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How Would You Tenno Feel If One Of The Major Bosses Were To Join Us As An Ally?


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I've always wondered how things would turn out if we somehow convinced a Major figure to join our cause. Be interesting to have Vay Hek send us on spy missions to gather data on the Twin queens.

Also I'd love to have him say "DID YOU REALLY THINK IT WOULD BE THIS EASY?" if we got detected.

Anyways how would you feel if something like this were to happen.

Edited by (PS4)Fac3kick3r_lolz
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I really think having Lech Kril would be awesome...

Or we could get Loki to hack the Hyena Pack, a Jackal, a Raptor, and 2 Lynx. Then we could all ride them into battle and kill any and all who oppose us.

Loki has those hacking skills, srsly.

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I would love this idea, and would welcome it completely, even if it was only a temporary alliance. Like others said, Alad would definitely be the most believable to side with the Tenno, seeing as they helped him with his infested cure (well, on PC anyway, but I like to think this is the storyline they'd stick with if it ever came down to it.) Which works perfectly for me, as Alad's always been the most personally interesting major NPC to me (other than Lotus, of course.)

On top of that, I think he'd definitely be the most beneficial for the Tenno as well, seeing as he has all these gadgets that can disable a Warframe, as well as having the most knowledge on the inner workings of the Frames, he'd probably be able to craft up some pretty sweet gear that could also benefit the Tenno in the long run (as long as he doesn't screw something up and infect us with Technocyte...)

Edited by (PS4)Abyss_Raider
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Then how come he stayed in his message that he was cured and thanked us?


>used a faulty clonning tech of Tyl

>"cured" of the infestation

>infestation is still attacking

>if he did find a cure, Lotus would want it


*Look at Jordas at the start of the Quest*

*Look at Jordas at the end of it*


Rotten Salad is still Rotten. What became spoiled has only 1 solution: set it on fire.

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I have played this game too much for one of these bosses to be an ally, if Alad V joined the Tenno's side I would disown myself as a Tenno

I'd be down to work with Nef, maybe Alad, hell maybe even Vor, but not Hek. Hek just deserves to die for being a buttface he is.

His face is literally a butt and he had to pay Tyl a (butt)load of forma to remake his face 

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