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What Makes A Frame's Ability Toolkit Bad Or Good?


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Like the title says, just looking to hear some opinions.



My favorite so far:



A good kit should be useful, fun to use, and should work well together. Anything beyond that is a matter of opinion.

These are what I look for in Warframes that I use.


- fun to use

- ease of access

- benefits solo/team play

- scales well into higher level missions

- enhances a frame's strengths/specialty

Edited by TGKazein
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Must have

Summon type : very important for facing nullifiers and napalms eg. Snowglobe ElectricShield Molt Decoy SotD Effigy etc.

CC type : halt the damage

Damage mitigation type : MOAR halt the damage

Very good to have

100% Fully armor reduction : SonicFracture SeekingShuriken

Damage multiplier type

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Usually the frame tier scales follow: CC > utility > buff > debuff > attack.


Which is why frames like Mirage, Nova, Banshee, Loki, Trinity, etc...are considered top-tier frames.


So many damage skills fall off past the hour mark in endless missions, while cc and utility skills will keep you in the fight.

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It has to have use, be viable against every enemy ever, and be versatile.

There's one ability that lasts for 5 minutes, can be deployed multiple times, reduces enemy shields by 75%, brings enemies out of cover, ignores nullifier bubbles, can send you blasting off at the speed of light, and make enemies surrender now as they prepare to fight.

Bounce. I'm talking about Bounce.

It's team mobility if it isn't on the ground.
It's CC if deployed at a vital area.
It pushes enemies back (literally!) if it hangs off a wall.
Bounce doesn't doesn't afraid of anything and directly affects nullifiers.
The magnetic proc reduces shields by 75% and the impact damage on top of it usually takes care of the rest, sometimes even killing them.
It's set it and forget it, it stays in place for 5 whole minutes until all charges on it have been used.
And, if you're good at working with angled terrain, you can choose where to send enemies, maybe even into another bounce which will kill them, or through multiple tesla links, shredding them to bits.

Edited by VocalMagic
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Originality or the lack thereof.

Loki needs a little work. He's great but lacks something that makes you say 'this is amazeballs' 1k+ hrs in.

Rhino imo should have a tweak to roar. Extend its base duration , and give it unique perks to primary / secondary and melee. Perhaps explosive rounds to primary and secondary, and melee buff could depend on attack speed. .7 or less proc heavy impact. .7-1.3 proc reduced enemy speed and 1.3 + proc heavy bleeding.

Zephyr should have the option to toggle hover.

Tailwind into any surface should auto proc heavy impact. She should get a forward projecting wind blast toggle that consumes energy can be cast in air and can be aimed during.

Vauban needs turrets that shoot xyz damage of whatever type you have equipped and also can shoot tesla balls while its calm. Give each ball a limited amount of charges and they exist till said charges are spent. Limit the balls shot per turret.

Nekros still needs to be able to command his shadows via waypoint. Mark enemies location defense points capture targets.

Valkyrs attacks during hysteria should act similar to archwing melee. Pounce kittehhhh!

Embers victims set on fire should run around like chickens with their heads cut off, toward other enemies setting them on fire which then do the same.

Oberons ultimate should make enemies explode out ranther than slam. Enemies hit by flying baddies take damage. His heal should be an aura emitted by him.

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