


I had to play soccer with the spores outside for a looong asss tiiiime.............with those giant maggots flying after me........such a pain.... =/

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We actually failed cause one of our guys who had to go in the golem didn't have ciphers~ >.<


I had to play soccer with the spores outside for a looong asss tiiiime.............with those giant maggots flying after me........such a pain.... =/


Probably because people rely too heavily on ciphers. They're very quick and very easy if you know how to do them and haven't practised. You should make sure people know how to hack.

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I find puzzles kind of boring, although I wouldn't say a bullet-sponge enemy is any better. The problem with puzzles in a raid environment is that they are only engaging once, and after you've figured it out it's just kind of a formality. There's no pressure in getting them done either since you can just perma-hold enemies in this game so that they can't retaliate against you at all. Nothing is required of you and you're just... going through the motions. 


*EDIT: Granted, it's a different ball game in Archwing. In many ways I think that game mode does several things better than the original game.

I guess I prefer action games. Respond to the guy charging your face with a shotgun, get out of the way of the giant axe monster swinging his giant axe, that sort of thing. 

Edited by Acos
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Well, then, that is your flaw, and you should address that. Being elitist is terrible, and it's something that causes strain on good a community like Warframe.



You can do that with new players who aren't in your Clan/Alliance too.



If you want something simple, don't do a Raid, as they're not meant to be simple.

Yes yes I know they're meant to be challenging~ = 3=


And you know what they are!~


Just not in the way I was expecting~ It really put mah leadership and explanattory skills to the test and the raid wasn't something I can do with just anyone, but rather with people who will listen to you to every word and specific details. 


I doubt just any new player can do that. I also doubt MR20s who are full of themselves would actually listen to a word someone lower MR than they are regardless of how much play time he has~ o -o

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I doubt just any new player can do that. I also doubt MR20s who are full of themselves would actually listen to a word someone lower MR than they are regardless of how much play time he has~ o -o


I've met plenty of MR +15s and none of them seemed full of themselves. I guess you are the only one.

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Probably because people rely too heavily on ciphers. They're very quick and very easy if you know how to do them and haven't practised. You should make sure people know how to hack.

You only get a split second to hack the panel while all 3 vaporizer bubbles are making contact with the 3 control panels in front of them.


If you did the raid you would know how crucial they are and how failure to prepare beforehand would lead to a disaster. So I don't think you are in any position to criticize those who use ciphers.


I find puzzles kind of boring, although I wouldn't say a bullet-sponge enemy is any better. The problem with puzzles in a raid environment is that they are only engaging once, and after you've figured it out it's just kind of a formality. There's no pressure in getting them done either since you can just perma-hold enemies in this game so that they can't retaliate against you at all. Nothing is required of you and you're just... going through the motions. 

I guess I prefer action games. Respond to the guy charging your face with a shotgun, get out of the way of the giant axe monster swinging his giant axe, that sort of thing. 

You are absolutely right too.


But when I put myself in DE's position and see how overpowered some of us are~ We have no choice but to put in puzzles instead and make it emphasize in teamwork which I don't mind but man the stress when doing the raid for the first time lol......


In the new raid we are required to kill the enemies and in masses. I had my whole clan equip themselves with Tonkors and Synoid Simulors to move the injectors onto the elevator so we can activate the vaporizers and have a steady supply as we go up before reaching the mid floor to kill more and gather more injectors in those hallways~


That was probably the toughest part~ A lot tougher than the standing on the 8 switches part for the Law of Retribution raid, and believe me it felt great succeeding. But I want a raid where you can do it with just about anyone and not worry about preparing and being thorough with each person on your team.

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The point is I kind of want something just simple for a change that I can run with just anyone~

so.... the other 99% of the Missions in the game.


when you have a 'Raid', there are tropes that come welded to it, as innovation there is rare.

you can look to Raids as bland as World of Warcraft - you still need Players that are paying attention and have their appropriate Power Creep equipped and blah blah.

while you spend 90 minutes waiting until a Health Bar goes empty.


But when I put myself in DE's position and see how overpowered some of us are~ We have no choice but to put in puzzles instead and make it emphasize in teamwork


but man the stress when doing the raid for the first time lol......


But I want a raid where you can do it with just about anyone and not worry about preparing and being thorough with each person on your team.

- or, we could, yno, not Power creep every other day and then Players just wouldn't be so Overpowered that creating Challenges can only be had by turning off features.

yeah, balancing Players. strange concept to solve issues with being Overpowered.


- so, like, any Mission where the stakes are set to be high in any game when you don't completely know what you're doing and don't have a 'routine' set up yet.


- so you mean playing the other 99% of the Missions, where you have a very simple objective and you can almost do it with your eyes closed.

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Yes yes I know they're meant to be challenging~ = 3=


And you know what they are!~


Just not in the way I was expecting~ It really put mah leadership and explanattory skills to the test and the raid wasn't something I can do with just anyone, but rather with people who will listen to you to every word and specific details. 


I doubt just any new player can do that. I also doubt MR20s who are full of themselves would actually listen to a word someone lower MR than they are regardless of how much play time he has~ o -o


There's a difference between leadership and bossiness; the first means you can lead and people will want to follow you, the second you tell people what to do and they either follow because they're scared of you, or argue because they don't like your attitude. A leader can direct (and listen to) anyone, and get through things. A bossy person cannot, and thus complains when they don't get their way.


You're also generalizing about the MR20 thing; I know far more really good higher MR players than I do elitist ones; a good friend of mine is MR20—and could be MR21 if he'd leveled AW stuff, so he "should" be even more elitist in your view of things—and he's absolutely lovely, as are all of my other friends, and plenty more I've met. Do not generalize people like that.


You only get a split second to hack the panel while all 3 vaporizer bubbles are making contact with the 3 control panels in front of them.


If you did the raid you would know how crucial they are and how failure to prepare beforehand would lead to a disaster. So I don't think you are in any position to criticize those who use ciphers.


You have no idea what I have and haven't done, dear. Please do not assume.


That was probably the toughest part~ A lot tougher than the standing on the 8 switches part for the Law of Retribution raid, and believe me it felt great succeeding. But I want a raid where you can do it with just about anyone and not worry about preparing and being thorough with each person on your team.


A Raid is meant to be challenging. If you're too lazy for it, too bad; don't complain about it not being easy.

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Ah, bulletsponging.


I have this 'fantasy' of a bossfight I hope some game some day realizes.


Basically, a boss fight that can be "brute forced" by throwing a ton of dps on it for an hour without using your brain, or can be drastically reduced by doing complicated strats.


This way everyone can contribute and use their playstyle.


I think it's better than simply making bosses invulnerable unless X, or making "brainless bulletsponges" that require no tactics.

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Ah, bulletsponging.


I have this 'fantasy' of a bossfight I hope some game some day realizes.


Basically, a boss fight that can be "brute forced" by throwing a ton of dps on it for an hour without using your brain, or can be drastically reduced by doing complicated strats.


This way everyone can contribute and use their playstyle.


I think it's better than simply making bosses invulnerable unless X, or making "brainless bulletsponges" that require no tactics.

No I would actually prefer a boss fight that'd force us to use our parkour skill to keep up with it and damage it.


Something like that and the elevator part in the new raid gave me that idea~ 


So I am hoping for something like that instead~

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Guys, why the hostile air? He's just stating his opinion.


While I don't agree with Zaro's assumption that bullet sponges make great raids, I can agree that making interesting bosses enriches the raid experience a lot.


For example the Halloween alert boss, was superb. Lure it into spots to make it vulnerable by actively baiting it so you never get bored waiting for it to be vulnerable but are always actively involved in weakening it. Making the boss very strong in offensiveness would also add adrenaline pumping moments to the fight.


That would make a great bossfight indeed.

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Guys, why the hostile air? He's just stating his opinion.


While I don't agree with Zaro's assumption that bullet sponges make great raids, I can agree that making interesting bosses enriches the raid experience a lot.


For example the Halloween alert boss, was superb. Lure it into spots to make it vulnerable by actively baiting it so you never get bored waiting for it to be vulnerable but are always actively involved in weakening it. Making the boss very strong in offensiveness would also add adrenaline pumping moments to the fight.


That would make a great bossfight indeed.

Nah it's just something a threw out there not my assumption at all.


Well actually it's more like something I miss after doing the raids for so long... =/


But yes kind of like the Halloween tactical alert! That one was fun where we used parkour to kill the mobs, I also had an idea where we could have a maze for a raid instead of these mentally taxing puzzles~

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